New Search Ads 360 experience UI navigation

Search Ads 360 is launching with a simpler design to improve how the product is organized, and make things easier to find while continuing to provide the same tools and solutions you rely on to grow your business.

Navigate the Search Ads 360 interface

Understand the navigation in new Search Ads 360 to quickly find key features and generate reports. Use the image below as a map of your account to find such features as the campaigns page, billing, and shared library.

The image shows the different sections of the new SA360 user interface.

 1. Top navigation bar 3. Filter bar 4. Page menu 5. Tools & settings

Top navigation bar

The navigation bar allows you to navigate within the Search Ads 360 account hierarchy. The top navigation bar also allows you to access your Search Ads 360 search, reporting, appearance menu and other useful tools to manage your account. Use the navigation bar to search for or select an item that you want to view.

Filter bar

Using the filter bar you can select a campaign or ad group while you're viewing a client account. You'll switch to the performance data for that campaign or ad group without leaving the current page.

Left navigation panel: Page menu

Use the page menu to view different performance data charts and tables. The available pages vary depending on your current account scope and type.

Left navigation panel: Tools and settings

Access key tools including Templates, bulk actions, rules, conversions, and billing. Options may vary depending on your scope and account type.

Search Ads 360 navigation map

Top navigation bar: Menus

Access your Search Ads 360 search, reporting and other useful tools to manage your account.





This icon is used to search in Search Ads 360. Now it can be used to search for specific pages in the UI and campaign names for users to navigate directly to a specific campaign.
Appearance The icon of the Appearance section of the new Search Ads 360 experience. Get a guided tour of the new Search Ads 360 UI, provide feedback, and adjust display as per your choice.


Run a report by an attribute to analyze and better understand your data.


Refresh the data on the screen.


Learn more about how to use the new Search Ads 360 experience, get support or submit feedback.


Read messages you’ve received about your account.

Reporting and analysis

Goal Directions
Predefined reports (Dimensions) Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions)
Reports Reports > Reports
Dashboards Reports > Dashboards

Predefined reports (Dimensions)




Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Basic > Campaign

Ad group

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Basic > Ad group


Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Basic > Ad

Search keyword

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Basic > Search keyword

Search terms

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Basic > Search terms

Campaign details

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Basic > Campaign details

Ad group details

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Basic > Ad group details

Audience segment

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Basic > Audience segment

Landing page

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Basic > Landing page

Expanded landing page

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Basic > Expanded landing page

Retail category (Search and shopping)

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Basic > Retail category (Search and shopping)

Day of week

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Time > Day of week


Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Time > Day


Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Time > Week


Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Time > Month


Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Time > Quarter


Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Time > Year

Hour of day

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Conversions > Hour of day

Conversion category

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Conversions > Conversion category

Conversion action name

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Conversions > Conversion action name

Conversion source

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Conversions > Conversion source

Store visit

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Conversions > Store visit

Labels - Campaign

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Labels > Labels - Campaign

Labels - Ad group

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Labels > Labels - Ad group

Labels - Ad

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Labels > Labels - Ad

Labels - Keyword

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Labels > Labels - Keywords

User locations

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Locations > User locations


Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Locations > Distance

Per store report

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Locations > Per store report

Shopping - Category

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Shopping > Shopping - Category

Shopping - Product type

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Shopping > Shopping - Product type

Shopping - Brand

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Shopping > Shopping - Brand

Shopping - Item ID

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Shopping > Shopping - Item ID

Shopping - MC ID

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Shopping > Shopping - MC ID

Shopping - Store ID

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Shopping > Shopping - Store - ID

Shopping - Channel

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Shopping > Shopping - Channel

Shopping - Channel exclusivity

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Shopping > Shopping - Channel exclusivity

Hotel performance

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Hotel > Hotel performance

Hotel destination

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Hotel > Hotel destination

Sitelinks assets (legacy)

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets (legacy) > Sitelinks assets (legacy)

Call assets (legacy)

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets (legacy) > Call assets (legacy)

App assets (legacy)

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets (legacy) > App assets (legacy)

Location assets (legacy)

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets (legacy) > Location assets (legacy)

Callout assets (legacy)

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets (legacy) > Callout assets (legacy)

Call details

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets (legacy) > Call details

Message details

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets (legacy) > Message details

Lead form assets (legacy)

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets (legacy) > Lead form assets (legacy)

Promotion assets (legacy)

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets (legacy) > Promotion assets (legacy)

Structured snippet assets (legacy)

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets (legacy) > Structured snippet assets (legacy)

Image assets (legacy)

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets (legacy) > Image assets (legacy)

Sitelink assets

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets > Sitelink assets

Callout assets

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets > Callout assets

Lead form assets

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets > Lead form assets

Promotion assets

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets > Promotion assets

Structured snippet assets

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets > Structured snippet assets

Call assets

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets > Call assets

App assets

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets > App assets

Price assets

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets > Price assets

Hotel Callout assets

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Assets > Hotel Callout assets


Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Display/video > Topic

YouTube search terms

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Display/video > YouTube search terms

Automatic placements (group)

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Display/video > Automatic placements (group)

Display/video keyword

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Display/video > Display/video keyword

Free clicks

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Other > Free clicks

Billed cost

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Other > Billed cost

App campaigns placement

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Other > App campaigns placement

SKAdNetwork conversions

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Other > SKAdNetwork conversions

Performance Max campaigns placement

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Other > Performance Max campaigns placement

Conversion events

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Other > Conversion events

Visit events

Reports > Predefined reports (Dimensions) > Other > Visit events


Manager account: Menus

Goal Description
Overview Here is where you can investigate key metrics at every level.
Experience hub The Experience hub is available in the page menu when you're viewing a sub-manager account.
QA checks QA checks
Recommendations Recommendations

