
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Manage Google Ads location extensions

Inherit, filter, or disable Google Ads location extensions

Before you start, set up and sync location extensions.

By default, ads from all campaigns in the Google Ads account will be eligible to display any business location from your Google My Business account.

To change the location extensions that ads in a campaign or ad group can display:

  1. Navigate to a Google Ads campaign or ad group.

    Steps for navigating to a campaign
    1. In the left navigation panel, click All accounts.
      What if the left navigation pane isn't visible?

    2. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    3. In the "Agency" list, click on the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    4. In the "Advertiser" list, click on the advertiser that contains the engine account.

    5. In the "Account" list, click on the engine account that contains the campaign.
    6. In the "Campaign" list, click on the campaign.

    7. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    Search Ads 360 displays the campaign page.

    Steps for navigating to an ad group
    1. In the left navigation panel, click All accounts.
      What if the left navigation pane isn't visible?

    2. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    3. In the "Agency" list, click the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    4. In the "Advertiser" list, click the advertiser that contains the engine account.

    5. In the "Account" list, click the engine account that contains the campaign.

    6. In the "Campaign" list, click the campaign that contains the ad group.

    7. In the "Ad group" list, click the ad group.

    8. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    Search Ads 360 displays the ad group page.

  2. Click the Extensions▼ tab and select Location Extensions.
    Search Ads 360 displays metrics for the location extensions that are available in your current scope. Location extensions without performance metrics in the report's time range do not appear in Search Ads 360 reports.

  3. Click Manage location extensions, which appears above the reporting table.

  4. To prevent the campaign or ad group from displaying any location extensions, select Disable location extensions and click Apply.

  5. To return to the default setting, select Inherit from account for a campaign or Inherit from campaign or account for an ad group.

  6. To display only location extensions that match criteria you specify:

    1. Click Use location extensions to display filter criteria.
      You can filter on the business name and up to three categories that you have defined for the location in your Google My Business account.

    2. To filter on the business name, select Business Name from the criteria list and enter a name.

    3. To filter on a category defined in your Google My Business account, click +AND and select Category from the list. Then enter a category name.

      Make sure the business name and category name match the names exactly as you've entered them in your Google My Business account. Filters do not support partial matches, and Search Ads 360 does not validate the names with the data in your Google My Business account.

    4. To filter on additional categories, click +OR and enter an additional category.
      You can enter up to three categories in the filter. The filter will match location extensions in any of the categories you define.

      For example, the following filter matches any location extension with the Example Business name and that is in either the Electronics or Cameras category.
      This filter matches any location with the To display only location extensions that match criteria you specify: Click Use location extensions to display filter criteria. You can filter on the business name and up to three categories that you have defined for the location in your Google My Business account.  To filter on the business name, select Business Name from the criteria list and enter a name.  To filter on a category defined in your Google My Business account, click +AND and select Category from the list. Then enter a category name.  Tip: Make sure the business name and category name match the names exactly as you've entered them in your Google My Business account. Filters do not support partial matches, and DS does not validate the names with the data in your Google My Business account.   To filter on additional categories, click +OR and enter an additional category. You can enter up to three categories in the filter. The filter will match location extensions in any of the categories you define. For example, the following filter matches any location extension with the Example Business name and that is in either the Electronics or Cameras category.

    5. Click Apply.

The reporting table displays only the location extensions that were enabled for the campaign or ad group and that recorded at least one impression during the report's time range.

Search Ads 360 does not support the following methods of specifying the location extensions that can appear in a campaign or ad group (learn more in the Google Ads help center):

  • Select specific locations
  • Filter by Google Ads labels that you have applied to locations

Search Ads 360 only supports filtering by business name and/or category.

If you sign into Google Ads and select specific location extensions or filter by label:

  • You can sync the change into Search Ads 360, but Search Ads 360 doesn't show which extensions are available for the campaign or ad group.
  • You can't change the filters or selected locations.
  • You'll need to sign into Google Ads to view or change the locations.

If you change the filters for a campaign or ad group, you may still see metrics for location extensions that are no longer selected by the filter.

Example of metrics that are no longer selected
  1. On Monday, you set up a campaign's filter to include location extensions in the Cameras category.

  2. Later on Monday, Google Ads serves an ad from the campaign and displays a location extension in the Cameras category. 

  3. The campaign's Location Extension tab displays metrics for Cameras location extension.

  4. On Wednesday, you change the filter so that ads from the campaign no longer display Cameras location extensions from this point forward.

  5. If you view a report for the campaign and the time range includes Monday, you'll still see metrics for the Cameras location extension. If you adjust the time range to start on Wednesday, you'll no longer see metrics for the Cameras location extension.

Use a bulksheet to disable or filter location extensions

Before you start, set up and sync location extensions.

Instead of disabling or filtering location extensions in one campaign or ad group at a time, you can use bulksheets to manage extensions in many campaigns and ad groups in a single upload:

  1. Download an editable bulksheet that contains campaigns and ad groups:

    1. Navigate to an advertiser or a Google Ads engine account.

    2. Click the Campaigns tab.

    3. Select the checkbox next to the campaigns you want to edit.

      You can filter the reporting table so it contains only the campaigns you want to edit.

    4. Click the download icon ,, which appears above the reporting table.

    5. In the Download panel, make sure Editable columns (for re-upload) is selected in the Columns list.

    6. Under Include types, select Campaigns and Ad groups.

    7. Click Download.
      Search Ads 360 starts to generate a bulksheet.

    8. Depending on the size of the bulksheet, Search Ads 360 either automatically downloads the bulksheet or displays the Download now link above the reporting table. Click the link to download the bulksheet to your browser's download folder.

  2. Open the bulksheet and find the Location filter column.
    Enter one of the following into the column:

    • (inherited): This is the default setting. It enables a campaign to display any location extension from your Google My Business account.
      The setting causes an ad group to inherit the campaign's setting.

    • (disabled): This prevents a campaign or ad group from displaying any location extension.

    • A filter, formatted as follows:
      (Business name is value) and (Category is value|value|value)

      You can specify only a single criteria, such as:
      (Business name is Example name)
      (Category is Electronics)

      Multiple categories need to be joined by | (vertical bar), while Business name and Category need to joined by and (all lower case).

      Note that if a campaign specifies (disabled) but an ad group specifies a filter, the ad group's setting will override the campaign's setting.

  3. Save the bulksheet and upload it to Search Ads 360.
    If you downloaded campaigns or ad groups in multiple engine accounts, select Multiple Engine Accounts on the upload page.

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