Fix common errors while you respond to a Google Form

If you encounter issues when you respond to a form, this article can help you identify and resolve the most common problems.

If you can’t submit a form

If you've completed all the questions on a form but you can’t submit it, there may be several underlying issues.

To troubleshoot, ensure you’ve answered all required questions. Check for any fields highlighted in red with the message “This is a required question,” which indicate that they’re mandatory.

This is a required question. The image shows an error message in Google Forms, and the article helps users troubleshoot issues when responding to forms.

Learn more about common error messages in Forms.

If you can’t click “Next” on a form

If you can’t click the “Next” button to move to the next question or section, it means some required fields are incomplete or some answer validation error is not resolved. To proceed, make sure that every question marked as required is filled out.

Learn more about common error messages in Forms.

If you click “Next” and it loops back to previous sections

In some cases, a form returns to the same question or takes you back to a previous one when you click “Next.” This behavior is often intentional, as form owners can set up forms to loop back to earlier sections based on your answers.

If the behavior seems unusual, contact the form owner or the person who shared the form with you. Learn how to show questions based on answers.

If you can’t upload a file or files

In some forms, owners may require you to upload files. To complete the upload in response to a question, you need to sign in to your Google Account.

For the file upload question, the form owner can set restrictions on the number, type, or size of files.


  • Check the instructions for any file requirements or limitations in the form. Contact the form owner if you're unable to submit a form due to file requirements or limitations.
  • You can’t upload a file from a shared drive.

If you get “Unable to save your draft”

You can still submit your response if you get this error, and all your responses will be recorded. However, if you get this error and close the form before you submit it, you might lose the progress you made.


Learn more about common error messages in Forms

Type of error


Suggested action

Any error on a question requires an answer in text.

Form owners can set rules that don't let you submit a form. Learn more about response validation rules.

Tip: If the validation rule is incorrect or doesn’t let you submit the required info, reach out to the form owner or the person who shared it with you.

“Invalid date.”

You can get different required date formats for date questions based on your Google Account or browser language. For example, MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY.

Check that your response matches the required date format in the form.

“This question requires one response per row.”

This means each row must have at least one multiple choice or checkbox selected.

Select the required options for each row and check for any missed responses.

To avoid this error, check the rules for Multiple choice grid questions.

“Please don't select more than one response per column.”

This means you can only select one response per column.

To avoid this error, check the rules for Multiple choice grid questions.

“Form is no longer accepting responses.”

This means that the form is currently closed for submissions.

Contact the form owner.

Report a violation

  1. At the bottom of the form, click Report Abuse.
  2. Select the type of abuse found in the form.
  3. Click Submit Abuse Report.

Learn how to report violations in Google Forms.

Help us improve & find help in the community

  • If you still have any questions, you can visit the Google Docs Editors Help Community.
  • To report an issue, at the bottom left of the form, click Report a problem to Google. The owner of the form won’t receive this feedback.

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