Send engine track client account performance metrics to the new Search Ads 360

In engine track client accounts, the new Search Ads 360 doesn't automatically download advertising platform metrics, such as clicks, impressions, and cost. But if you create an sFTP endpoint in the new Search Ads 360, you can set up an engine track client account to automatically upload metrics to the endpoint on a schedule. Then you can view the metrics in reports in the new Search Ads 360, just as you can for fully supported advertising platforms.

To send engine track client account performance metrics to the new Search Ads 360, do the following:

  1. Create an sFTP endpoint in the new Search Ads 360.
  2. Export a keyword report from the engine track client account.
  3. Upload the keyword report to an sFTP endpoint by doing the following:
    1. Download sFTP software and enter the sFTP server address, port number, username, and password that the new Search Ads 360 generated when you created the sFTP endpoint.
    2. Use the sFTP software to transfer the file you exported from the engine track client account to the Search Ads 360 endpoint.

The uploaded metrics display in Search Ads 360 within approximately 24 hours.

  1. Report on social campaigns and “Other” client accounts

The new Search Ads 360 removes duplicates from overlapping uploads

If the uploaded metrics overlap, the new Search Ads 360 overrides the previously uploaded metrics with the most recent upload.

Create and upload with adMarketplace

Create an adMarketplace connection

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. From the left navigation panel click the Bulk actions, and then click Uploads.
  3. Click the Schedules tab.
  4. Click the plus button .
  5. If required, click Download to select and download the template you require for Campaign, Ad group, Text ad, Responsive search ad, Responsive display ad, Keyword, or Negative keyword.
  6. In Schedule name, enter a descriptive name for the connection. The name only appears in the new Search Ads 360.
  7. In Source, select Use Google’s sFTP.
    • In Step 1 “Create Connection”. In Connection Purpose, select adMarketplace.
  8. Select Multiple accounts or This account.
    • Changes can only apply to all accounts included in your file.
  9. If required, select and enter details to Send an email when upload is finished.
  10. Click Create.
  11. Complete Step 2 “Review sFTP credentials”.
    • Search Ads 360 creates an endpoint and displays an sFTP server address, port number, username, and password under Connection details (generated by Search Ads 360).
    • Save your password to a Password Manager.
  12. Click Close.

The endpoint is created. The new Google sFTP upload schedule is listed in the "Schedules" table in the lower part of the Schedules tab.

Set up a scheduled report in adMarketplace

In adMarketplace, set up a scheduled report for each account and specify the following information:

  • For report type, select Search Ads 360 Report.
  • Enter the sFTP connection server address, port number, username and password for the endpoint you created. Be sure you specify the port number. Search Ads 360 doesn’t use the standard FTP port number.

As reports are delivered to Search Ads 360, you'll start seeing engine track data (clicks, cost, impressions among others) in your Search Ads 360 adMarketplace account.

Search Ads 360 won't import metrics if a file contains data from more than one engine track client account.

Required and optional columns in the scheduled report

Search Ads 360 recognizes the following columns in the scheduled report:

adMarketplace column

Maps to this reporting column in Search Ads 360


Date Start date Yes
Account ID External client account ID Yes
Campaign ID Campaign ID Yes
Ad Group ID Ad Group ID Yes
Keyword ID Keyword ID Yes
Clicks Clicks Yes
Spend Cost Yes
Device Type Name Device No
Impressions Impr No
From ignored No
To ignored No

Search Ads 360 ignores any other columns that appear in the report.

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