Create a Google Ads conversion tracker

In the new Search Ads 360, when you create a new conversion action in your Google Ads client account, you can view how your conversions will be tracked, and you have options on how to count Google Ads conversions for each of your conversion actions. Learn how to Check the tracking status of your Google Ads conversion action.

Alternatively, you can set up conversion trackers directly in your Google Ads account. Learn more about different ways of tracking conversions in the Google Ads Help Center.

Informing your site visitors about data collection

Ensure that you're providing users with clear and comprehensive information about the data you collect on your websites, and getting consent for that collection where legally required.

Conversion tracker properties

The new Search Ads 360 can set the following properties for Google Ads conversion trackers.

Conversion tracker name

Enter a name for the conversion tracker. The name appears in reports in Search Ads 360 and Google Ads, and if you use Google Ads spreadsheets to import conversions for the tracker, you'll specify the conversion tracker's name in the spreadsheet.

If your Google Ads account is part of a Google Ads manager account, and if you've created conversion trackers in the manager account, make sure the name you enter for this tracker isn't already used for a tracker in the manager account. If a managed account and manager account both have trackers with duplicate names in Search Ads 360, both conversion trackers will be shown in conversion tracker lists without an indication of which account the conversion tracker is from.

Source of the conversion

  • Website: When you create this type of conversion tracker, Search Ads 360 generates a single snippet of code that contains HTML and JavaScript. Get the snippet and paste the code snippet or tag on your purchase or action-completed web pages.
  • Calls from ads using call assets or call ads: Track the number of calls that result from your ads.
  • Calls to a phone number on your website: You can use a Google Ads forwarding number along with a call asset to track more details about calls such as the caller area code.
You can only report on call conversion metrics in Search Ads 360. Learn more About call reporting.
  • Clicks on a number on your mobile website: Track clicks on your business phone number on your mobile website. Unlike website call conversions, this feature only tracks clicks on your phone number, not actual phone calls.
  • Import from clicks: Import offline conversions into Google Ads, then report on the offline conversions from Google Ads or Search Ads 360. Learn more about tracking offline conversions in the Google Ads Help Center.

Conversion category

The conversion category is used to segment your conversion reports. Choose a category that best applies to your conversion. For example:

  • If you're tracking newsletter signups, choose "Sign-up."
  • If you're tracking purchases, choose "Purchase/Sale."
  • If your conversion doesn't fall into a listed category, select "Other."


When you create or edit a conversion tracker, you have the following options for setting the value of each action:

  • Each conversion action has the same or static value. You can change the static value as often as you'd like. Just keep in mind that changes will apply only to conversions that happen after the change, and changes to the default value will usually take effect within a few hours.
  • Each conversion action has a unique value that your site dynamically calculates for each conversion. This is useful if you want to track sales.
  • No value associated with this conversion. In this case, the value of each conversion will be reported as 0.

Whether you set the same value for each conversion or each conversion has a unique value, you can select a different currency than your Google Ads account.

Learn more About conversion values in the Google Ads Help Center.


You can specify how to count conversions for your tracker in Search Ads 360:

  • Every: Google Ads counts every conversion that happens after an ad interaction.
  • One: Google Ads counts only one conversion per ad click.

Call length (call-related conversion trackers only)

Set the minimum number of seconds that a call must last to be counted as a conversion.

Conversion window

In Google Ads, a conversion window is the period of time after a customer clicks your ad during which a conversion, such as a purchase, is recorded. You can set the maximum number of days after an ad click that a conversion is attributed to the ad click.

You can edit the conversion window setting for any of the webpage, import, or phone call conversions you're tracking. Learn more About Google Ads conversion windows.

View-through conversion window (website conversion tracker only)

Set the maximum number of days after a customer views your display ad and converts to attribute the conversion to the assistance of a display ad. The view-through conversion window can be set to a minimum of one day and a maximum of 30 days. Learn how to Understand client account conversion data in Search Ads 360.

Markup language (website conversion tracker only)

Specify the language that your website is written in. The most common language is HTML.

Choose when to track conversions (website conversion tracker only)

  • Page load: Reports the conversion as soon as the conversion page loads.
  • On click: Reports the conversion when a customer clicks a specific button on your website.

Account-default conversion goals

Turn on this setting if you want to include conversions from this tracker in the Google Ads "Conversions" reporting column. If you turn off this setting, the tracker's conversions will still be included in the "All conversions" column. You might turn off this setting if you use Google Ads Smart Bidding and you don't want to include this tracker's conversions in the Google Ads bid strategy. Learn more about Account-default conversion goals.

Attribution model type

This setting determines which Google Ads attribution model to apply to conversions from this tracker. Data-driven attribution appears only if your account has enough data for Google Ads to generate a data-driven model.

Note: These are not the same models you can apply to Floodlight conversions or Google Analytics conversions from the new Search Ads 360. You can only apply Google Ads attribution models to Google Ads conversion trackers.

The setting affects how your tracker's conversions are counted in your "Conversions" and "All conversions" columns. For example, if you choose “First click” as your attribution model, conversions will be credited to the first ad customers clicked before completing a conversion. In your reports, the conversions would count in the campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords associated with the first-clicked ad.

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