
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Copy campaigns

How campaign updates are matched and copied

After you copy campaigns initially, you can add new ad groups, keywords, and ads to the source campaigns and then copy them to the other campaigns. You can also copy changes you make to certain settings in the source campaign to the destination campaigns. 

The following table describes which settings Search Ads 360 uses to determine if a copy of a campaign, ad group, or other item already exists in the destination engine. The table also indicates the action Search Ads 360 takes if copies exist, or if they don't exist.

For example, if a Google Ads engine account and a Microsoft Advertising engine account both have a campaign with the exact same name, Search Ads 360 assumes the two campaigns are copies. Search Ads 360 will copy any new ad groups, ads, and keywords into the desination, and will offer to update the campaign budget and status settings.

Item Matched by Action
Campaigns in different engine accounts Campaign name

If the source and destination names match, Search Ads 360 copies: 

  • Any new ad groups, ads, and keywords
  • Campaign budget (if you chose to update this setting)
  • Campaign status (if you chose to update this setting)
If the status of a source campaign is Removed, nothing is updated in the destination. That is, you are required to manually remove the campaign from the destination account. Labels aren’t copied.

If the names don’t match, Search Ads 360 creates a new campaign, including supported settings in the destination account.

Campaigns in the same engine account Copy of
name of the source campaign

When you initally copy within the same engine account, Search Ads 360 names the new destination campaign Copy of
name of the source campaign
. For example, if the source campaign is named Generic - Shoes, the copy is initially named Copy of Generic - Shoes.

If the source and destination names match, Search Ads 360 copies: 

  • Any new ad groups, ads, and keywords
  • Campaign budget (if you chose to update this setting)
  • Campaign status (if you chose to update this setting)

If the names don’t match, Search Ads 360 creates a new campaign, including supported settings. For example, if you changed Copy of Generic - Shoes to Copy of Generic - Shoes - Northeast, Search Ads 360 creates a new campaign.

Ad groups Ad group name

If the source and destination names match, Search Ads 360 copies updates to selected settings:

  • Ad group status

If the names don’t match, Search Ads 360 creates a new ad group, including supported settings, keywords, and ads. 

  • Text
  • Match type

If the keywords match, selected settings are updated:

  • Landing page URLs
  • Max CPC
  • Status

If the keywords don’t match, new keywords are copied to the destination ad group.


Expanded text ads:

  • Headline 1
  • Headline 2
  • Description 1
  • Description 2
  • Status

Standard text ads:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Status

If the ads match, no updates are made.

If the ads don’t match, the new ads are copied to the destination.

How soon do changes take effect?

If the source and destination campaigns are active, the updates take effect immediately. 

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