Transition customers from G Suite to Google Workspace

Now is the time to transition your customers' G Suite Basic and G Suite Business subscriptions to Google Workspace. Beginning February 1, 2023, Google automatically transitions your customers once they are eligible.

In this article:

Control notifications to your customers

Your customers receive email and Google Admin console notifications before and after Google automatically transitions them to Google Workspace. If you don't want your customers to get these notifications:

  1. Sign in to the Partner Sales Console.
  2. At the top, click Menu Menuand then Settings Settings.
  3. On the Account information page, uncheck the Allow Google to notify customers about their G Suite to Google Workspace auto transition box.
  4. Click Update.

Changes can take up to 24 hours but typically happen more quickly. Learn more

Use the Partner Sales Console to transition G Suite subscriptions

To transition a customer, you can switch their G Suite subscription to a Google Workspace subscription in the Partner Sales Console.

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What you need to know about transitions
  • Your customer's G Suite Basic and G Suite Business subscriptions must have 300 or fewer licenses to transition to a Google Workspace Business edition. If the customer has more than 300 users, they need to upgrade to a Google Workspace Enterprise edition.
  • All users in the customer's account get the same subscription. For example, you can't transition some users to Business Plus while keeping others on Business Standard edition. If a customer has multiple editions of G Suite (Partial Domain Licensing), contact Google Partner Sales for assistance.
  • Any G Suite pricing discounts you currently receive are not applicable after the customer transitions to a Google Workspace subscription.
  • Your customers with G Suite Archived User subscriptions need to switch to the Archived User subscription that corresponds to their Google Workspace subscription when they transition. Learn how to Switch your Archived User edition.

Tip: For a list of your G Suite customers, go to the Partner Sales Console. On the Customers page, click Download customers for a CSV file of all customers and their subscriptions. Then, filter for active G Suite Basic and G Suite Business subscriptions.

Download customer button

How to transition an individual G Suite subscription in the Partner Sales Console

Transition a G Suite subscription

  1. Sign in to the Partner Sales Console.
  2. On the Customers page, click the customer's name.
  3. Select the G Suite Basic or G Suite Business subscription.
  4. Click Downgrade (only shown for G Suite Business subscriptions) or Upgrade.

    Note: Do not select Change plan. Discounts apply only to new Google Workspace orders.

  5. Select a Google Workspace Business or Enterprise edition.
  6. Review the plans and click Select plan.
    The console shows the standard (reseller discount) and transition discount plans. You might need to scroll down to view the discount plans.

    To view the pricing after the discount period, click the end date.

    Standard and Transition Discount plans

How to bulk transition multiple G Suite subscriptions in the Partner Sales Console

What to know about bulk transitions

  • You can't bulk transition customers with the following types of subscriptions:
    • Offline subscriptions—Contact Google Sales team to transition these subscriptions.
    • Annual Plan (Yearly Payment) subscriptions
    • Archived User subscriptions
    • G Suite Lite subscriptions
    • Multiple G Suite or Google Workspace subscriptions
  • You can transition up to 300 subscriptions at a time.
  • If a customer's G Suite subscription has a license cap of more than 300, but the number of assigned licenses is fewer than 300, we adjust the license cap to 300 when transitioning the subscription to the recommended Google Workspace Business edition.
  • You're eligible to receive transition discounts if you upgrade customers to higher-tier editions when you initiate bulk transitions. Google automatically applies these discounts on your behalf.

Bulk transition G Suite subscriptions

  1. Sign in to the Partner Sales Console.
  2. In the left panel, click Transition G Suite.

    You get a list of G Suite Basic and G Suite Business subscriptions that are currently eligible for bulk transition.

  3. Select the subscriptions you want to transition.

    By choosing to transition in bulk, you agree to transition the customer to Google's recommended subscription and payment plan. If you don't agree with these recommendations, click the Custom Transition button and transition the subscription individually.

  4. In the top right, click Transition selected.
  5. Click Start transition.


  • It might take some time for the bulk transition process to complete. After the process has started, it can't be interrupted until all the transitions are processed.
  • During this time you can't initiate any additional bulk transitions.
  • You can view a log of successes and failures after the transition process is complete.
  • Subscriptions that didn't transition continue to appear in the list of G Suite subscriptions. You're able to retry these transitions again.

Use the Reseller API to transition G Suite subscriptions

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Note: The Channel Services API doesn't support deal codes. To transition G Suite subscriptions, either use the Reseller API or select the appropriate offer using the Channel Services API.

When you upgrade a customer's G Suite subscription to a Google Workspace subscription:

  • All users in the customer's account get the same subscription. For example, you can't transition some users to Business Plus while keeping others on Business Standard edition.
  • Any G Suite pricing discounts you currently receive are not applicable after the customer switches subscriptions.
  • G Suite Archived User subscriptions transition to Google Workspace Archived User subscriptions (same functionality). No action required.

