Find parking

Find a place to park that fits your needs, based on information like opening hours, services, and rates. Parking rates are provided by third parties, so they may not be available for all venues and might not be accurate in real-time. Read more about parking with Waze.

Note: This feature is currently not supported on Android Auto, Android Automotive (AAOS), and CarPlay.

Find parking before your drive

  1. Open Waze
  2. Search for your destination
  3. Tap your destination. You'll see options for nearby parking.
    Note: If onsite parking is available, you can navigate to the destination directly.
  4. Tap See more parking to see other options
  5. Tap the parking lot you want to navigate to
  6. Tap Park here
  7. Tap Go now to start your navigation, or tap Leave later to plan a drive

Navigating to a recent location?

  1. Long tap the location
  2. Tap Find parking
  3. Select the parking lot you want to navigate to
  4. Tap Park here
  5. Tap Go now to start your navigation, or tap Leave later to plan a drive

Find parking near your location

When you have parking nearby, you'll see parking pins on the map. To navigate there, tap the pin and then tap Park here.

If you don't see any pins, you can still find parking in your area.

  1. Open Waze
  2. Tap the search bar
  3. Tap the Parking icon under the search bar
  4. Scroll through the parking lots available
  5. Select the parking lot you prefer. Scroll down to see more information.

Got questions?

How do I add a parking lot to my route?

If you need to stop at a parking lot before you reach your final destination, you can add it as a stop to your route.

How do I find where I last parked?

When you arrive at your destination, park your car and close Waze, an automatic parking pin will be added to the map with your car's location. When you open Waze again, you'll see a walking ETA for your car's location, even before you start to navigate to your next destination.

Note: Waze doesn't support walking directions beyond an ETA to your parked car.


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