
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Create and report on Google Ads dynamic search ads in Search Ads 360

Create Google Ads dynamic search ads

Before you can create dynamic search ads in a campaign, you need to create a dynamic ad group.

You can create dynamic search ads and text ads in the same campaign, but not in the same ad group. Create dynamic search ads in dynamic ad groups and create text ads in standard ad groups. 
Keep in mind that dynamic targets trigger dynamic search ads and keywords trigger text ads. That is, if you create dynamic search ads, you'll need at least one dynamic target in the same ad group. Likewise, if you create text ads, you'll need at least one keyword in the same ad group.

By default, new dynamic search ads are created in the expanded format, but you can change the default and create dynamic search ads in the standard format.

To create a dynamic search ad:

  1. Navigate to a dynamic ad group.
    Steps for navigating to an ad group
    1. In the left navigation panel, click All accounts.
      What if the left navigation pane isn't visible?

    2. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    3. In the "Agency" list, click the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    4. In the "Advertiser" list, click the advertiser that contains the engine account.

    5. In the "Account" list, click the engine account that contains the campaign.

    6. In the "Campaign" list, click the campaign that contains the ad group.

    7. In the "Ad group" list, click the ad group.

    8. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    Search Ads 360 displays the ad group page.

  2. Click the Ads tab.
  3. In the toolbar above the reporting table, click +New ad.
  4. By default, you'll see settings for creating an ad in the expanded format.
    To create an ad in the standard format, toggle Enable expanded dynamic ads off. 
    Note that support of standard dynamic search ads will end soon.
  5. Enter the properties for expanded ads or standard ads as described below.
  6. Click Save.

Properties for expanded dynamic search ads

  • Headline: No input required.
    Google Ads generates the headline each time the ad appears, using the customer's search phrase and the title of the page that matched the customer's search. Depending on where the ad appears, Google Ads may generate two headlines.
  • Description line 1: Enter details about your product or service.
    Character limit: 80
  • Ad destination URL: No input required.
    Google Ads generates the destination URL and URL paths, using the domain name you specified in campaign settings along with the URL of the page that matched the customer's search. The ad will inherit any URL template or Final URL Suffix you specified at the ad group level or higher.
  • Ad tracking URL template: Use this field to specify the tracking URL for any third-party tracking service you use in addition to Search Ads 360. The URL you enter here overrides any URL template specified at the ad group level or higher. Be sure to include one of the following placeholders for the ad's destination URL:
    {lpurl}, {escapedlpurl}, or {unescapedlpurl}.

    For example:{escapedlpurl}

    URL parameters that appear in this field may not be sent to the landing page, depending on how you define them. The recommended practice is use the Final URL Suffix to specify URL parameters that your landing pages require.

  • Final URL Suffix: Specifies URL parameters that your site uses for tracking purposes. Google Ads adds these parameters to the ad's destination URL when it serves an ad. The suffix you enter here overrides any Final URL Suffix specified at the ad group level or higher. 

    For example, the following URL suffix appends a static URL parameter, a parameter with a Search Ads 360 custom parameter, and a Google Ads ValueTrack parameter:

  • Custom parameters: Defines custom parameters that you can add to the ad's Final URL Suffix or URL template. If custom parameters defined at a higher level use the same name as the ones defined here, the parameter values here override the values from the higher level.

Properties for standard dynamic search ads

  • Headline: No input required.
    Google Ads generates the headline each time the ad appears, using words from the customer's search phrase as well as words from the title of the ad's landing page.
  • Description line 1: A concise summary of the ad.
    Character limit: 35
  • Description line 2: A detailed summary of the ad.
    Character limit: 35
  • Display URL: The URL that will appear in the ad.
    The value doesn't need to start with http://.
    Character limit: 35
  • Destination URL: Select one of the following options:

    Note that dynamic targets in this ad group can either inherit this ad's URL template or specify their own URL template.

    • Dynamic destination URL: Inherits the URL template specified for the ad group or higher level.
    • Dynamic destination URL with additional tracking: Overrides any higher level template and creates a URL template specifically for this ad. If you select this option, enter {lpurl}, {escapedlpurl}, or {unescapedlpurl}, plus any parameters or third-party tracking URL.

      For example, the following URL template appends a static URL parameter, a parameter with a Search Ads 360 custom parameter, and a Google Ads ValueTrack parameter:

      See the Google Ads help center for guidance and more examples.

  • Custom parameters: Defines custom parameters that you can add to the ad's Final URL Suffix or URL template. If custom parameters defined at a higher level use the same name as the ones defined here, the parameter values here override the values from the higher level.

  • Device preference: Select the Mobile check box to give the ad preference to display on mobile devices. Be sure to create at least one ad in this ad group that is not mobile preferred. If the ad group contains only ads set to Mobile (not recommended), the ad may also appear on desktop and laptop computers and tablets.

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