
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Create and apply URL templates

Create URL templates for specific product groups, dynamic targets, and dynamic ads

Specify URL templates for product groups

Override inheritance

Product groups that don't define their own URL template inherit the URL template specified for the ad group or higher level.

To override the inherited template for a product group:

  1. Navigate to a Google Ads or Microsoft Advertising account.
  2. Click the Targets▼ tab, and then click Product groups.
  3. Add the URL template column to the reporting table.
  4. In the URL template column, enter properties for the template.
  5. Click outside the column.

Search Ads 360 re-traffics the product group to the engine, and the engine applies the template.

Resume inheritance

Product groups that define their own URL template will override the URL template specified for the ad group or higher level.

To remove a product group's URL template and start inheriting the template from a higher level:

  1. Navigate to a Google Ads or Microsoft Advertising account.
  2. Click the Targets▼ tab, and then click Product groups.
  3. Add the URL template column to the reporting table.
  4. In the URL template column, remove the existing URL template.
  5. Click outside the column.

Search Ads 360 re-traffics the product group to the engine, and the engine applies the template from higher up.

Product group templates are copied to child product groups

If you specify a URL template for a specific product group (instead of inheriting the URL template from a higher level), when the product group is subdivided (either manually by you or automatically by an adaptive shopping campaign):

  • The new child product groups start out with a copy of the parent's URL template. You can keep the URL template as-is, or edit or remove the template in the child product groups as needed.
  • You can no longer edit or remove the URL template for the parent product group.

For example:

URL templates are inherited
  1. For a product group named "Electronics", you specify this URL template:{escapedlpurl}
  2. When the "Stereos" and "Cameras" product groups are created, they initially inherit the URL template from the parent "Electronics" product group.

    Note that at this point, the URL template for "Electronics" can no longer be edited or removed.
  3. You can edit the URL templates in any of the child product groups. For example, to pass a specific product ID to your third-party tracking service, you add the &sid=1234567 parameter to URL template for "Cameras."

Specify URL templates for Google Ads dynamic targets

When you create a dynamic target in a Google Ads campaign, you can specify a Dynamic destination URL or a Dynamic destination URL with additional tracking. If you specify:

  • Dynamic destination URL, the dynamic target inherits the URL template specified for a dynamic search ad (or from the ad group or higher level if not defined for the ad).
  • Dynamic destination URL with additional tracking when you create a dynamic target, Search Ads 360 traffics the URL and tracking parameters to Google Ads as a URL template, and the dynamic target overrides the URL templates specified at a higher level. If you add the URL template column to the Dynamic ad targets tab, you'll see the same URL and tracking parameters that you entered when you created the target.

After you create a dynamic target, you change the URL template as described in the following sections.

Override inheritance for an existing dynamic target

To override the inherited template for an existing dynamic target:

  1. Navigate to an ad group in a Google Ads campaign that is set up for dynamic search ads.
  2. Click the Targets ▾ tab and select Dynamic ad targets.
    If you don't see Dynamic ad targets, the campaign is not set up for dynamic search ads.
  3. Add the URL template column to the reporting table.
  4. In the URL template column, enter properties for the template.
  5. Click outside the column.

Search Ads 360 re-traffics the dynamic target to Google Ads, and Google Ads applies the template.

Resume inheritance for an existing dynamic target

Dynamic targets that define their own URL template will override the URL template specified for a dynamic search ad (or from the ad group or higher level if not defined for the ad).

To remove a dynamic target's URL template and start inheriting the template from a higher level:

  1. Navigate to an ad group in a Google Ads campaign that is set up for dynamic search ads.
  2. Click the Targets ▾ tab and select Dynamic ad targets.
    If you don't see Dynamic ad targets, the campaign is not set up for dynamic search ads.
  3. Add the URL template column to the reporting table.
  4. In the URL template column, remove the existing URL template.
  5. Click outside the column.

Search Ads 360 re-traffics the dynamic target to Google Ads, and Google Ads applies the template from higher up.

Specify URL templates for Google Ads dynamic search ads

Override inheritance

Dynamic search ads that don't define their own URL template will inherit the URL template specified for the parent ad group (or from a higher level if not defined for the ad group).

To override the inherited template:

  1. Navigate to a Google Ads account.
  2. Click the Ads tab.
  3. Add the URL template column to the reporting table.
  4. In the URL template column, enter properties for the template.
  5. Click outside the column.

Search Ads 360 re-traffics the ad to Google Ads, and Google Ads applies the template. Confirm that Google Ads applied the template.

Resume inheritance

Dynamic search ads that define their own URL template will override the URL template specified for the parent ad group (or from a higher level if not defined for the ad group).

To remove an ad's URL template and start inheriting the template from a higher level:

  1. Navigate to a Google Ads account.
  2. Click the Ads tab.
  3. Add the URL template column to the reporting table.
  4. In the URL template column, enter properties for the template.
  5. Click outside the column.

Search Ads 360 re-traffics the ad to Google Ads, and Google Ads applies the template from higher up.

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