Edit Search Ads 360 bid strategy settings

After you create a Search Ads 360 bid strategy, you can make changes to the bid strategy's settings. For example, you can change the target CPA or ROAS, or add and remove bid limits, and turn on Google Ads auction-time bidding.

Note that some changes may cause performance fluctuations, or cause a Search Ads 360 bid strategy to enter learning mode.

Note: The conversion source of a campaign can be checked on the campaign overview page. A “Segment” when added to the reporting table, shows the conversion source of the campaign. A conversion source indicates the medium through which the ad was clicked and eventually converted. A conversion needs to be defined in the account by setting up a conversion action for a campaign.

Learn how to Create or edit a budget bid strategy.


To edit bid strategy settings in the Search Ads 360 UI:

  1. Navigate to a manager or sub-manager account.
  2. On the left navigation panel, click the Bidding & planning drop-down.
  3. Select Bid Strategies.
  4. Click a bid strategy in the reporting table.
  5. Click Settings or Edit bid strategy.
  6. You can change and make adjustments to the bid strategy and click Save.

Bidding types

Bid strategy When to use
About Target ROAS (Target return on ad spend) bidding To get as much conversion value as possible within a target return on ad spend goal.
Target CPA (Target cost-per-action) bidding To get as many conversions as possible within a target cost-per-action that you set.
Target impression share bidding To show your ad on the absolute top of the page, on the top of the page or anywhere on the page of Google search results.
Budget Bid Strategies (Maximize Clicks, Maximize Conversions, Maximize Conversion Value) To automatically optimize spend toward the key metrics you have chosen for a performance plan.

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