Manage and monitor bulk data exports in Search Console

Start, stop, or see your current bulk data export status in Search Console's bulk data exports settings page.

The settings page enables you to start and stop bulk exports to BigQuery from Search Console, as well as the status of the last export attempt after you have started scheduled exports.


Manage bulk data exports*


*You can also reach the bulk data exports page from Property settings > Bulk data export


Start a bulk data export

You must have owner permissions to the property in Search Console to start or stop a bulk data export.

See here for full instructions on starting a bulk data export.

Stop a bulk data export

You must be a project owner in Search Console to start or stop a bulk data export.

To stop an ongoing bulk data export:

  1. Open the bulk data export settings page.
  2. Click Deactivate export
  3. Confirm your choice.
  4. Bulk exports will stop in the next 24 hours. This means that you might get one more export of data to your project before scheduled exports cease. If it is critical that all data exports stop immediately, you can remove permissions for the Search Console principals in your Cloud project under IAM & Admin > IAM > Permissions > View by principals.
  5. Existing tables will not be deleted, and you can continue to use them in BigQuery.
  6. You can restart a stopped bulk data export at any time, but ensure that no access settings have changed in your Cloud Console target project.
Restart a bulk data export

You must be a project owner in Search Console to start or stop a bulk data export.

To restart a previously running bulk data export:

  • Follow the instructions for starting a bulk data export.
    • To continue using the same project and dataset, reuse the previous values for the Cloud project ID and dataset location.
    • To export to a new location, follow the Google Cloud Console setup instructions, and use those values when setting up export.
  • If exporting to an existing location, if the previous tables still exist, data will be added to the table. If the previous tables have been deleted, Search Console will create new tables.
Monitor the status of your export

You can see the status of the most recent attempt to export your data from within Search Console.

Open Settings, and see the latest status next to the Bulk data export setting.

Click to open the Bulk data export settings page to see more information. If there is a non-transient problem exporting data, you should receive a message telling you about the problem. See the list of possible errors and suggested fixes.

Be sure to fix the problem promptly, as Search Console will stop trying to export data for a given date after about a week of failed attempts, and after about a month of failed export attempts, Search Console will stop the bulk export entirely.

See your export history

Search Console shows the status of only the most recent export attempt. To see it, open the bulk data export settings page for your project.

If you want to see a comprehensive list of successful exports, open the export log table for your bulk exports.

Search Console doesn't log unsuccessful export attempts beyond the latest attempt.

Move a dataset location

Moving the location of a bulk data export isn't natively supported, but there is a workaround in BigQuery. If you must move the location, you might miss a day or two of data during the migration process:
  1. Stop your bulk data export and wait 24 hours to ensure that the last data has been saved.
  2. Confirm that the last data export was successful.
  3. Copy the dataset to a new location.
  4. Start a new bulk data export in the new location.

Export your data

Once your data is in BigQuery, you can export and use it as you see fit.

Export pipeline

Once you have started a bulk data export, Search Console will export each day's data on a daily basis until you stop the export. The exact time of the export may vary. There should be no gaps in data between exports.

If Search Console encounters a non-transient export error, it will retry exporting again the next day as scheduled, and include the non-exported data. Search Console retains data from failed exports for about a week. After that, Search Console will drop the data for that day, though it will continue to export, or try to export, your data.

Monitor and fix bulk export errors

Monitor your export errors

Search Console sends an email to all property owners and full users whenever an export error occurs or is fixed in any table (the message is also visible in the message pane for your project). If you receive a message about a bulk export error, open the bulk export settings page for your project to see the status of the attempt, with some details. Search Console won't send messages for errors deemed transient (such as server connection errors).

Search Console also shows any non-transient errors encountered in the last export attempt in the bulk data export settings page.

Remember that export errors are not recorded in the ExportLog table in BigQuery. More details about errors can be found in the Cloud Logs Explorer. You can look for the text search-console-data-export to identify relevant actions.

Test your error fix

After you fix an issue shown in the bulk data export settings page, click Test report to test easily tested settings (such as correct project name and Cloud access settings). A successful test does not trigger a new export (exports happen only at regularly scheduled intervals). A successful test also does not guarantee that errors won't be encountered during the next export attempt, since some conditions, such as quota, are not tested, so check back in about a day after fixing the issue to see if the problem has been fixed in the most recent export.

List of export errors

The following export errors can be reported in Search Console:

Cloud project does not exist

Did you mistype the project name? You can copy the name from the IAM settings page, or the project URL.

Dataset location mismatch

The requested dataset location for the export can't be used because this project already has a dataset with the same name in another location. This can happen during export setup if the wrong location is provided. It can also happen on an existing export if the primary location changes after cross-region replication is set up.

Options to fix export failures during the setup process: 

  • Edit the location field in the setup form to match the actual location of the dataset
  • Pick a different dataset in the new, desired location

For existing exports that change location, if you revert the primary change within a few days, exports can recover without data loss. Bulk data export does not support changing the dataset location.

Another bulk data export already exists for this destination dataset

Two properties cannot write to the same dataset. Choose a different destination dataset or a separate project altogether for each of your Search Console bulk exports.

Missing permissions in Cloud project

You must grant Search Console access permission to your Cloud project.

Missing BigQuery API in Cloud project

You must enable BigQuery in your Cloud project.

  1. In the sidebar for your project, navigate to APIs & Services > Enabled APIs & services
  2. Click + ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES and enable BigQuery API and BigQuery Storage API.

Missing billing information in Cloud project

The Cloud project must have a valid billing configuration, otherwise the write will fail (even if you granted permissions).

Read the BigQuery documentation on billing problems.

Cloud quota exceeded

Your destination Cloud project has exceeded your project quota.

Deadline exceeded

The export took too long to complete, This is probably a Search Console issue, and not something that you can fix.

Export abandoned

Attempts to export data for a specific date have failed enough times that Search Console will no longer retry exporting data for that day.

Unknown error

Export failed for an unknown reason. Wait for the next scheduled export to see if this issue has been resolved.

Export location prohibited by your organization

There is an organization-level restriction in your Google Cloud project that prohibits saving your BigQuery data to the chosen location. Either choose another location, or speak to your project site administrator to see if the restriction can be changed.

Schema mismatch

Once the tables are created, you may set a partition expiration, but do not alter the schema (e.g. add a column). If you change the schema the export will fail. If a new column was added by mistake, it may be possible to fix the problem by deleting it. Otherwise the table needs to be dropped, which can result in lost data.

Invalid dataset ID

The selected dataset name is invalid. Please select a name according to Bigquery dataset naming documentation.

Domain Restriction policy in Google Cloud

Your Cloud organization policies limit resource sharing based on domain or organization resource. In order to set up an export you need to force account access during set up.

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