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2019 Google AdMob release archive

These release notes are archives provided for your convenience only and might not reflect current product functionality. For the latest releases, see AdMob Announcements.

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Q3 2019

August 29 Improved yield through shared mediation information

Currently, information like minimum bid to win and reserve price is shared in the bid requests to buyers. Sharing this information helps buyers bid more competitively, which can improve your yield. In some cases, buyers may have the highest bid but lose to mediation. Starting the first week of October 2019, some additional information derived from mediation demand will also be shared with buyers to avoid this situation. Sharing this additional information helps buyers realize they are not bidding competitively due to mediation, enabling them to appropriately adjust bids. Learn more.

July 31 AdMob product announcements at ChinaJoy 2019

At this year’s ChinaJoy, we’re announcing three products designed to improve the ads experience for your users while helping you maximize revenue.

App open ad format
This new format allows ads to appear on the loading or splash screen as the user waits to open and use your app.  Since the user is already waiting for your app to load, this format integrates seamlessly with the user experience. 

Smart segmentation for rewarded ads
Earlier this year, we launched a smart segmentation feature that only shows ads to users unlikely to make purchases in your app. This protects the user experience of your purchasers while growing your ads revenue. Initially available only for interstitial ad units, we’ve expanded smart segmentation to include rewarded ad units as well. 

AdMob Insights
Our new AdMob anomaly detection highlights performance that is out of the ordinary, enabling you to make changes to your underperforming apps and understand best practices from your outperforming apps. This alleviates the need to spend time creating custom reports to find these anomalies and prevent further revenue loss.  These alerts on your dashboard appear when we detect abnormal changes to your most important metrics such as eCPM, impression volume, or earnings.  

Q2 2019

June 9 Get more help with the new "Contact us" flow

We've updated the "Contact us" flow to make it easier for you to find the help you need. The new contact flow is designed to help you identify your issue and access the best resources to resolve it. Learn more about contacting publisher support.

To use the new contact flow:

  1. Click Contact us Contact us icon. at the bottom of any page in the Help Center.
  2. Briefly explain your issue and click Next step.
  3. Pick the help category that best matches your issue.
    Tip: Try to avoid the "Other" option as it can increase the time it takes to resolve your issue.
  4. Use the recommended resources to solve your issue.
  5. If you still need assistance, click Next step and click the available contact option.

The Ad Mob help center interface showing Contact us.

May 8 AdMob product announcements at I/O 19

At this year’s Google I/O, we highlighted three products to help you grow your app revenue with automated solutions while protecting user experience. 

  • Image search: This search tool helps app publishers and developers easily identify and remove bad ads across every size, campaign, and rotation. Simply upload a screenshot of an ad using the Ad review center’s image search function and matching ads and visuals will be identified automatically. Learn more
  • Maximum ad content rating: With this feature, you can set the maximum ad content rating for a specific app or your entire account based on digital content labels within the AdMob user interface. Learn more
  • User metrics: Enabling user metrics in AdMob will give you access to new data and powerful reports, such as the rewarded report, that may help inform your monetization strategy. We will begin reporting on metrics such as sessions per user, session duration, ad exposure per session, daily active users (DAU), and more. Additional metrics and report types will become available as user metrics evolve over time. Learn more

Additionally, we’re excited about the industry momentum we’ve seen from Open Bidding, the new monetization model that we announced last year. It helps you maximize the value of every impression automatically. Dozens of developers have joined the beta and are seeing meaningful revenue lift, including Korea-based game developer Sticky Hands. 

“We’re really excited about Open Bidding. In one month, revenue and ARPDAU have grown by 14% and 15% respectively, and we expect them to keep climbing as more demand sources come online. What’s even better is that we’re spending almost no time managing it. “

— Minu Kim, CEO of Sticky Hands

Open Bidding also offers simplicity and time savings compared to traditional mediation — fewer SDKs mean less time spent on integrations and more stability for your app. Stay tuned, as we’ll be expanding the program to all publishers later this year. 

May 3 Reporting data issue for April 30 and May 1

On May 1, 2019, at approximately 5pm PST, a bug caused Google Ads reporting for April 30 and May 1 (Pacific Time) to be incorrect. This bug impacts reports in AdMob, including any report data downloaded via the AdSense Management API.

All reporting after 4am PST on May 2nd is accurate. 

We are actively working on fixing the bug and correcting the data. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. 

There is no impact to ad serving or payments.

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Show your support to promote DEI in Gaming by turning intentions into action!

Check out the newly launched Diversity in Gaming website, where you can find video stories and written pledges from global gaming developers. This campaign centers on 3 pillars: diverse teams, diverse games and diverse audiences showing how diversity is not just good for gamers, but for business as well. Show your support by taking the pledge to promote DEI in Gaming and share it on social!

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