
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Set up Google Ads display campaigns

Create a Google Ads display campaign from Search Ads 360

You can create a display campaign in Search Ads 360 or sync in a display campaign that you created in Google Ads.

To create a display campaign in Search Ads 360:

  1. In Search Ads 360, navigate to a Google Ads engine account that will contain the campaign.
    Steps for navigating to an engine account
    1. In the left navigation panel, click All accounts.
      What if the left navigation pane isn't visible?

    2. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    3. In the "Agency" list, click on the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    4. In the "Advertiser" list, click on the advertiser that contains the engine account.

    5. In the "Account" list, click on the engine account.

    6. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    Search Ads 360 displays the engine account page.

    The new campaign will serve ads only on the engine account's search engine.

  2. Click the Campaigns tab if it isn't already selected.
  3. Click + New campaign, which appears above the reporting table.
    If you see New▼ instead of + New campaign, click New▼ and select Manual campaign. (New▼appears for advertisers who have linked a Merchant Center Account to Search Ads 360.)
  4. In the campaign editor, name the campaign.
    Campaign names are case-sensitive in Search Ads 360.
  5. Enter campaign settings.
  6. To target the Google Display Network:
    1. Click the Edit link for the Network setting.
    2. Click Let me choose.
    3. Select the Display network check box, and make sure to deselect the Google search check box. 
    4. Click Save.
  7. Create ad groups, text ads, and keywords as you would for other manual campaigns.

Split existing display and search campaigns into separate campaigns

In most situations, if you have an existing campaign that targets both the Display and Search networks, we recommend you split the campaign into two campaigns, one for Search and one for Display.

You may want to have a combined Search and Display campaign if its keywords are not in bid strategies and you want several campaigns to run in both networks. For example, you optimize your budgets at a very granular level that results in thousands of campaigns (such as one campaign per zip code), but the keywords are not in bid strategies.

To split an existing campaign:

  1. Edit the network settings for the existing campaign:
    1. Click the Edit link for the Network setting.
    2. Click Let me choose.
    3. Select the Display network check box, and make sure to deselect the Google search check box. 
    4. Click Save.
  2. Create a new campaign.
  3. In the settings for the new campaign:
    1. Click the Edit link for the Network setting.
    2. Click Let me choose.
    3. Select the Google search check box, and make sure to deselect the Display network check box.
      Under Google search, you can choose to show ads on both Google search results pages and the search results pages of other properties (Google search partners) within the Search Network. On the search partners, your ads may appear alongside or above search results, as part of a results page as a user navigates through a site's directory, or on other relevant search pages. Learn more about the Google Search Network on the Google Ads Help Center.
  4. Build out the ad groups, ads, and keywords for the new search campaign.

    You can use bulksheets to copy ad groups, ads, and keywords from the original campaign into the new campaign:

    1. From the original campaign, download an editable bulksheet that contains the ad groups, ads, and keywords you want to copy into the new campaign.
    2. Make these changes in the bulksheet:
      1. Action column: change the value to create for all rows.
      2. Campaign ID column: delete this column.
      3. Campaign name column: change the value to the name of the new campaign for all rows.
    3. Upload the edited bulksheet.

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