Fix your feed for Dynamic Search Ads

You may notice that your Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) aren't serving or receive low traffic. This article explains how to troubleshoot these issues by checking your campaign and feed setup.

For additional troubleshooting, learn how to fix low traffic for Dynamic Search Ads.

Check date of feed or campaign creation

If there issues with your Dynamic Search Ads (DSA), the first thing to check is the date you created your feed/campaign.

  • New DSA campaigns can take up to 24-48 hours to become active and begin serving.
  • New Page Feeds must be crawled and reviewed. Check if the feed is not still marked as "Under review".
Learn how to set up data feed.

Check settings and target used for ad creatives

Dynamic Search Ads require a website domain (for example, and language corresponding to the pages you want your ads to target to be set in the campaign. To create a Dynamic ad group in a search campaign, you'll need to provide your website information and website domain and language in the campaign settings.

The following domains can't be used for Dynamic Search Ads:

  • Domains that redirect to a different domain
  • Sites from some sensitive verticals, such as pharmaceutical, gambling, and adult may not serve with Dynamic Search Ads
  • Domains without enough content to target:
    • Sites that mostly contain flash content or images
    • Sites that require a user to login to access the majority of the site's content
    • Sites that don't have a lot of pages indexed by Google (check your website's index status on Google)

Next steps: Check your domain and language settings:

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a manager account.
  3. From the page menu, click Campaigns.
  4. Click on the campaign name to which you want to make the changes.
  5. From the page menu, click Settings.
  6. Scroll down and click Additional settings and then click Dynamic Search Ads setting. You should view the website domain and language listed if you previously gave this information. Make sure the language in your settings matches the language of your website. If the domain or language is missing, enter the domain or select a language from the drop-down. Double-check to be sure that your domain name is spelled correctly.
  7. Click Save.

If your URL works only when it starts with ‘www’, enter the URL starting with ‘www’ in the campaign settings. Similarly, if your domain doesn't work if it starts with ‘www’, enter the domain in campaign settings without ‘www’.

Ensure feed is set up correctly

Check to ensure you're using the right formatting in your Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) feed. 

  • Make sure you use semicolons (;) to separate multiple custom labels.
  • Check that targeted items in your feed are "Approved".
  • Make sure you don’t have a removed feed with the same name, as it might prevent ads from serving. Ads may pull data from the removed feed.
  • Check for any redirects on your site. The page after the redirect page will be used for DSA.
  • Custom labels aren't case sensitive. It’s okay to have different capitalization in your feed and target.

Learn more How to fix low traffic issues with Google Dynamic Search Ads.

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