Use custom variables to filter a custom conversion column

Before you can use a custom variable as a filter in a custom conversion column, you need to specify in the new Search Ads 360 that the variable's data type is a dimension variable and enable it.

If you’re using custom variables to pass conversion data to the new Search Ads 360, you can use the data to filter a custom conversion column in a reporting table in the new Search Ads 360.

For example, if you’re using a variable to pass the name of the region where a conversion occurred, you can then create a custom conversion column that contains only the data from specific regions.

To use custom dimensions to filter a custom conversion column, do the following:

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. On the page menu, navigate to a reporting table, such as Campaigns, Ad groups, or Keywords.
  3. On the table menu, click the columns icon.
  4. Click Custom column, then select Custom conversion column.
  5. Enter a name and description (optional).
  6. Select an owner.
    • The custom column is available to all users of the account and its manager accounts.
  7. In the "Conversion actions" section, select the Floodlight conversion actions and/or Floodlight groups whose data you want to include in the column.
  8. In the "Metric" section dropdown, select the metric you want to report on.
  9. Click Custom variable to expand the section. You can only select a dimension under this metric.
  10. In the dropdown, select the custom variable dimension you want to filter your conversion actions by.
  11. Select one of the following match criteria:
    • Equals: The column counts only conversions for which the custom variable exactly matches one or more of the values you enter. (The match is not case sensitive.)
    • Contains: The column counts conversions for which the custom variable matches all or part of one or more of the values you enter.
  12. Enter one or more values to match.
    • The filter is not case sensitive.
    • Enter one value per line.
  13. Click Save.

After you create a column that's filtered by custom variables, you can do any of the following:

Reporting custom data for individual conversions

Data about an individual Floodlight conversion—including data reported by custom variables—is available for download in a Conversions report. Reporting tables in the new Search Ads 360 don't display data about individual conversions

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