Link a Google Ads account

After 14 August 2023, you will no longer be able to create advertiser accounts, or create and link client accounts, in the previous Search Ads 360.

Google Ads accounts are continuously synced in the new Search Ads 360. Tracking templates and final URL suffixes are automatically updated, and auto-tagging is turned on.

You can link to Google Ads using one of the following workflows:

IMPORTANT! This workflow requires you to have direct admin access to the Google Ads account, not indirect access through MCC (manager account).

Link a Google Ads account using the client account name

To link an external Google Ads account to a new client account in a sub-manager in new Search Ads 360:

  1. Navigate to the Search Ads 360 sub-manager that will contain the account.
  2. From the left page menu, click Settings, and then click Sub-account settings in the expanded menu.
  3. Click the plus button and select Link existing accounts.
  4. Select Google Ads.
  5. Click Select accounts to view Google Ads accounts not in my hierarchy. You can select up to 20 accounts. 
  6. From the Assign direct manager drop-down, select the manager account. 
  7. Click Link accounts and Done.

Link a Google Ads account as a client account using the customer ID

Link a Google Ads account

To link an external Google Ads account to a new client account in a sub-manager in new Search Ads 360:

  1. Navigate to the sub-manager that will contain the account.
  2. From the left page menu, click Settings, then click Sub-account settings in the expanded menu.
  3. Click the plus button and select Google.
  4. Add the Account IDs and select the direct manager account you’d like to link.
  5. Click Send Request.

Link the Google Ads customer ID to Search Ads 360

After you link a Google Ads account in new Search Ads 360, Search Ads 360 sends a link request to your Google Ads account. A pending request card appears in the new Search Ads 360 UI, and you need to sign in to your Google Ads account to accept the link request.

Complete the following steps to accept the link request in Google Ads:

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Click the Tools and settings icon  and then Access and security from the navigation menu.
  3. Click the Managers tab and look for a linking request from your sub-manager account,
  4. From the "Actions" cell, click Accept to link the account to the new Search Ads 360.
  5. Click Grant access in the note that describes the account's access level.

Updates after linking accounts

After you have used one of the linking workflows to link accounts, the new client account will now appear in the new Search Ads 360 in the "Sub-account settings" table and will be available under "Client account" in the navigation menu.

The following action automatically happens when the Google Ads account is linked:

  • Auto-tagging is enabled in your Google Ads account (if not already enabled).
  • The following parameters are added to the final URL suffix in Google Ads:
    • gclsrc=aw.ds
    • {_dsmrktparam} 

These updates may place your account under review.

Notice an extra Search Ads 360 account?

After you complete the link between your new Search Ads 360 and Google Ads account, an additional new Search Ads 360 account might be automatically linked to your Google Ads account. This account will be named "DoubleClick - DSUS2" or "dart_search_google_mcc_ds3" followed by a number. This is used to provide the previous Search Ads 360 with access to the account. 

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