Gestionar la calculadora, el conversor de unidades y los códigos de color

Get quick answers when you enter math equations or conversions in the Google Search box.


You can use the calculator for any math problem you want to solve, like calculating the tip at a restaurant, making graphs, or solving geometry problems.

  • Type your equation into the search box on or
  • Search for: Calculator
Calculations you can do
  • Arithmetic
  • Functions
  • Value of physical constants
  • Base and representative conversion
How to graph equations

You can graph complicated equations quickly by entering your functions into the search box. You can see what a sample equation looks like here.


  • To plot multiple functions together, separate the formulas with a comma.
  • To explore the function in more detail, zoom in and out and pan across the plane.

Functions you can graph

  • Trigonometric
  • Exponential
  • Logarithmic
  • 3D graphs (for desktop browsers that support WebGL)
Troubleshoot error messages

"This function may not be plotted correctly"

The plotting algorithm detected one of these:

  • Too many asymptotes
  • Too many transitions of the function from defined to undefined regions
  • Too many points on the graph that might not represent the current function value due to high volatility

Try to pan or zoom the function to a different region.

"Cannot zoom further"

The pan or zoom action can’t be performed because of numerical limitations. Try to pan or zoom the function to a different region.

"Cannot pan in this direction"

The pan or zoom action can’t be performed because of numerical limitations. Try to pan or zoom the function to a different region.

Geometry calculator

You can find geometry formulas and answers to complex geometry problems using Google Search.

Open the geometry calculator

  1. Search Google for a formula, like: Area of a circle
  2. In the box that says "Enter value," type the values you know.
  3. To calculate a different value, next to "Solve for, " click the Down arrow Flecha hacia abajo.

Shapes & formulas you can use

  • Supported shapes: 2 and 3 dimensional curved shapes, platonic solids, polygons, prisms, pyramids, quadrilaterals, and triangles.
  • Supported formulas and equations: Area, circumference, law of sines and cosines, hypotenuse, perimeter, Pythagorean theorem, surface area, and volume.


  • what is the volume of a cylinder with radius 4cm and height 8cm
  • formula for a triangle perimeter
  • find the diameter of a sphere whose volume is 524 gallons
  • a^2+b^2=c^2 calc a=4 b=7 c=?
Calculator isn't appearing

If the calculator doesn't show up when you enter in an equation:

  • Make sure your equation is something that can be computed. For example, if you search for "7*9/0," you won’t see the calculator pop up because dividing by zero doesn’t create a value.
  • If it still isn't showing up, try adding = to the beginning or end of your search.

Unit converter

You can use the unit converter to convert from one measurement to another. For example, you could convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit or cups to liters.