For information on Reseller transition discounts, visit the Partner Advantage portal. 

How to transition a G Suite subscription with the Reseller API

The Reseller API uses a deal code to apply a discount to G Suite subscriptions transitioning to Google Workspace.

For more information about deal codes, sign in to the Google Cloud Partner Portal to view the Google Workspace webinar, "Transitioning from G Suite to Google Workspace."

The deal code (dealCode) allows you to unlock the special offer by passing the deal code string along with the subscriptions.insert call.

For example, to transition a customer's subscription to Google Workspace Enterprise Standard:

subscription = Subscriptions.Insert(
customerId: 'nnnnnn',
skuId: '1010020026',
Plan: {
planName: 'FLEXIBLE',
seats: {
maximumNumberOfSeats: 10,
dealCode: 'XXXXXXXXXX'

Google Workspace product IDs

Product ID Product
1010020028 Google Workspace Business Standard
1010020025 Google Workspace Business Plus
1010020026 Google Workspace Enterprise Standard
1010020020 Google Workspace Enterprise Plus



If you receive an error in response to your subscriptions.insert call, confirm that you are applying the deal code to the correct transition path

The transition offers are only available when moving to a higher-tier SKU. For example, the discount won't apply to G Suite Basic subscriptions moving to Google Workspace Business Starter.

Review transition FAQs

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How does the transition affect current G Suite subscriptions?

Current G Suite subscriptions and related services will continue to function as they do today until the transition.

We recommend transitioning to a Google Workspace offering that meets the customer's needs. Or, if you prefer, we can automatically transition your customers' subscriptions when they become eligible. We’ll notify you at least 30 days before it’s their turn to automatically transition.

Customers on an Annual/Fixed-Term Plan are eligible to automatically transition on their renewal date.

When should I transition my customers to Google Workspace?

For the customers that you have not already transitioned, start the transition at your earliest convenience. Beginning February 1, 2023, Google automatically transitions your customers once they are eligible.


  • Self-transition discounts are 5% higher than autotransition discounts. These discounts apply only to customers moving to a higher-tier SKU (for example, G Suite Basic to Google Workspace Business Plus).
  • You can use the bulk transitions tool in the Partner Sales Console to transition up to 300 customers at a time.
How do automatic transitions work?

If you choose not to transition a customer, Google automatically transitions your customers' subscriptions when the customer is eligible. Eligibility to automatically transition is on a rolling basis, starting February 1, 2023.

  • We will notify you and your customer at least 30 days before it's your customer's turn to automatically transition. You'll receive an email with a CSV file containing the list of customers scheduled to autotransition.
  • Up until the day we automatically transition your customers, you can transition them, either directly in the console, through the API, or by using the bulk transition tool.
  • On the day of the automatic transitions, eligible customers are transitioned over a 24-48 hour period.
  • You'll receive a CSV file every 24 hours that shows the list of customers that were successfully autotransitioned over the previous 24-hour period.
  • You are not able to request any of the following in advance:
    • The specific date to begin autotransitions.
    • A list of customers to include or not include in autotransitions.
    • Customized transition paths for your customers. We will transition customers based on the features they're currently using.

For most customers, the transition does not change pricing. However in some cases, pricing may vary based on specific product use. For information about discounts applied to subscriptions that are automatically transitioned, go to the Partner Advantage portal (requires a Partner Advantage account).

When do customers on Annual/Fixed-Term Plans automatically transition?

Customers on Annual/Fixed-Term Plans are eligible for automatic transition on their renewal date. For resold customers on an Annual Plan with Yearly Payment, we recommend you transition these customers to a Flexible Plan. If you take no action, the customer is automatically transitioned on the renewal date of their Annual Plan.

If the destination SKU is higher and more expensive than the source SKU, the customer automatically transitions to a Flexible Plan. Otherwise, customers automatically transition to an Annual Plan with Yearly Payment. As a reminder, you can't upgrade or downgrade a subscription on an Annual Plan with Yearly Payment until renewal.

What customers are included in the CSV file provided?

G Suite subscriptions that were scheduled for autotransition starting February 1, 2023 were sent by email in an attached CSV file in November 2022. We'll send an email to notify you and your customers (according to your notification settings) at least 30 days before it's your customer's turn to automatically transition.

Why aren't all my customers with a G Suite subscription listed in the CSV file?

A customer might not be listed in a CSV attachment because they might not be scheduled to transition yet, or might not be scheduled to transition in 30 days. Some customers transition on separate dates. For example, subscriptions with add-ons might transition at a slightly later date.

