Create and specify Google Ads campaign location targets in a bulksheet

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. Click the Campaigns tab.
  4. Do either of the following to select the campaigns that you want to update:
    1. Select the checkboxes of the campaigns.
    2. Filter the list to include only the campaigns that you want.
  5. Download a report.
    1. Click the download icon , which appears above the reporting table.
    2. Choose a file format.
      If you include campaigns and ad groups in the bulksheet, it will include the Location column by default. This is where you can see the currently specified location target of the respective campaign. For example: US | CA;-90% means the campaign targets the United States, and decreases bids by 90% to target Canada.
    3. (Optional) Select More options and add or remove rows.
    4. Click Download.
  6. In the bulksheet, specify the location target and bid adjustments in the Location column
    1. Examples: 20 | mi | Seattle, Washington, United States : -5% ; Taipei City, Taiwan : +10% ; Montréal, Québec, Canada ; 600 | km | Redmond, Washington, United States
Row Type Action Campaign Campaign type Location Customer ID
Campaign edit Camp1 Search 20 | mi | Seattle, Washington 123-456-7890

While you can specify location targets, excluded locations and bid adjustments in the columns of a campaign row, you can also create and edit location and proximity targets using the location target and excluded location row.

  1. Navigate to the sidebar and to the Locations ▼ tab and click Locations.
  2. Click the download icon , which appears above the reporting table and choose Excel or csv.
  3. In the bulksheet, specify location target settings in the appropriate columns:
  4. Add a row for each location target or excluded location or edit existing rows.
    For example, to target Indiana and Denmark with a campaign named ‘Campcar’, you'd enter Indiana,United States in one location target row, and enter Denmark in another location target row.
  5. (Optional) In the Location bid adjustment % column, enter a percent to adjust the default bid.
  6. Upload your bulksheet via the Uploads Tab or upload for a specific client account by clicking on More in the locations tab.

Bulksheet columns for campaign location targets

Column name Description
Row Type

To create or edit a positive location target, enter location target.
To create or edit an excluded location target, enter excluded location.

Action Enter add to add a location target.
Enter edit to change a bid adjustment.
Enter deactivate to remove a location target.
Associated Campaign or Associated Campaign ID Enter a campaign name or campaign ID.
Location Enter a location target in one of the eligible formats.
For areas in the US, you can also enter a 5-digit ZIP code, and for the UK, Germany, and India, you can enter a 5-digit postal code.
Location bid adjustment %

Enter a percent from -90% to 900%.
Applicable only for positive location targets.

Customer ID Enter Client Account Customer ID.


In the following example, the campaign named ‘Camp1’ displays ads in the United States state of Kansas, and excludes the city of Altamont, Kansas.

Row Type Action Associated Campaign Location Location bid adjustment % Customer ID
Location target add Camp1 US-KS 20% 123-456-7890
Excluded location edit Camp1 Altamont, US-KS, US   123-456-7890

Location Target Types

You can specify targeted locations in various different formats and granularity. Every value has to be separated by | (vertical bar).

  • Country: United States
  • Region:
  • Province: Locations that include metropolitan areas
  • City: Seattle, Washington, United States
  • Postal Code: 60613
  • Latitude: The location's latitude in the digital format. Google Ads rounds to the nearest 100th. For example, 37.42 (37 degrees, 25 minutes, 12 seconds, north).
  • Longitude: The location's longitude in the digital format. Google Ads rounds to the nearest 100th. For example, -122.09 (122 degrees, 5 minutes, 24 seconds, west).
  • Location Radius (proximity target): The radius around the location. Enter a number in this column and the unit in Location Radius Units. For example, enter 5.0 in this column to specify a 5 mile or kilometer radius.
  • Location Radius Units: The unit of measurement for the radius specified in the Location Radius column. Enter mi for miles and km for kilometers.
  • Location bid adjustment %: The amount to adjust bids. For example, enter 5 to increase bids by 5%. You can enter an adjustment from -90 to 900. A negative adjustment decreases the bid. A value of 0 makes no adjustment to the default bid.

You can change the value in each location-targeting column to the following:

  • empty
    When you edit an existing campaign and leave a column empty, Search Ads 360 keeps the current setting as is (that is, an empty value means “do not change”). When you create a new campaign and leave all of these columns empty, the campaign targets all locations, which is the Google Ads default.

    To automatically adjust the max CPC bids by location target, specify a bid adjustment percentage; enter the desired location targets and separate the bid adjustment percentage with a semicolon (;).
  • remove_value
    Removes any previously specified location targets from the column. For example, if you specify remove_value in the Location column, the campaign no longer targets the previously specified location. Removing your location target entirely will result in the campaign returning to the Google Ads default setting of targeting all countries.
  • (inherited)
    For ad groups only. Because ads groups always inherit location targets, the location target columns are read-only and always display (inherited).

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