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2018 Google AdMob release archive

These release notes are archives provided for your convenience only and might not reflect current product functionality. For the latest releases, see AdMob Announcements.

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Q3 2018

July 23 Interactive ad type option for Rewarded ad units

Rewarded ad units can now include an optional “Interactive” ad type, giving you more ways to reward your app users. 

Interactive ads include elements that users can interact with, such as a playable interface or a survey. Allow interactive ads in rewarded ad units by checking the Include interactive checkbox when you create or edit a rewarded ad unit.


Example of how to include interactive in rewarded ad formats for Ad Mob.

Q2 2018

June 18 Finalize your upgrade to the newest version of AdMob

As of today, all AdMob accounts using the previous version of AdMob have been automatically upgraded to the newest version.

Finalizing your upgrade

Now that your account’s been upgraded, you have 7 days to review your new mediation setup and make adjustments. You need to finalize your upgrade by June 25. 

During the 7-day review period, you can return to the previous version of AdMob and upgrade again anytime you want. Your upgrade won't be finalized until you click the Finish upgrade button. After your upgrade is finalized, you won’t go able to go back to the previous version of AdMob.

Upgrade deadline

On June 25, your account upgrade will be finalized automatically, even if you haven't clicked the Finish upgrade button. 

After June 25, you'll no longer be able to return to the previous version of AdMob.

More about the newest version of AdMob

The new version of AdMob was designed to be app-centric. This means that everything revolves around your apps, including the new navigation structure, ad unit creation, dashboards, and mediation.

When you upgrade your AdMob account, you'll gain access to exclusive improvements and new features:

  • App-focused navigation: Your apps are the reason you use AdMob. So, we've reorganized the AdMob user interface to make it easier to manage your apps. Everything you need is within a few clicks. 
  • Dashboards: We’ve created new dashboards to help you understand the overall health of your app ecosystem. Dashboards aren’t meant to replace reports but work alongside them to give you a full view of your app usage and estimated earnings.
  • Closer integration with Google Analytics for Firebase: AdMob surfaces data from Google Analytics for Firebase in the app overview dashboard, so you don't have to leave AdMob to review your user metrics.
  • Mediation groups: We've redesigned the mediation experience to try and help you earn more using AdMob. Mediation groups let you organize your mediation stack into predefined sets of criteria so that you can easily apply them to your ad units. Create a mediation group once, then add all of the ad units you want to apply it to.
April 26 Changes to the Facebook Graph API

Facebook announced some changes to the Graph API. As a result, the App Access Tokens utilized by the existing reporting API was deprecated on August 1, 2018 and replaced with new System User Access Tokens.

If you're optimizing the Facebook Audience Network in mediation, you’ll need to take immediate action to continue using the latest available data. Facebook Audience Network will continue to serve ads, but it won’t be optimized if you don't update the credentials.

To update your AdMob account:

  1. Generate new System User Access Tokens to replace your existing App Access Tokens. You can find the steps to do this on the Google Developers site:
  2. Retrieve the Facebook App IDs for your apps. You can find your App IDs from the My Apps page in your Facebook developer account.
  3. Confirm that you have added the System User and apps to the Property in the Facebook Business Manager settings.
  4. Use the System User Access Tokens and Facebook App IDs to update the Facebook Audience Network credentials in the mediation section of your AdMob account.

After you've updated your account, AdMob should begin optimizing Facebook Audience Network in mediation.

Important notes about the System User Access Token

  • When you generate a System User Access Token, Facebook Business Manager requires you to select an app. Selecting any one app will ensure the connection between Facebook Audience Network and all your apps.
  • As a best practice, generate only one System User Access Token for use within AdMob for all of your apps. AdMob can only access reporting data for permissioned apps. 
  • If the Optimized status for the Facebook Audience Network shows an “Error” status in the mediation groups table of your AdMob account after 72 hours, check that you have added the System User and apps to the property in the Facebook Business Manager settings.
April 3 Updates to your Mediation report

The newest update to AdMob’s reporting experience, AdMob Reporting Beta, includes changes to the way your mediation data is managed and stored. 

Your AdMob Mediation report will now surface key metrics for your mediated ad networks such as matched requests and match rate—metrics traditionally not surfaced by third-party networks. You’ll also be able to segment your mediation data by mediation groups, giving you greater insight into your overall yield management strategy.

To pave the way for better mediation reporting, we’ve had to deprecate historical mediation data. Note that this is just a reporting change, and your historical earnings will not be impacted in any way. Historical mediation data not associated with a mediation group may not be available in the new AdMob Reporting Beta, but can be accessed through the legacy reports link. To preserve your historical data, export your legacy reports.

Q1 2018

March 1 eCPM floors now located in ad unit settings

We're updating the way eCPM floors are set up in AdMob. 

By setting an eCPM floor, you’re instructing the AdMob Network not to serve ads that are below the minimum eCPM floor value you've set. 

Previously, the eCPM floor value was entered when you created a mediation group. Starting today, you should instead set the AdMob Network eCPM floor value when you create or edit an ad unit. The eCPM floor can be set for each of your ad units, individually.

Learn more about AdMob Network eCPM floors

March 1 The native express ad format has been discontinued
Native express ad units can no longer be created in AdMob. Existing native express ad units have stopped serving ads. Learn more

In October 2017 we announced that native express would be turned off starting March 1st. All native express ad units have now stopped serving ads and have been removed from AdMob. Historical reporting data for these ad units will remain available.

If you had any active native express ad units, you can replace them with banner ad units. Alternatively, if you’re eligible for the AdMob native advanced beta program, we suggest you recreate your native ad units in that format

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