Report on Google Ads location assets in Search Ads 360

Before you start, set up and sync location assets.

Search Ads 360 provides a couple of different ways to report on location assets:

  • Compare the performance of location assets across Google Ads client accounts, campaigns, and ad groups.
  • View performance within a specific Google Ads client account, campaign, or ad group.

Location assets without performance metrics don’t appear in Search Ads 360 reports. For example, if you've just linked a Google Ads account with a Google My Business account, the Search Ads 360 report for that Google Ads account won't display location assets until Google Ads records at least one impression for the location asset.

No Floodlight metrics

Clicks on location assets can’t be attributed to visits or conversions recorded by Floodlight activities, so you'll only view metrics that are reported by Google Ads, such as clicks, impressions, and if you've enabled Google Ads conversion tracking, Google Ads conversion metrics. Search Ads 360 is unable to traffic clickserver URLs for location assets, so it isn't possible to attribute a Floodlight conversion to a specific location asset. You'll still view conversion metrics for the keywords and ads associated with a location asset.

Search Ads 360 doesn’t support the following methods of specifying the location assets that can appear in a campaign or ad group (learn more About location assets in the Google Ads Help Center):

  • Select specific locations
  • Filter by Google Ads labels that you have applied to locations

Search Ads 360 only supports filtering by business name and/or category.

If you sign into Google Ads and select specific location assets or filter by label:

  • You can sync the change into Search Ads 360, but Search Ads 360 doesn't show which assets are available for the campaign or ad group.
  • You can't change the filters or selected locations.
  • You'll need to sign into Google Ads to view or change the locations.

Compare performance at a lower scope

Instead of navigating to all Google Ads accounts, you can narrow the scope:

  • Navigate to a specific Google Ads account, click the Campaigns or Ad groups tab, and apply the Location asset segment.
  • Likewise, you can navigate to a Google Ads campaign, click the Ad groups tab, and apply the Location asset segment.

View performance within a specific Google Ads client account, campaign, or ad group

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a Google Ads client account, campaign, or ad group.
  3. On the left navigation panel, click Ads & assets.
  4. Go to Assets and select Location Assets.

Search Ads 360 displays metrics for the location assets that were enabled for the current scope and that received at least one impression during the report's time range. You won't be able to view any metrics if:

  • You have disabled location assets for a campaign or ad group.
  • None of the location assets have recorded any metrics in the report's time range (that is, if there haven't been any impressions or clicks).

If you change the filters for a campaign or ad group, you may still be able to view metrics for location assets that are no longer selected by the filter.

Example of metrics that are no longer selected

  1. On Monday, you set up a campaign's filter to include location assets in the ‘Cameras’ category.
  2. Later on Monday, Google Ads serves an ad from the campaign and displays a location asset in the ‘Cameras’ category.
  3. The campaign's Location asset tab displays metrics for Cameras location asset.
  4. On Wednesday, you change the filter so that ads from the campaign no longer display Cameras location assets from this point forward.
  5. If you view a report for the campaign and the time range includes Monday, you'll still find metrics for the Cameras location asset. If you adjust the time range to start on Wednesday, you'll no longer be able to view metrics for the Cameras location asset.

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