Improve your impression share

To increase your impression share, your ads must appear either more often or in more places.

Before you begin

If this article is your first intro to impression share, take a moment to learn How impression share is calculated.

For instructions on how to view your impression share, learn how to Get impression share data.

Impression share is called share of voice in Microsoft Ads.

How to improve it

Here are some general tips to help improve your impression share:

  • Increase your campaign budget: It's important to remember that your budget controls how often an ad is shown, which can increase the percentage of total impressions that your ad shows for.
  • Increase your bid: Raising your bid can improve the likelihood that your ad will show for a given ad auction.
  • Decrease regional targets: If you decrease your regional targets, you may see an increase in impression share. But keep in mind that decreasing regional targets reduces the potential number of impressions available to you.
  • Re-adjust your budget: If you increase your regional targets, you may see a decrease in impression share. That’s because there are now more potential impressions available for your ads. To avoid this, consider re-adjusting your budget so that it'll cover the costs of your new campaign settings.
  • Improve your ad quality: For Search Network campaigns, you can Improve your ad quality.

Learn more about improving impression share in the following platforms:

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