Copying from Google Ads to Baidu destination

When the new Search Ads 360 creates new campaigns, ad groups, ads, keywords, and negative keywords as part of a copy operation, only some of the settings are copied from the source campaign, as described below.

Campaign settings for Baidu

For each source campaign, the new Search Ads 360 creates a new campaign and copies the settings listed below.
Some Google Ads settings may have different names or require the new Search Ads 360 to make adjustments in the destination campaign.
Google Ads source Baidu destination campaign settings
Name Name
Daily budget

Daily budget

When needed, the new Search Ads 360 converts the daily budget to the currency of the destination client.

Ad delivery method Not applicable to Baidu campaigns.
Start date and End date Not applicable to Baidu campaigns.
Ad rotation Ad rotation
Location targets

Location targets:

  • Country
  • Region
  • City

Note that the new Search Ads 360 doesn’t copy metro targets to Baidu campaigns.
For the other types of location targets, the new Search Ads 360 changes the geo codes used by Google Ads into the equivalent geo codes used by Baidu whenever possible. When Baidu doesn't have an equivalent geo code, the action the new Search Ads 360 takes depends on whether the code includes a larger or smaller area than Google Ads:

  • If a Baidu code includes a larger area than the source Google Ads campaign, the new Search Ads 360 doesn’t copy the code. The new Search Ads 360 pauses the Baidu campaign and outputs a message in the “Bulk actions” page.
  • If a Baidu code includes a smaller area than the source Google Ads campaign, the new Search Ads 360 copies the code and outputs a message in the “Bulk actions” page. The new Search Ads 360 doesn’t pause the Baidu campaign.
Languages Not applicable to Baidu campaigns.
Network Not applicable to Baidu campaigns.
Mobile bid adjustment Mobile bid adjustment
Tablet bid adjustment Not applicable to Baidu campaigns.
Desktop bid adjustment Not applicable to Baidu campaigns.
Tracking template Tracking template


If you change the status of a source campaign to “Removed” , it isn’t updated in the destination. You’re required to manually set the destination campaign to “Removed”.

Sitelinks Not applicable to Baidu campaigns.

The following settings aren’t copied to the destination campaign:

  • Bid strategy
  • Labels
  • Custom parameters
    • The new Search Ads 360 can’t view or manage custom parameters in this type of client account. If you sign into the client and add custom parameters, you can successfully sync the item into the new Search Ads 360, but the new Search Ads 360 ignores the custom parameters you created. The client will apply the custom parameters when it serves an ad.
  • Final URL Suffix

Ad group settings for Baidu

For each ad group in the source campaigns, the new Search Ads 360 creates a new ad group in the destination campaigns and copies the settings listed below.
Some Google Ads settings may have different names or require the new Search Ads 360 to make adjustments in the destination ad group.
Google Ads source Baidu destination ad group settings
Name Name
Default search CPC Default search CPC
Tablet bid adjustment Not applicable to Baidu ad groups.
Desktop bid adjustment Not applicable to Baidu ad groups.
Tracking template Tracking template
Status Status
Sitelinks Not applicable to Baidu ad groups.

The following settings aren’t copied to the destination ad group:

  • Bid strategy
  • Labels
  • Custom parameters
    • The new Search Ads 360 can’t view or manage custom parameters in this type of client account. If you sign into the client and add custom parameters, you can successfully sync the item into the new Search Ads 360, but the new Search Ads 360 ignores the custom parameters you created. The client will apply the custom parameters when it serves an ad.
  • Final URL Suffix

Ad settings for Baidu

For each ad in the source campaigns, the new Search Ads 360 creates a new ad in the destination campaigns and copies the settings listed below.
For Google Ads settings that aren't available in the other clients, or that are available under different names, the new Search Ads 360 makes adjustments as described below.

Only standard text ads are copied

Only Google Ads standard text ads are copied to a destination campaign. Google Ads expanded text ads aren't copied.

Google Ads source Baidu destination ad settings
Ad name Ad name
Ad title

Ad title

If the title is over the Baidu character limit, the new Search Ads 360 doesn’t copy the ad. You'll see an error message in the “Bulk actions” page.

Line 1
Line 2

Line 1
Line 2

If either of these lines is over the Baidu character limit, Search Ads 360 does not copy the ad. You'll see an error message in the “Bulk actions” page.

Display URL

Display URL

If the display URL is over the Baidu character limit, Search Ads 360 does not copy the ad. You'll see an error message in the “Bulk actions” page.

Landing page URL Not applicable to Baidu ads.
Mobile preference Not applicable to Baidu ads.
Status Status
Call-only ads Not applicable to Baidu ads.

The following settings aren’t copied to the destination ad:

  • Labels
  • Custom parameters
    • The new Search Ads 360 can’t view or manage custom parameters in this type of client account. If you sign into the client and add custom parameters, you can successfully sync the item into the new Search Ads 360, but the new Search Ads 360 ignores the custom parameters you created. The client will apply the custom parameters when it serves an ad.
  • Final URL Suffix

Keyword settings for Baidu

For each keyword in the source campaigns, the new Search Ads 360 creates a new keyword in the destination campaigns and copies the settings listed below.
Google Ads source Baidu destination keyword settings
Text Text
Match type Match type
Minimum bid Minimum bid
Maximum bid Maximum bid
Landing page URL

Desktop URL

Baidu keywords require two landing pages: one for mobile devices and another for non-mobile devices. However, Google Ads provides only one field for defining a landing page, with the option to use {ifmobile}{ifnotmobile} parameters to specify device-specific landing pages.

When you copy a campaign to Baidu, the new Search Ads 360 copies the Google Ads landing page URL to Baidu's non-mobile URL field.

  • If the landing page URL uses {ifmobile}{ifnotmobile} parameters, the new Search Ads 360 generates two separate clickserver URLs, one for each device type, and traffics the clickserver URLs to Baidu.
  • If the landing page doesn’t use these parameters, the new Search Ads 360 generates one clickserver URL for the desktop URL, and then traffics the clickserver URL for both the mobile URL and desktop URL in Baidu.
  • If the Google Ads keyword doesn't specify a landing page URL, the new Search Ads 360 copies a landing page URL from an active ad in the same ad group.
URL parameters URL parameters
Status Status

The following settings aren’t copied to the destination keyword:

  • Bid strategy
  • Labels
  • Membership in a landing page test
  • Custom parameters
    • The new Search Ads 360 can’t view or manage custom parameters in this type of client account. If you sign into the client and add custom parameters, you can successfully sync the item into the new Search Ads 360, but the new Search Ads 360 ignores the custom parameters you created. The client will apply the custom parameters when it serves an ad.
  • Final URL Suffix

Negative keyword settings for Baidu

For each negative keyword in the source campaigns, the new Search Ads 360 creates a new negative keyword in the destination campaigns and copies the settings listed below.
Google Ads source Baidu destination
Text Text
Match type Match type
Status Status

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