How to use bulk upload for custom variable adjustments

Bulk uploads for custom variable adjustments allow you to modify the conversion value of multiple campaigns at once. Across all new Search Ads 360 sub-manager conversions, including Floodlight, Adobe Analytics, and Google Analytics, these changes can be applied to conversion actions. Using bulk uploads help you do all the adjustments using a bulksheet, saving you from manual effort.

Set up custom variable adjustments

Bulk upload

To set up or modify custom variable adjustments for multiple campaigns at the same time, input the conditions to a specially formatted spreadsheet (called a bulksheet) and upload the bulksheet to the new Search Ads 360. This allows you to take immediate bulk action on errors and opportunities you observe in your custom variable adjustments data. Using bulk upload allows you to avoid manually changing custom variable adjustments on each campaign’s setting page.

Download custom variable adjustments bulksheet

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. From the page menu, click Campaigns.
  3. From the table toolbar, click A picture of the Google Ads columns icon Columns.
  4. In the search bar, search for “Custom variable adjustments”.
  5. Select the checkbox next to Custom variable adjustments.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. From the table toolbar, click Download.
  8. Select “More options”, and the “All editable columns for Bulk Upload” checkbox, and click Download.

Format the custom variable adjustments column in the bulksheet

Within the Custom Variable Adjustment column please indicate:

  • conversion action: conversion_action_name
  • custom variable filter: variable_filter_1, [contains or equals], value 1 || value 2
  • operation: [set, increase, or multiply]
  • value: [enter value]

Important to note:

  • There is only 1 Custom variable adjustment column, separate multiple custom variable adjustments in one campaign separated by blank lines after the “value” input.
  • Advertisers are able to add additional filter conditions by adding additional “custom variable filter” rows under the “conversion action”.
  • If advertisers wish to input multiple values in one condition, they are separated by "||" double pipe characters.
  • If you want to make edits to a custom variable adjustment, enter “Edit” in the Action cell.
    • If you want to edit an existing custom variable adjustment, enter the new desired custom variable adjustment settings in the custom variable adjustment cell. This will functionally remove the existing custom variable adjustment and create a new one matching the entered bulksheet inputs.
    • If you want to remove the custom variable adjustments on the row, enter remove_value in the custom variable adjustment cell.
    • If the custom variable adjustment cell is left empty, the bulksheet won’t change it for the campaign. Similarly, if no change is made to the custom variable adjustment cell, the bulksheet won’t make any updates to the custom variable adjustments.

Example bulksheet rows:

Row type Action Campaign Currency code Custom variable adjustment
Campaign Edit Campaign_1 USD

conversion action: Example conversion action
custom variable filter: filter_example, contains, abc || def || ghi
operation: set
value: 1

conversion action: Example conversion action2
custom variable filter: filter_example, equals, abc || def
custom variable filter: filter_example2, equals, 123
operation: set
value: 1

Campaign Edit Campaign_2 USD remove_value

Upload the custom variable adjustments bulksheet

Follow these instructions to update custom variable adjustments for multiple campaigns at once.

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. From the page menu, click Campaigns.
  3. From the table toolbar, click More.
  4. From the list of options, click Upload.
  5. On the “Upload spreadsheets” card, click on the Select source drop-down and select Upload a file.
  6. Click Select a file from your computer, and select the bulksheet file you want to upload.
  7. From the drop-down below, select if you want to apply the changes to a single account or multiple accounts.
    • Note: If you select “Multiple accounts”, changes will be applied to any accounts included in your bulksheet file.
  8. Click Apply.

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