  • Type your conversion into the search box or
  • Search for: Unit converter
Conversions you can do
  • Temperature
  • Length
  • Mass
  • Speed
  • Volume
  • Area
  • Fuel consumption
  • Time
  • Digital storage
Units you can convert between
Type of measurement Available units
Angles arc minutes, arc seconds, degrees, radians, revolutions, turns
Area acres, ares, barns, cricket pitches, dunams, football fields, football pitches, hectares, pings, Planck areas, sections, sqcm, sqkm, sqm, sqmm, square centimeter, square feet, square inch, square kilometer, square meter, square millimeter, square yards, stokes, survey townships
Currency Algerian dinars, Argentine pesos, Australian cents, Australian dollars, Bahrain dinars, Bolivian bolivianos, Botswana pula, Brazil reais, British pounds, Brunei dollars, Bulgarian levs, Canadian cents, Canadian dollars, Cayman Islands dollars, Chilean pesos, Chinese yuan, Colombian pesos, Costa Rican colones, Croatian kuna, Czech koruna, Danish kroner, Dominican pesos, Egyptian pounds, Estonian kroons, Eurocents, Euros, Fiji dollars, Honduran lempiras, Hong Kong dollars, Hungarian forints, Indian rupees, Indonesian rupiahs, Israeli shekels, Jamaican dollars, Japanese yen, Jordanian dinars, Kazakh tenge, Kenyan shillings, Kuwaiti dinars, Latvian lats, Lebanese pounds, Lithuanian litas, Macedonian denari, Malaysian ringgits, Mauritian rupees, Mexican pesos, Moldovan leu, Moroccan dirhams, Namibian dollars, Nepalese rupees, Netherlands Antilles guilders, New Zealand dollars, Nicaraguan cordobas, Nigerian naira, Norwegian kroner, Omani rials, Pakistan rupees, Papua New Guinean kina, Paraguayan guaranies, Peruvian nuevos soles, Philippine pesos, Polish zloty, Qatar riyals, Romanian lei, Russian rubles, Salvadoran colones, Saudi riyals, Seychelles rupees, Sierra Leonean leones, Singapore dollars, Slovak koruna, South African rands, South Korean won, Sri Lankan rupees, Swedish kronor, Swiss francs, Taiwan dollars, Tanzanian shillings, Thai baht, Trinidad dollars, Tunisian dinar, Turkish liras, Ugandan shillings, Ukrainian grivnas, United Arab Emirates dirhams, Uruguayan pesos, U.S. cents, U.S. dollars, Uzbekistani sum, Venezuelan bolivares fuertes, Venezuelan bolivars, Vietnamese dong, Yemeni rials, Zambia kwacha
Data transfer rates bits per second (bps), bytes per second (Bps)
Electric capacitance farads
Electric charge ampere hour, coulombs, Faradays
Electric conductance mhos, siemens
Electric current amperes, biots
Energy barrels of oil equivalent, British thermal units, BTU, calories, electron volts, ergs, foot-pounds, grams of TNT, joules, kilocalories, kilograms of TNT, megatons of TNT, megawatt hour, mwhr, therm, tons of tnt, watt hours
Flow rate CFM, CFS, cubic foot per minute, cubic foot per second, liter per minute, liter per second, LPM, LPS
Force dynes, kilograms-force, newtons, pounds-force
Frequency GHz, gigahertz, hertz, Hz, KHz, kilohertz, megahertz, MHz
Fuel consumption kilometers per liter, liters per 100 kilometers, miles per gallon
Inductance henries
Information size bits, nybbles, bytes, metric prefixes: kilobytes (kB), megabytes (MB), binary prefixes: kibibytes (KiB), mebibytes (MiB)
Length ångström, Astronomical Units, ATA picas, ATA points, chains, Ciceros, cubits, Didot points, english ells, fathoms, feet and inches, flemish ells, football fields, football pitches, french ells, furlongs, Half Ironman Triathlon bikes, Half Ironman Triathlon runs, Half Ironman Triathlon swims, Half Ironman Triathlons, hands, imerial cables, IN picas, IN Points, inches, indoor track lengths, international cables, Ironman Triathlon bikes, Ironman Triathlon runs, Ironman Triathlon swims, Ironman Triathlons, itinerary stadion, kilometers, Kpc, length of a cricket pitch, light days, light hours, light minutes, light seconds, light years, marathons, meters, metres, metres, microns, miles, Mpc, nails, nautical leagues, nautical miles, Olympic Pools, Olympic stadion, Olympic Triathlon bikes, Olympic Triathlon runs, Olympic Triathlon swims, Olympic Triathlons, outdoor track lengths, Parsecs, Planck Lengths, PostScript picas, PostScript points, Rack units, rods, scottish ells, Short Course Pools, Short Course Pools, smoots, spans, Sprint Triathlon bikes, Sprint Triathlon runs, Sprint Triathlon swims, Sprint Triathlons, TeX picas, TeX points, thou, Truchet picas, Truchet points, US cables, yards
Light intensity and luminous intensity candelas, footcandles, lamberts, lumens, lux
Magnetic flux and magnetic flux density gauss, maxwells, teslas, webers
Misc dioptres, emus, katal, moles
Power British horsepower, donkeypower, HP, kilowatt, kw, Kw, metric horsepower, mw, watts
Pressure atmospheres, barries, bars, inches of mercury, inches of water, mb, millibars, millimeters of mercury, pascals, poises, pounds per square inch
Radiation dosage grays, sieverts, rads, rems
Radioactivity becquerels, curies, rutherfords
Speed kilometers per hour, KPH, meters per second, miles per hour, MPH, nautical miles per hour
Temperature C, Celsius, F, Fahrenheit, K, Kelvin, Rankine
Time centuries, days, decades, fortnights, halakim, hours, leap years, lunar cycles, lustrum, millennium, minutes, months, seconds, sidereal days, sidereal years, weeks, years
Unitless (numeric) baker's dozens, dozens, googols, great gross, gross, percent, scores
Voltage volts
Volume acre-foot, barrels of oil, beer barrels, beer firkins, beer hogsheads, beer kilderkins, board foot, board foot, bushels, cc, ccf, ci, cords, cubic centimeter, cubic centimetre, cubic feet, cubic inch, cubic kilometer, cubic meter, cubic millimeter, cups, English tierces, fluid barrels, fluid drams, fluid ounce, fluid oz., full kegs, gal., gallons, gills, Gross Register Tonnes, half barrels, hogsheads, Imperial beer barrels, Imperial bushel, Imperial bushels, Imperial dessertspoons, Imperial fluid drams, Imperial fluid ounce, Imperial fluid ounces, Imperial gallons, Imperial gills, Imperial minims, Imperial pecks, Imperial pints, Imperial quarts, Imperial tablespoons, Imperial teaspoons, km3, liters, litres, m3, minims, mm3, pecks, pints, puncheons, qt, quarter barrels, quarts, register tonne, shots, sixth barrels, sticks of butter, tablespoons, tbsp, teaspoons, tierces, tsp, wine firkins, wine rundlets
Weight amu, atomic mass units, Blintzes, butter firkins, carats, drams, earth masses, English stones, Farshimmelt Blintzes, funt, Furshlugginer Blintzes, grains, grams, imperial tons, jupiter masses, k, kilograms, lunar masses, metric tonnes, micrograms, ounces, pennyweights, pood, pounds, short tons, slugs, soap firkins, solar masses, stones, troy drams, troy ounces

