Override an automatically set bid or budget for 24 hours

Applies to Search Ads 360 portfolio bid strategies and budget bid strategies
Note: Bids can only be adjusted for intraday bid strategies, in the supported bid strategy types. Budgets can be overridden for both intraday and auction-time bidding bid strategies.

There may be circumstances when you don't want to wait for the Search Ads 360 optimization system to run through its processes to update certain max. CPCs or campaign budgets. For example, based on sudden changes in the business landscape, you need a more aggressive bid strategy on a keyword for 24 hours. Therefore, you want to manually increase the max. CPC to enable higher bids and achieve the desired results.

When you apply a Search Ads 360 bid strategy to a biddable item, the bid strategy monitors and potentially changes the highest amount that you are willing to pay per click for the biddable item. Note that often you'll pay less than the max. CPC because in each auction, the most you'll pay is what's needed to rank higher than the advertiser immediately below you.

A budget bid strategy (available only in a performance plan) adjusts your campaign budgets and bids to achieve your spend target.

You can manually override the max. CPC (intraday only) or budget (auction-time bidding or intraday) that a bid strategy or budget that a strategy has set for one or more biddable items or campaign budgets. This allows you to change bids and budgets for your competitive, high-value biddable items or campaigns. When you manually override a max. CPC or budget, the new max. CPC or budget will remain for 24 hours. The Search Ads 360 bidding system will not update the max. CPC or budget during this time. After 24 hours, Search Ads 360 will resume optimizing your bids to meet the goals of the bid strategy or budget bid strategy, starting at the manually set max. CPC or campaign daily budget.

  • Changing the default CPC or max. CPC at the ad group level doesn't override the bid strategy if keyword maximum CPC bids are set. It does not set maximum CPC for ad groups.
  • Changing the bid strategy in a client account that is synced to the Search Ads 360 doesn’t override a bid strategy. Even though the bids are updated in Search Ads 360, the bid strategy will continue to optimize bids.
  • You can view the history of bid strategy overrides and other intraday bid strategy changes in a change history report. Learn how to See your account history.

Note: We don't recommend manually setting a bid or budget when a bid or budget strategy is managing spend in a plan.

Overrides apply to bids and budgets only. Overrides don’t apply to bid adjustments for device, location, and remarketing (audience).

Bid and budget strategies and campaign types that support 24-hour overrides

Search Ads 360 bid and budget strategies that can be overridden for 24-hours

Campaign type

Target CPA

Applies to all Search Ads 360 intraday bid strategies

  • Search (includes Dynamic Search Ads)
  • Shopping

Target ROAS

Applies to all Search Ads 360 intraday bid strategies:

  • Search (includes Dynamic Search Ads)
  • Shopping

Target impression share

  • Microsoft Advertising 
    • Search (includes Dynamic Search Ads)
    • Shopping
  • Yahoo! JAPAN Ads
    • Search (includes Dynamic Search Ads)

Not supported for Google Ads campaigns

Search Ads 360 budget bid strategies

Budget bid strategy: Maximize conversions

Applies to all Search Ads 360 intraday bid strategies:

  • Search (includes Dynamic Search Ads)


Budget bid strategy: Maximize conversion value

Applies to all Search Ads 360 intraday bid strategies:

  • Search (includes Dynamic Search Ads)


Budget bid strategy: Maximize clicks

Applies to Microsoft Advertising, Yahoo! JAPAN Ads, and Baidu

  • Search  (includes Dynamic Search Ads)
  • Shopping

Not supported for Google Ads campaigns

You can’t override the automated bidding system if Google Ads auction-time bidding is turned on in a Search Ads 360 bid or budget bid strategy.

Google Ads Maximize clicks, Google Ads Maximize conversions, and Google Ads Maximize conversion value bid strategies don’t support 24-hour overrides.

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