Bidding & Planning


Bid strategies Bidding & Planning > Bid strategies
Plans Bidding & Planning > Plans
Campaign groups Bidding & Planning > Campaign groups
Advanced controls Bidding & Planning > Advanced controls


Goal Directions
Performance Accounts > Performance
Notifications Accounts > Notifications


Goal Directions
Campaigns Campaigns
Ad groups Ad groups
Product groups Product groups
Ads Ads


Goal Directions
Search keywords Keywords > Search keywords
Negative search keywords Keywords > Negative search keywords


Goal Directions
Search terms Insights > Search terms
Devices Insights > Devices

Audiences & content

Goal Directions
Audiences Audience > Audiences


Goal Directions
Campaign settings Settings > Campaign settings
Manager account settings Settings > Manager account settings
Sub-account settings Settings > Sub-account settings


Goal Directions

Change history

Change history

Sync history

Sync history

Tools and settings

Shared library

Goal Directions
Audience manager Tools and settings > Shared library > Audience manager

Bulk Actions

Goal Directions
All bulk actions Bulk Actions > All bulk actions
Rules Bulk Actions > Rules
Uploads Bulk Actions > Uploads


Goal Directions
Conversions > Summary Conversions > Summary
Conversions > Uploads Conversions > Uploads


Goal Directions
Billing setups Billing > Billing setups
Payment profiles Billing > Payment profiles
Invoices Billing > Invoices
Purchase orders Billing > Purchase orders
Advertiser summary Billing > Advertiser summary


Goal Directions
Custom dimensions Setup > Custom dimensions
Access and security Setup > Access and security
Linked accounts Setup > Linked accounts


Sub-manager account: Menus

Goal Description
Overview Here is where you can investigate key metrics at every level.
Experience Hub Experience Hub
QA checks QA checks
Recommendations Recommendations

Bidding & planning

Goal Directions
Bid strategies Bidding & planning > Bid strategies
Plans Bidding & planning > Plans
Campaign groups Bidding & planning > Campaign groups
Advanced controls Bidding & planning > Advanced controls


Goal Directions
Performance Accounts > Performance
Notifications Accounts > Notifications


Goal Directions
Campaigns Campaigns
Ad groups Ad groups
Ads Ads


Goal Directions
Search keywords Keywords > Search keywords
Negative search keywords Keywords > Negative search keywords


Goal Directions
Search terms Insights > Search terms
Devices Insights > Devices

Audiences & content

Goal Directions
Audiences Audience > Audiences


Goal Directions
Campaign settings Settings > Campaign settings
Manager account settings Settings > Manager account settings
Sub-account settings Settings > Sub-account settings


Goal Directions
Change history Change history
Sync history Sync history

Tools and settings

Shared library

Goal Directions
Audience manager Shared library > Audience manager
Templates Shared library > Templates
Templates > Templates Shared library > Templates > Templates
Templates > Feeds Shared library > Templates > Feeds

Bulk Actions

Goal Directions
All bulk actions Bulk Actions > All bulk actions
Rules Bulk Actions > Rules
Uploads Bulk Actions > Uploads


Goal Directions
Conversions > Summary Conversions > Summary
Conversions > Attribution Model Conversions > Attribution models
Conversions > Floodlight instructions Conversions > Floodlight instructions
Conversions > Value rules Conversions > Value rules
Conversions > Custom Variables Conversions > Custom Variables
Conversions > Settings Conversions > Settings
Conversions > Uploads Conversions > Uploads


Goal Directions
Documents Billing > Documents
Billing transfers Billing > Billing transfers
Settings Billing > Settings


Goal Directions
Custom dimensions Setup > Custom dimensions
Access and security Setup > Access and security
Preferences Setup > Preferences


Client account: Menus

Goal Description
Overview Here is where you can investigate key metrics at every level.
QA checks QA checks
Bid strategies Bid strategies
Campaigns Campaigns
Ad groups Ad groups
Ads Ads
Assets Assets


Goal Directions
Search keywords Keywords > Search keywords
Negative search keywords Keywords > Negative search keywords


Goal Directions
Search terms Insights > Search terms
When & where ads showed Insights > When & where ads showed
Devices Insights > Devices
Landing pages Insights > Landing pages
Stores Insights > Stores

Audiences & content

Goal Directions
Audiences Audiences & content > Audiences
Location Audiences & content > Location
Ads schedule Audiences & content > Ad schedule
Dynamic ad targets Audiences & content > Dynamic ad targets
Advanced bid adjustments Audiences & content > Advanced bid adjustments




Campaign settings Settings > Campaign settings
Account settings Settings > Account settings


Goal Directions
Change history Change history

Tools and settings

Shared library

Goal Directions
Audience manager Shared library > Audience manager
Brand lists Shared library > Brand lists
Asset library Tools and settings > Shared library > Asset library
Location groups Shared library > Location groups
Shared budgets Shared library > Shared budgets

Bulk Actions

Goal Directions
All bulk actions Bulk Actions > All bulk actions
Rules Bulk Actions > Rules
Uploads Bulk Actions > Uploads


Goal Directions
Conversions > Summary Conversions > Summary
Conversions > Value rules Conversions > Value rules
Conversions > Custom Variables Conversions > Custom Variables
Conversions > Settings Conversions > Settings
Conversions > Uploads Conversions > Uploads


Goal Directions
Custom dimensions Setup > Custom dimensions
Access and security Setup > Access and security
Preferences Setup > Preferences
Business data Setup > Business data

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