Estimate your results with Google Ads bid simulators

 This article applies only to Google Ads accounts in the new Search Ads 360.

You can access Google Ads bid simulators from your Search Ads 360 account by selecting Google Ads client accounts. This article briefly explains the different Google Ads bid simulators you can use.

Learn how to Estimate your results with bid, budget, and target simulators.

Google Ads bid simulators

Google Ads bid simulators help you see how different bids might change your ads’ weekly performance.
  • The keyword and ad group bid simulators show you how the changes to your max. CPC bid might change the cost or the number of clicks, impressions, conversions, and conversion value your ads would have received for your keyword or ad group. You can find them on the Ad groups and Keywords pages.
    Bid simulators will not be available for ad groups and keywords that use automated bidding. However, target CPA or target ROAS simulators may be available.
  • The campaign target simulator shows you how the changes to your campaign’s target or budget might affect that campaign’s performance. Find it on the Campaigns page.
  • The Shopping campaigns bid simulator shows you how certain changes to your bid might have impacted your product group's performance. You can find it on the Product groups page.
  • The Video campaigns simulator shows you how changes to your max. CPV might impact your typical weekly video traffic. Find it on the Campaigns page.
  • The Target CPA and Target ROAS simulators show you how the changes to your target cost-per-action (target CPA) or target return-on-ad-spend (target ROAS) might affect your ad performance. Find them on the bid strategies page in the shared library.
  • The Ad group target simulator shows you how the changes to a specific ad group level target might affect the overall performance of your Target CPA or Target ROAS bid strategy. Find it on the Ad group page.

Learn how to Use the bid simulator with Standard Shopping campaigns.

How to get Google Ads bid simulators

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a Google Ads client account.
  3. Do any of the following:
  1. Click the simulator icon Bid Simulator icon. If you're in Campaigns, the icon is in the “Status” column at the sub-manager account level and the "Budgets" column at the client account level.
    • If you're in Ad groups or Keywords, the icon is in the "Default max. CPC" column.
      The bid simulator icon isn't shown if the campaign uses automated bidding.
    • If you’re in Bid strategies, the icon is in “Bid strategy type” column.
      Don't see this icon Bid Simulator icon, or it’s not available? Learn why in troubleshooting bid simulators in the Google Ads Help Center.
  1. You can change your bid, budget, or target by selecting a different target option in the target simulator.
Note: When a simulator recommendation is selected, it's expected to override any bid limits on the bid strategy.

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