Many of the above units can be used with the standard metric prefixes yocto, zepto, atto, femto, pico, nano, micro, milli, centi, deci, deca, hecto, kilo, mega, giga, tera, peta, exa, zetta, and yotta. Abbreviated units can also be used with abbreviated prefixes y, z, a, f, p, n, µ, m, c, d, da, h, k, M, G, T, P, E, Z, and Y. For example, you can use "km" for "kilometer" and "GB" for "gigabyte."

Any length unit can also be combined with a time unit to define a speed unit, such as "light-years per day."

Color Picker

You can use Color Picker to choose a color or convert from one color code to another. For example, you can convert Hex colors to RGB.

  • Type your color code into the search box on or
  • Search for: Color Picker
Conversions you can do

You can convert color codes from:

  • Hex
  • RGB
  • Pantone

You can convert color codes to:

  • Hex
  • RGB
  • HSV
  • HSL
  • CMYK

Color codes you can search

You can search for colors by using color codes like:

  • rgb (255, 255, 255)
  • rgb 255 255 255
  • #f0f0f0
  • color f0f0f0
  • pantone 214 u
  • pms 200 c

Color Picker isn’t appearing

If a color you searched for doesn't show up, the color code may not have been entered correctly. Try to search for a valid color code in one of the formats listed in "Color codes you can search."

Note: Some browsers don’t support Color Picker.

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  1. En la parte inferior derecha de la respuesta, haz clic en Comentarios.
  2. Escribe tus comentarios.
  3. Selecciona Enviar.

En móviles: 

  1.  En la parte inferior derecha de la respuesta, toca Comentarios.
  2. Escribe tus comentarios.
  3. Selecciona Enviar.

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