Manage a Google Ads Shopping campaign with product groups

Inside a Google Ads Shopping campaign's ad group, you work with your inventory to place bids using product groups instead of keywords. A product group is a subset of your inventory that you define, and all the products inside it use the same bid.

Learn more about managing Google Ads Shopping campaigns with product groups in the Google Ads Help Center.

Create a product group subdivision

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. On the page menu, click Campaigns.
  3. In the reporting table, click the name of the campaign you want to edit.
  4. On the "Ad groups" page, click the name of the ad group that contains the product group you want to subdivide.
  5. On the "Products group" page, hover over the name of the product group name and click the plus icon .
  6. On the "Select product groups" page, click the dropdown next to Subdivide [name of product group] by and select a product attribute to define the new product group. 
    • Use the Products, Clicks, and Cost / client account conv. dropdowns to sort your selections and choose metrics.  
    • To use more than one attribute to define a product group, finish creating the current subdivision, and repeat the previous steps.
  7. After selecting a subdivision attribute, you might see a list of possible subdivisions. Select a subdivision's checkbox to add it to the product group, then click Save.
    • For certain attributes, you can manually add the value for subdivisions in bulk. At the bottom of the window, click  Bulk add values manually. Enter one value per line, then click Confirm.
  8. When you are done creating subdivisions, click Continue to edit bids or Save without editing bids
    • If you click Continue to edit bids, you can still review and edit bids set for any new product groups you’ve created. On the “Edit bids” page, you can set bids for each new product by clicking the pencil icon Pencil icon / edit icon next to the value in the “New max. CPC” column.
    • If you click Save without editing bids, any new product groups created use the default bid from the product group that was subdivided. 
  9. Click Save.

Edit or remove an existing product group subdivision

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. On the page menu, click Ad groups.
  3. In the reporting table, click the name of the ad group that contains the product group you want to edit.
  4. On the "Products group" page, hover over the product group you want to edit and click the plus icon .
  5. On the "Select product groups" page, click the dropdown next to Subdivide [name of product group] by and select the product attribute you want to use to create your subdivision.
  6. To add a value to the product group subdivision, select its checkbox. 
  7. To remove a value, deselect its checkbox. (Alternatively, you can remove a value by clicking the Delete next to the value in the right column.)
  8. When you're done editing subdivisions, click Continue to edit bids or Save without editing bids.
  9. Click Save to confirm your product group subdivisions and bids.
You subdivide "All products" into two new product groups: "new" and "used" condition. The default bids for the "new" and "used" product groups is the same as "All products" unless you edit them. You can click Continue to edit bids to make changes or change the bids at any time on the product groups page.

Choose how to view your product groups

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. On the page menu, click Product groups.
  3. In the table toolbar, choose one of the following:
    • Use the hierarchy view Hierarchy view when adding and removing subdivisions within a product group. 
    • Use the list view List view to sort product groups by column or view an overview of each product group’s performance. Note that you can’t subdivide product groups from this view.

If you select product groups in one view and switch to another, the groups remain selected in the new view. You can select subdivisions to edit or remove in both views.

Filter product groups

Filter product groups to search for data of the most interest, such as clicks, conversions, or average cost-per-click (CPC).

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. On the page menu, click Campaigns.
  3. In the reporting table, click the name of the campaign you want to edit.
  4. On the "Ad groups" page, click the name of the ad group that contains the product groups you want to view.
  5. On the "Product groups" page, click Add filter.
  6. Choose the filter's conditions in the dropdown. The table is updated to show data that matches your filter.
    • To edit a filter, click the filter icon  and select the filter from the dropdown, or click the button with the filter's name.  
    • To remove a filter, click  in its button.
    • To reset filters, click the clear filters icon  in the table toolbar.

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