Why was my customer transitioned to a different subscription than the one suggested in the CSV file?

Your customer might be automatically transitioned to a different subscription than the one suggested in the CSV file if they use a feature that changes the recommended SKU. We transition the customer to a Google Workspace edition that suits their needs, based on the features they're currently using.

Otherwise, it is possible that the customer might be transitioned by their Partner between the notification date and the autotransition date.

Will all of my G Suite customers be automatically transitioned?

The majority of G Suite customers will be automatically transitioned when eligible. Customers with the following types of subscriptions will not be automatically transitioned on the same date:

  • Offline subscriptions
  • G Suite Lite subscriptions
  • G Suite subscriptions with Partial Domain Licensing

Contact Google Sales to transition these subscriptions.

What edition will the customer automatically transition to?

We transition the customer to a Google Workspace edition that suits their needs, based on the features they're currently using.

For example, if a G Suite Business customer uses Google Vault, we'll transition the customer to Google Workspace Business Plus so they can continue to use that feature.

Note: It can take a few days for feature changes to register in our systems. If the customer stops using a feature shortly before their account is eligible to automatically transition, we might not know about the change before we transition the customer.

If a customer has a G Suite Archived User subscription on a Flexible plan, we'll automatically transition them to an Archived User subscription that corresponds to their new Google Workspace subscription. For a customer with a G Suite Archived User subscription on an Annual/Fixed-Term plan, work with your customer to transition their subscriptions.

What happens to a customer's add-on subscriptions when transitioning?

Some Google Workspace editions include the same capabilities available with add-on subscriptions. For example, Vault is included in Business Plus. If a customer has automatic licensing turned on and is autotransitioning to a Google Workspace edition that includes the same functionality as their add-on subscription, we cancel the add-on subscription when we transition them to Google Workspace.

If automatic licensing is turned off for the customer, to avoid any data loss, we do not cancel add-on subscriptions. For these customers, if you do not want a separate add-on subscription, assign the add-on user licenses to your core Google Workspace subscription, and then cancel the add-on subscription 24 hours after you reassign the licenses.

Are G Suite Archived User subscriptions automatically transitioned?

If a customer has a G Suite Archived User subscription on a Flexible plan, we automatically transition them to an Archived User subscription that corresponds to their new Google Workspace subscription. For a customer with a G Suite Archived User subscription on an Annual/Fixed-Term plan, work with your customer to manually transition their subscriptions.

After an automatic transition, can customers downgrade or upgrade their subscription?

Yes. We transition the customer to a Google Workspace edition that has the features the customer currently uses and keeps their data. If a customer on an Annual Plan (Monthly Payment) wants to switch to a different Google Workspace edition, you can switch their subscription up to 180 days after the transition. Customers on Flexible Plans can switch editions at any time.

Customers with more than 300 users can only switch to a Google Workspace Enterprise edition.

What if a customer automatically transitions to a Google Workspace edition I don't sell?

We transition the customer to a Google Workspace edition that suits their needs, based on the feature they’re currently using. If you do not currently sell the destination subscription, you can either:

  • Transition the customer before February 1, 2023 to the desired destination edition.
  • Change the customer's subscription after the automatic transition. You can change a customer's Annual Plan (Monthly Payment) subscription up to 180 days after the transition and a customer’s Flexible Plan subscription at any time.

Choose a Google Workspace edition

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Compare Google Workspace features

When you select the Google Workspace edition to transition to, we recommend you consider:

  • Number of users—Your customer's G Suite Basic and G Suite Business subscriptions must have 300 or fewer licenses to transition to a Google Workspace Business edition. If the customer has more than 300 users, they need to upgrade to a Google Workspace Enterprise edition.
  • Features the customer currently uses—Make sure you choose an edition that includes the features your customer relies on today.
  • Features the customer would like to use in the future—Are there features that the customer wants or needs, but currently doesn't have?

The tables below provide examples of premium features and the Google Workspace editions that support them.

Note: Transitioning to Enterprise Essentials, Essentials, or Frontline edition is not available for G Suite Basic or G Suite Business subscriptions.

Check which features are in use

If you have access to your customer's Google Admin console, you can check which features are in use.

Step 1: Open the Admin console.

  1. Open a new Incognito browser window and sign in to the Partner Sales Console.
  2. Go to the Customers page, and click the customer name.
  3. Below Quick links, click Admin console.

Step 2: Check whether a feature is in use.

  1. In the tables above, go to the Using? column for the feature you're interested in.
  2. Click the Verify link to open the help article.
  3. Follow the steps in the help article to check a feature. For example, check the amount of storage used or or whether live streaming is turned on (available only with Enterprise editions).

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