Understand client account conversion data in Search Ads 360

If you’ve set up client account conversion events, you can add helpful reporting columns to see how your ads lead to valuable customer actions.

This article explains what these metrics mean and how to add them to your reports.

“Client account conversions” and related columns

The “Client account conversions” column shows you the total number of conversions you've received from your conversion events. Conversions are measured with client account conversion tags and may include modeled conversions in cases where you are not able to observe all conversions that took place. You can use this column to see how often your ads led customers to actions that you’ve defined as valuable for your business.

You can customize how the data in your “Client account conversions” column is compiled:

  • The “Include in ‘Conversions’” setting: If you’re tracking a conversion but don’t want to include its data in the column, you can uncheck this setting. The default for most conversions is to include the data, so in most cases all of your conversions will be included in your “Conversions” column unless you unchecked the setting. Learn more about "Include in 'Conversions'".

  • The “Attribution model” setting: For website and Google Analytics conversions, you can choose how much credit each of a customer's clicks gets for each conversion. Learn more about attribution models
  • The conversion counting setting: You can choose to count every conversion after an interaction, or only one conversion after an interaction. Learn more about conversion counting settings.

Client account conversions and bidding

If you're optimizing your bids for conversions through automated or manual bid strategies, the data in the Conversions column is used for your bidding strategies.

Related columns

Besides the main “Conversions” column, there are several related columns that use your “Client account conversions” data to give you more information:

  • Cost per client account conversion (“Cost / Client account conv.”) tells you how much, on average, each of your conversions cost. It’s calculated by dividing your total cost by the number in your “Client account conversions” column. This calculation only applies to verifiable conversions, so any clicks that cannot be verified are removed from the calculation.
  • Client account conversion rate (“Client account conv. rate”) tells you how often, on average, an ad click or other ad interaction leads to a conversion. It’s calculated by dividing “Client account conversions” by the total eligible interactions (like ad clicks or video ad views.)
  • Client account conversion value (“Client account conv. value”) is the sum of conversion values for your “Client account conversions.” You have to enter a value for your conversions to make this metric useful.
  • Client account conversion value per cost (“Client account conv. value / cost”) estimates your return on investment. It’s calculated by dividing your total conversion value by the total cost of all ad interactions.
  • Client account conversion value per click (“Client account conv. value / click”) is your client account conversion value divided by the number of eligible clicks.
  • Value per client account conversion (“Value / Client account conv.”) tells you approximately how much, on average, each of your conversions is worth. It’s calculated by dividing your total conversion value by the number in your “Client account conversions” column. This metric is useful if each of your conversions has a different value.

Decimals in conversion data

You may notice that the numbers in your "Client account conversions" columns have 2 decimal places. This is because some attribution models attribute fractional credit for each conversion across multiple clicks. These fractions are represented as decimals like 0.33 or 0.50. Even if you don't use an attribution model that gives fractional credit, you'll still see 2 decimal places in your reports.

Time of client account conversion

The primary client account conversion columns mentioned above are calculated based on the time of the click, not the time of the conversion. For example, if your ad was clicked on last week and that traffic converted this week, both the click and the conversion are reported back to last week in the primary client account conversions columns. This allows you to accurately measure metrics like cost per conversion or return on ad spend, because ad spend is also calculated based on the time of the click.

You can also report on conversions based on the time the conversion occurred. This is helpful for you to see recent conversion data and compare with your third-party reporting. Time of conversion columns include:

  • “Client account conversions (by conv. time)”
  • “Client account conv. value (by conv. time)”
  • “Value / Client account conv. (by conv. time)”

Data for these columns is available from March 2019. Store visit conversions and store sales conversions are not included in “by conv. time” column data.

Google Ads view-through conversions

Your “View-through conversions” column tells you when customers see, but don’t interact with your ad, and then later complete a conversion on your site. This is different from the data in your other conversion columns, which record when customers interact with an ad and then complete a conversion on your site.

View-through conversions are a helpful way to track the value of your display or video ad campaigns. For display campaigns, for example, they measure the conversions where a customer saw—but didn't click—an ad before completing a conversion. View-through conversions take into account the settings of your conversion, such as the way conversions are counted.

For Display Network ads, the last viewable impression will get credit for the view-through conversion. With Google's Active View technology, an impression of a display ad is considered viewable when at least 50% of the ad is onscreen for at least 1 second. 

View-through conversions automatically exclude conversions from people who have also interacted with any of your other ads. View-through conversions are not included in the “Conversions” column. They are only included in the “View-through conversions” and "All conversions" columns.

View-through conversions from browsers that don’t allow cross-site cookies cannot be reported.

Active View and view-through conversions

Gmail ad impressions, which appear at the top of the Social and Promotions tabs of your Gmail account, aren’t currently verified by Active View. Sometimes view-through conversions will be attributed to a Gmail ad impression, even though Gmail ads aren’t verified as viewable.

View-through conversions for video ads

For video campaigns, view-through conversions tell you when an impression of your video ad leads to a conversion on your site. The last impression of a video ad will get credit for the view-through conversion.

Keep in mind that an "impression" is different than a “view” of a video ad. A view is counted when someone watches 30 seconds of an ad (or the whole ad if it’s shorter than 30 seconds) or clicks on a part of the ad. A view that leads to a conversion is counted in the “Conversions” column. 

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