
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Manage Google Ads sitelinks

Use a bulksheet to create Google Ads account-level sitelinks

Set the Account-level extension in sitelinks
Account-level sitelink refers to a sitelink that is configured for inheritance by campaigns and ad groups. That is, the sitelink's Account-level extension setting is selected.  
Even though Google Ads sitelinks are created and stored at the account level in Search Ads 360, the sitelinks are only called account-level sitelinks if they are configured for inheritance.  
Complete the following steps to use a bulksheet to create up to 20 account-level sitelinks in an account. 


If you don't want sitelinks to be inherited from the account level, you don't need to set up inheritance. You can still use a bulksheet to only create the sitelinks. Or, you can use a bulksheet to create and apply sitelinks directly to a campaign or ad group. Ad groups automatically inherit sitelinks from a campaign if the ad group allows sitelinks or if sitelinks aren't directly applied to the ad group.

The overall process for creating Google Ads account-level (inheritable) sitelinks is as follows:

  1. Download an editable report (bulksheet) that contains at least one sitelink that you can use as an example.
  2. In the downloaded bulksheet, create the sitelinks:
    1. Add a column and name it Row tag.
      You'll use the Row tag column to assign a temporary ID to the new sitelinks.
    2. Add rows and enter information in the sitelinks columns for each new sitelink.
  3. To set up inheritance, paste the temporary ID from the sitelink's Row tag column into an account row.
  4. Upload the bulksheet.

The process for using a bulksheet to edit account-level sitelinks is similar to the process for creating sitelinks, except you don’t need to add a Row tag ID.

Download a report that contains Google Ads accounts and sitelinks

  1. Navigate to all Google Ads engine accounts.

    Steps for navigating to all Google Ads accounts
    1. In the left navigation panel, click All accounts.
      What if the left navigation pane isn't visible?

    2. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    3. In the Agency list, click on the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    4. In the Advertiser list, click the advertiser that contains the engine accounts.

    5. In the Account list, click All Google Ads accounts.

    6. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    Search Ads 360 displays the list of Google Ads accounts and campaigns.

  2. Click the Engine accounts tab.

  3. Do either of the following:

    • Filter the list to include only the Google Ads accounts that you want to update.

    • Select the check boxes next to the Google Ads accounts that you want to update.

  4. Above the reporting table, click the download icon Download icon.

  5. In the Download report panel, under Include types, select the Sitelinks (Google Ads only) check box.
    It's not necessary to change any of the other pre-selected options. For example, leave Accounts check box selected.

  6. Click the Download button.

Create sitelinks and set up inheritance

Complete the following steps to create account-level sitelinks that can be automatically inherited by campaigns and ad groups.
If you want to create and apply sitelinks directly to campaigns and ad groups using a bulksheet, see these steps.

In the downloaded report/bulksheet:

  1. Add a Row tag column to the bulksheet.

    You can insert the column before or after the other columns that are already in the bulksheet - the order of the columns doesn't matter.

  2. Add a row for each sitelink that you want to create:

    1. Copy an existing sitelink row to a blank row.
    2. Edit the information in the sitelink columns. For example, in the Action column, replace edit with create.
    An account can contain up to 20 sitelinks.
  3. In each new sitelink row, in the Row tag column, specify a row tag ID.

  4. To create sitelinks that can be inherited by campaigns and ad groups, in an engine account row, in the Sitelinks column, add a row tag ID for each new sitelink, separated by a vertical bar |.

    When you upload the bulksheet, the sitelinks will be created as account-level sitelinks.

  5. Save the bulksheet and then upload it into Search Ads 360.

Edit sitelinks

Edit the information in the sitelink columns for existing sitelinks, but leave the Row tag column blank.

Bulksheet columns for creating and editing sitelinks

Column name  Description 

Enter create to create a new sitelink.

Enter edit to edit a sitelink.

