Manage invoices

The new Search Ads 360 makes managing your billing documents easy. In Invoices, create and save custom filters to find specific billing statements. Or download them in bulk.

On the invoice you’ll see:

  • Costs of each sub-manager account
  • Adjustment fee
  • Purchase order number
  • Total amount due

Search Ads 360 identifies costs by calculating the percentage (%) of Media spend. These line items display as credits, debits or adjustments made to a billing setup.

If you receive invoices per sub-manager, you don't have to pay each separately. Make one invoice payment to cover all manager account costs.

Get started

A row for the current month’s invoice is not available until Search Ads 360 generates an invoice.

Note: The instructions below are part of the new design for the Search Ads 360 user experience. If you're using the previous version of Search Ads 360, review the Navigate the Search Ads 360 interface or use the Search bar in the top navigation panel of Search Ads 360 to find the page you’re searching for.

View how to access your invoices, credit or debit memos for an account in the new Search Ads 360.

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a manager account.
  3. From the page menu, under “Tools & settings”, click Billing.
  4. Click Billing setups.
  5. From the page menu, click Invoices.
The invoice total generally includes all costs incurred during a given calendar month.

Find a specific invoice

You can refine your filters by using search Find in documents.

  1. Above the table, select +Add a filter.
  2. Enter text that might help you find the invoice you’re looking for.
    • For example, you might filter by “Purchase order”, "Advertiser name", or “Due date”.
    • Enter text or an amount that might help you find the invoice you’re looking for. As long as the text appears on your invoice, it’s searchable.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Optional.To refine your search even further:
    • Use “AND” (in uppercase letters) to find documents with two specific words. For example, typing “video AND game” will search for invoices that contain both “video” and “game".
    • Use "OR” (in uppercase letters) to find documents with one of two words. For example, searching for “Nov OR Dec” will search for invoices that contain either “Nov” or “Dec”.

To get just the data you’re looking for, add and remove conditions:

  • To add more filter conditions, Click Add filter next to an existing condition.
  • To return to the default view of your table, click Clear filters.

Sort the documents you see

Sorting re-organizes your report data for easy reading. You can change the order of documents in your table by sorting one of the visible columns.

  1. Above the table, select the Document type.
  2. Choose an option(s) from the drop-down that appears.
    • Invoice shows all invoices, including closed or paid.
    • Debit memo shows any open invoices or debits with a balance due.
    • Credit memo shows any open credits that you can apply to open invoices.
  3. Click Apply.

See invoice details

  1. From the table, select the invoice you’d like to see details for.
    • A pop-up of billing details will appear.
  2. To close the pop-up, select the “X” icon.
  3. To download, or request a revision to your invoice, click Actions in the top right of the invoice pop-up.
  4. You can download both the .pdf and .csv versions of your invoice.

Sometimes, at the end of a calendar month, there is a slight delay in usage reporting.

Late-reported usage might not appear on that month's invoice. Causing those costs to roll over to the next month's invoice.

As a result, your invoice might include an 'Adjustment fee,' or costs for more than one calendar month.

Download invoices and statements

  1. In the table, select the row of the invoice you’d like to download.
    • Check the box at the very top left of the table to select all documents that appear in your table.
  2. In the “Actions” menu, click Download .
  3. Choose the download format for your report. You can download reports in several formats, including .csv and .xml.
  4. Click Download.

Save Custom Filters

A custom filter is a collection of modifiers you make to a reporting table. You can add columns, sort, and filter your documents to show only the ones you want to see.

For example, documents in descending order of open amount, for a particular product. And then save this customization for future use.

Anyone with access to an account also has access to the custom saved filters created in that account. For example, if you create a saved view named “Summer Invoices” in the Seasons account. Each user of the Seasons account can see, use and change the Summer Invoices filter.

Above the Invoice table, save custom filters with a name so you can easily retrieve them later.

  1. Select Save custom filter.
  2. Enter the filter’s name.
  3. Click Save new.

Custom filters will appear in the drop-down menu above the invoice table.

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