Manage app assets in a Google Ads campaign or ad group

Applies to Google Ads only

By default, campaigns and ad groups inherit all account-level ad assets. You can set up a campaign or ad group to do any of the following:

  • Display only specific ad assets.
  • Display ad assets that aren't set up as account-level assets.
  • Don't display any ad assets.

Learn more About app assets in Google Ads.


  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a Google Ads client account.
  3. In the page menu go to Ads and assets, then click Assets.
  4. Select App to view all your app assets.
  5. Go to “Add filter” above the table and search for “Campaign” or “Ad group” and select the ones you wish to edit. If the campaign or ad group is inheriting app assets, the View app assets for client account link or the View app assets for campaign link appears above the reporting table. Click the link to view the account or campaign’s app assets. Otherwise, app assets that have already been applied directly to the campaign or ad group appear in the reporting table.
  6. Click the Manage app assets button, which appears above the reporting table. Then do any of the following:
    • To select specific app assets that can appear in the campaign or ad group’s ads:
      1. Click Select app assets in the popup that appears. The app assets list displays all app assets that have been created in the client account (even app assets that have passed their end date or haven’t yet reached their start date).
      2. Select the check boxes next to the app assets you want to appear.
      3. Clear the check boxes from the app assets you don't want to appear.
    • To prevent a campaign or ad group from displaying app assets, click Disable app assets for the campaign or Disable app assets for the campaign ad group.
    • To return to inheriting the app assets that have been specified at a higher level, click Inherit from client account or Inherit from campaign. Note that if you're at the campaign level and you select Inherit from client account, the campaign will only inherit app assets that have been created as account-level assets.
  7. Click Apply.

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