Row tag

Enter a temporary identifier for the sitelink. The identifier should be unique within the bulksheet, but because it is not stored in Search Ads 360, it can be reused in a different bulksheet to create other sitelinks.

The row tag can include alphanumeric characters and _(underscores), but cannot include wildcard characters such as @ or *. The row tag can start with upper or lower case letters or an _ (underscore). For example,

  • _Sitelink_tag_4 is a valid row tag.
  • 4_Sitelink_tag_@ is not a valid row tag.
Account level extension

You don't need to make any changes in this column. Search Ads 360 doesn't use the information in the column to set the Account-level extension setting that enables inheritance from the account.

Instead, if you want to create an account-level sitelink that can be automatically inherited by campaigns and ad groups, in an engine account row, add the row tag ID for the new sitelink to the Sitelinks column. See the Sitelinks column description later in this table.

Sitelink display text (Required) Enter the link text that you want to display in the ad.
Sitelink Description1 and
Sitelink Description2
Optionally enter ad text in both columns.
Sitelink landing page URL

(Required) Type the URL for the website that appears after the user clicks the link.

Be sure to start the URL with http or https. If you add a URL that doesn't start this way, you'll see an error when you try to upload the bulksheet.
Extension start date
and Extension end date
Optionally enter when you want the sitelink to be eligible to appear in ads. The format is yyyy-mm-dd (for example, 2018-08-15)
Extension mobile preference

The default is All; enter Mobile if you prefer that the sitelink appear on mobile devices.
If a campaign or ad group contains only sitelinks set to Mobile preferred (not recommended), the sitelink may also appear on desktop, laptop, and tablet computers.

You don't need to remove the existing values from the Extension ID or Sitelink clickserver URL column. When you specify create as the action, Search Ads 360 automatically generates a new sitelink ID and clickserver URL when you upload the bulksheet.



In the sitelink row, leave the Sitelinks column blank.

To set up inheritance, in the engine account row, add the row tag ID for the sitelink. Separate each ID with a vertical bar ( | ).

If you don't want campaigns and ad groups to inherit a new sitelink, don't add the row tag ID in the Sitelinks column in the engine account row.

For existing account-level sitelinks, if you want to remove the inheritance and turn off the Account level extension setting, in the Sitelinks column in an engine account row, remove the sitelink's extension ID.

Learn more about using a bulksheet to remove sitelinks.

Sitelink URL template

Optional. Enter a Search Ads 360 URL template if you want to override a template specified at a higher level. 

If the sitelink inherits a URL template that doesn't contain a URL placeholder, Google Ads ignores the higher-level template and directs clicks to the sitelink's final URL without applying the template. For example:

  1. You specify the following landing page URL for a sitelink:
  2. You don't specify a URL template for a sitelink, but you do specify this URL template for a keyword:
  3. A search matches the keyword and Google Ads serves an ad along with the sitelink.
  4. A customer clicks the sitelink.
  5. Google Ads directs the click to without applying the URL template inherited from the keyword.

If instead the keyword's URL template specified this:{escapedlpurl}
Google Ads would apply the URL template, and the click would redirect to:

To edit an existing URL template that has been directly applied to a sitelink, edit the value in this column.

To remove an existing template, enter remove_content.

Sitelink final URL suffix

Optional. Enter Final URL Suffix parameters. 

The suffixes at lower levels override suffixes from higher up.

Search Ads 360 might add additional parameters to the Final URL Suffix that won't be visible or editable in the bulksheet.


Here's an example of creating a sitelink and adding it to the account as an account-level sitelink. (To save space, not all of the required columns are displayed here.)

Row Type  Action  Campaign  Sitelinks Row tag Sitelink display text Sitelink Description1 Sitelink Description2 Sitelink final URL suffix
sitelink create     _Sitelink_tag_4 Learn more about sitelinks Desc 1 Add with Desc1 src=google&kwd={keyword}&product=1234
engine account edit Campaign #1 30502000013800 | _Sitelink_tag_4          

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