Create and use a Search Ads 360 bid strategy for bid adjustments

Learn how to set the bid adjustment options in a budget bid strategy. Follow the instructions below to create and use a bid strategy for your bid adjustments:

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a client account.
  3. Click the Tools and settings icon .
  4. From under the Shared Library list, click Bid strategies.
  5. On the “Bid strategies” page, click the plus icon .
  6. Select one of the following Search Ads 360 bid strategies:
    • Target CPA
    • Target ROAS
  7. Give the bid strategy a name, choose an owner account, and select a currency.
    • Sub-manager account is the default owner account.
    • The default selected currency is the sub-manager account’s currency if at least one client account uses the same currency as the sub-manager account. Any other currencies that are listed come from the selected client accounts. All campaigns managed by the bid strategy must use the same currency.
    • If the sub-manager account contains a single client account, the only available currency is the client account's currency.
  8. Click the pencil icon and select campaigns in which you want to set and adjust bids of the bid strategy.
  9. Enter a target CPA or or a target ROAS percent. If your campaigns have enough performance history, Search Ads 360 will recommend a target.
  10. (Optional) Select the Google Ads auction-time bidding check box. Learn more About using Search Ads 360 conversions for auction-time bidding.
  11. Click Intraday advanced options and you’ll be able to view “Bid adjustments” options. Note that these settings are only for campaigns that don’t use Google Ads auction-time bidding.
    • If you aren’t able to view “Bid adjustments” options, make sure you’ve selected “Target ROAS” or “Target CPA” as a bid-strategy.
  12. Select one or all of the following options:
    • Device
    • Remarketing
    • Location
  13. Click Save.

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