About Invoices

Every month the new Search Ads 360 calculates fees to create your account’s invoice. Metrics like usage from supported engines and rates in your contract help make up these fees. Learn more About fees and payment methods.

Search Ads 360 invoices are issued on the first day of the following month, reflecting the previous month's usage. If a campaign spans across multiple months, the activity delivered for each particular month will be invoiced separately. Electronic copies of invoices are automatically sent to email contacts at the time of invoice generation. If you are listed as an invoice recipient, you should receive an invoice through your email on the issued date.

Rolling invoicing: Fee Adjustment

Supported engines can take some time to report filter spam clicks or spam impressions. It’s not uncommon for adjustments to usage metrics to take a few weeks to calculate and report. So, final metrics for a given month aren’t always available when Search Ads 360 is ready to issue invoices.

Rather than hold invoices, Search Ads 360 issues the invoice and followed by a corrected invoice appearing as Fee Adjustment in the subsequent billing period.

Both the % Media Spend and Fee Adjustments appear on your monthly invoice as additional line items in the form of debits or credits which automatically applied to your invoicing balance.

Credit and Debit memo

Depending on different scenarios, Search Ads 360 will issue a separate memo to an account after an adjustment.

Run a media campaign eligible for billing reports to compare usage and costs

To better understand the costs on your invoice, run a media campaign that is eligible for billing reports. This will allow you to compare your usage with the billable amounts, as not all media spending is eligible for billing.

Missing invoice?

If your invoice settings are accurate and you're listed as a recipient, but haven't received a recent invoice despite receiving them in the past, it's likely that your usage didn't meet the minimum billing threshold. In that case, there may be no invoice for you to pay. You can search for a specific invoice to confirm its details. If no invoice appears, it means no invoice was generated for that specific date. For further assistance, contact Google support.

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