
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Hourly reporting

View and download hourly reports

To help you spot potential trends, Search Ads 360 provides the following types of hourly reports:

  • Over a period of time: You can chart hourly data over a time range from the performance summary graph. The graph shows metrics in the sequence in which they were reported by the engine.

    This may be useful to detect spikes or patterns that occur on different days.

  • Hour of the day: The Dimension: Hour of day tab sums up metrics for each hour of the day during a time range.

    This may be useful to see if, on average, you get more traffic during particular times of the day. You can use segments drill down and see if specific device types, or other items are driving traffic at different times of the day.

  • Hour of day for each campaign or ad group: To drill down into the most details, you can segment the Engine accounts, Campaigns, or Ad groups tab by hour of day.

    You can use the hourly segment to compare the performance of accounts, campaigns, or ad groups during specific parts of the day. For example, you may see that specific types of campaigns generate more traffic during evening hours, while other types of campaigns generate more traffic during morning hours.

Chart hourly metrics over time

  1. Navigate to an advertiser.

    Steps for navigating to an advertiser
    1. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    2. In the "Agency" list, click on the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    3. In the "Advertiser" list, click on the advertiser.

    4. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    Search Ads 360 displays the advertiser page, which contains data for all of the advertiser’s engine accounts.

  2. Click the Engine accounts, Campaigns, or Ad groups tab.
    You can also click the Dimensions tab, click the Time category and select Hour of day.

    Important: On the Ad groups tab, hourly metrics are not available for Baidu accounts. However, metrics from Baidu accounts will be counted in the reporting table (the reporting table in the Ad groups tab doesn't display hourly data). So you'll see different totals in the performance summary graph and the summary row of the reporting table if you're on the Ad groups tab and you're including Baidu ad groups in the report scope.

  3. Select a time range that starts on or after March 01, 2015.

  4. Optionally use a filter to display only the accounts, campaigns, or ad groups that match criteria you specify.
    For example, you can use a filter to display hourly metrics only for Shopping campaigns.

  5. In the upper left corner of the performance summary graph, from the Time interval list, select Hour.

    The horizontal axis is divided into an hourly interval.

    Tip: If you select a time range of 7 days or less on one of these tabs, the performance summary graph shows the hourly interval by default.

Is Hour missing from the Time interval list?

  • Make sure the report's time range starts on or after March 01, 2015.

  • If you're on the Ad groups tab, make sure you're not in a Baidu engine account.

Add another metric for context

To place the hourly data in context, add a second metric to the graph. For example, you may want to see hourly data for these pairs of metrics:

  • Clicks and Impr: If you get many more impressions than clicks at specific times of the day, you may be able to make adjustments to convert the impressions into clicks.

  • Clicks and Actions or Trans: If you get many clicks but few conversions for a particular time of day, you may consider lowering bids during that time of day. Or, you may just be seeing a longer conversion lag for some times of the day. Be sure to use the Actions avg lag (in sec) or Trans avg lag (in sec) columns as part of your analysis.

  • Clicks and Visits: Engines report a click when a customer clicks an ad, but Search Ads 360 doesn't report a visit until the customer is successfully redirected to your site. These metrics are expected to differ a little for a variety of reasons, but large differences may point to a problem in your site's stability. 

Use the Dimensions tab to spot hourly trends and drill down

  1. Navigate to an advertiser, engine account, or campaign.
    You can also navigate to an ad group  in any engine account except Baidu. Baidu does not provide hourly metrics for ad groups.

    Steps for navigating to an advertiser
    1. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    2. In the "Agency" list, click on the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    3. In the "Advertiser" list, click on the advertiser.

    4. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    Search Ads 360 displays the advertiser page, which contains data for all of the advertiser’s engine accounts.

  2. Click the Dimensions tab, click the Time category and select Hour of day.

    Initially, the report shows metrics for each hour of the day throughout the report's time range.

    For example, if a report shows data from the last 7 days, hour 0 in the reporting table shows the total number of clicks (and other metrics) that occurred for all 7 days between 12:00 am and 12:59 am.
    The hourly dimension shows one row for each hour of the day.

    You can segment this report by device, by day, or other items to drill down into more detail. (You can't segment hourly reports by geographical area.)

  3. To include metrics for conversions, from the View menu above the performance summary graph, select Actions or Sales.

    When you view conversions in an hourly report, it's recommended that you add the Actions avg lag (in sec) or Trans avg lag (in sec) columns as well.  These columns may help you correlate clicks that occur earlier in the day with conversions that occur later.

  4. Optionally download the data for offline analysis. You can also schedule the download to occur on a regular basis.

    Note that downloads at the ad group scope will not include metrics from Baidu.

Is the hourly report empty?

Make sure the report's time range starts on or after March 01, 2015. Hourly data is only available as far back as March 1, 2015.

Segment a report by hour of day

  1. Navigate to an advertiser.

    Steps for navigating to an advertiser
    1. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    2. In the "Agency" list, click on the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    3. In the "Advertiser" list, click on the advertiser.

    4. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    Search Ads 360 displays the advertiser page, which contains data for all of the advertiser’s engine accounts.

  2. Click the Engine accounts, Campaigns, or Ad groups tab.
    You can also click the Dimensions tab, click the Time category and select Hour of day.

    Important: On the Ad groups tab, hourly metrics are not available for Baidu accounts. However, metrics from Baidu accounts will be counted in the reporting table (the reporting table in the Ad groups tab doesn't display hourly data). So you'll see different totals in the performance summary graph and the summary row of the reporting table if you're on the Ad groups tab and you're including Baidu ad groups in the report scope.

  3. Select a time range that starts on or after March 01, 2015.

  4. Optionally use a filter to display only the accounts, campaigns, or ad groups that match criteria you specify.
    For example, you can use a filter to display hourly metrics only for Shopping campaigns.

  5. Click the Segment button in the toolbar above the performance summary graph.
    The Segment panel appears.
  6. From the + Segment list, select Hour of day. Then click Apply.

    Each row of the report is divided into up to 24 new rows (one for each hour of the day). The Hour of day column uses 24-hour notation to shows which hour each row is reporting on (0 represents 12am to 12:59am, 23 represents 11pm to 11:59pm).

    If no metrics were reported for a specific hour, then the report does not contain a row for that hour. For example, if no impressions occurred at 2am, then the report will not contain a row for 2am.

  7. Optionally download the data for offline analysis. You can also schedule the download to occur on a regular basis.
    Note that downloads at the ad group scope will not include metrics from Baidu.

Is Hour of day missing from the segment list?

  • Make sure the report's time range starts on or after March 01, 2015.

  • If you're on the Ad groups tab, make sure you're not in a Baidu engine account.

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