Sign up your site

Setting up Google Surveys for website satisfaction is simple. To start with, implement the code on your website. To do this, you'll need to have access to the source code for your website.

In this article:

Create an account and survey

  1. Sign into your Google Surveys for website satisfaction account to find the code snippet here.
  2. You have the option to enter the website name and URL, first-survey timing, and survey frequency.
    1. First survey timing:
      1. Show X pageview(s) to a user before they see a survey.
        1. This setting lets you control the number of pageviews a user will see before showing the survey.
        2. Example: If you want the survey to show after a user has visited 5 pageviews then enter 5 for the value of this setting.
    2. Survey frequency:
      1. Wait Y pageview(s) before showing visitors a survey again.
        1. This setting lets you control the number of pageviews a user will see after the previous prompt (X) before seeing another survey.
        2. Example: If you don’t want users to see another survey for 10 pageviews, then enter 10 for the value of this setting.
  3. Click Activate survey button when ready.
  4. Once you find the code snippet at the top of the setup page, copy and paste it into your web page, just before the closing </head> tag. If your website or blog uses templates to generate pages, enter it just before the closing </head> tag in the file that contains the <head> section. (Most websites re-use one file for common content, so it's likely that you won't have to place the code snippet on every single page of your website.)
  5. If you want to add Google Surveys for website satisfaction on another website, you can create a new account here.
  6. If you want to create a custom survey to run on your website, you can create the custom survey here. Make sure to select the appropriate website under the Audience sample.


One of the main advantages of the asynchronous code snippet is that you can position it at the top or bottom of the HTML document. It is customary to place JavaScript code in the <head> section, and we recommend placing the snippet at the bottom of the <head> section, just before the closing tag, for best performance.

Advanced settings

Site owners

This setting lets you have multiple owners for your surveys. Enter a list of Google Account email addresses that will have access to create additional surveys for your site and modify all account settings. This value is space delimited for multiple values.

Publishing state

  • Enabled: Your surveys will be shown to users and recorded.
  • Testing: Your surveys will be shown to users but not recorded.
  • Disabled: Your surveys will not be shown to users.

Advanced frequency

  • Show a survey to every X visitor.
    This setting lets you spread out your survey frequency by user.
    Example: If you enter 1, then a survey will display to every user. If you enter 2, then it will display to every other user, etc.
  • Display a survey for Y minutes before disappearing.
    This setting lets you determine how long the survey appears to each user before it disappears. The default is 0, meaning that the survey will not disappear until it’s completed.
  • Wait for Z minutes until showing a survey again after disappearing.
    If a user does not complete the survey for Y minutes, then it will not appear again for another Z minutes. The default is 1440 minutes (24 hours) when a value for Y is selected. Z depends on a value for Y, so if Y is 0, then this feature is disabled.

Domain filtering

  • Show surveys to visitors who are referred from the following domains.
    If a user is referred to your site from any of these domains, then they will see your survey. Leave blank if you want all users to see a survey (default).
    Example: Enter “” and users referred to your site from “” will see the survey. No other users will see the survey.
  • Never show surveys to visitors who are referred from the following domains.
    If a user is referred to your site from any of these domains, then they will NEVER see your survey. Leave blank if you want all users to see a survey (default).
    Example: Enter “” and users referred to your site from “” will NEVER see the survey. All other users will see the survey.
    • Multiple domains: Use a comma delimited list for multiple values. eg. “,”.
    • Subdomains: "" will be recognized as both "" and "", while "" will strictly recognize the "news" subdomain and will not include "www" or other subdomains.

Multiple survey settings

Multiple survey settings are used if you have custom surveys running on your site. If a user has completed all your surveys, then they will no longer see surveys on your site.

  • After a user finishes a survey, show them another survey in X hours.
    To spread out the frequency of your surveys, you define a frequency period. The default period is 168 hours (1 week), although you can define this as little as 1 hour.
  • After a user has answered Y surveys, then never show them another.
    If you’d like to limit the number of surveys appearing to users, then define a frequency cap by number of surveys.
    Example: If you are running 10 surveys but don’t want users to complete more than 5, then define Y as 5.

Note: The default is 0, which will bypass this setting, allowing all your surveys to appear to users.

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