Share Search Ads 360 conversion data with Google Ads

You can share Floodlight and all other conversion data, including relevant feed data, from Search Ads 360 with Google Ads to take advantage of the performance benefits of Google Ads auction-time bidding enabled through Search Ads 360 bid strategies.

For example:

  1. In Search Ads 360, you create a Floodlight activity named "Thank you page".
  2. You enable conversion-data sharing.
  3. Google Ads Smart Bidding can use the "Thank you page" conversion data as a signal at auction time. In addition, reports in both Search Ads 360 and Google Ads will include "Thank you page" conversions.


How to enable conversion-data sharing and use Google Ads auction-time bidding

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. From the page menu, under “Tools and settings”, click Conversions.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Expand the "Share conversions" section, and then select the first checkbox to:
    • Share all Floodlight and other conversion data related to Google Ads with all Google Ads accounts linked to this Search Ads 360 sub-manager account.

      Conversion-data sharing is required if you want to use functionality like Google Ads auction-time bidding.

      Search Ads 360 bid strategies and some bid-strategy related components such as data-sharing, will be available only after your account has been migrated to the new Search Ads 360. Learn more about how to upgrade your bid strategies to the new Search Ads 360.

      Check the Experience hub to stay up to date on your available features, including bidding.
  6. Click Turn on to confirm that you want to share conversion data.
  7. Click Save.

Additional step

To enable Search Ads 360 bid strategies and Google Ads Smart Bidding to use Search Ads 360 conversion data, you are required to set the Floodlight and other conversions as primary actions in the new Search Ads 360. Learn more about primary and secondary conversion actions.

Conversion-data sharing doesn’t automatically share Google Ads Performance Max campaign data

If a Performance Max campaign was created in Google Ads, the conversion data isn’t shared with Search Ads 360. If you want to share the data with Search Ads 360, you’re required to enable conversion data-sharing in the Performance Max campaign.

Conversion-data sharing is automatically enabled in Performance Max campaigns that are created in Search Ads 360.

Data automatically appears in Google Ads

After you enable conversion-data sharing, conversions recorded by Search Ads 360 begin to appear in the “Client account conversions” column (and all related columns such as “Cost/client account conv.” and "Client account conversions (by conv. time)") of every Google Ads account that is linked to the Search Ads 360 sub-manager account. Only conversions that occur after you enable conversion-data sharing are shared with Google Ads. Conversions that occurred before you enabled data sharing are not shared.

How to disable conversion-data sharing and turn off Google Ads auction-time bidding

Conversion-data sharing is required if you want to use functionality like Google Ads auction-time bidding.
  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. From the page menu, under “Tools and settings”, click Conversions.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Click Share conversions to expand the section, and clear the first checkbox.
  6. Click Turn off to confirm that you want to stop sharing conversions with the Google Ads accounts linked to the sub-manager account and stop using auction-time bidding.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Additional recommended step: Disable Google Ads auction-time bidding in each Search Ads 360 bid strategy or budget bid strategy.
    1. On the left navigation panel, click the Bidding & planning drop-down.
    2. Select Bid Strategies.
    3. Click the checkbox next to the name of a Target CPA or Target ROAS bid strategy that is using Google Ads auction-time bidding.
    4. Click Edit, then select Edit bid strategy settings.
    5. Clear the Use Google Ads auction-time bidding checkbox.
    6. Click Save.
  1. For non-budget bid strategies, you can also follow these steps:
    1. On the left navigation panel, click the Bidding & planning drop-down.
    2. Select Bid Strategies.
    3. Click the name of a non-budget bid strategy that is using Google Ads auction-time bidding.
    4. Click Edit bid strategy.
    5. Clear the Use Google Ads auction-time bidding checkbox.
    6. Click Save.

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