Migrate bulksheets to the new Search Ads 360

The Search Ads 360 bulksheet schema has changed. Some columns have been renamed, some have been removed, and new columns have been added. If you've used bulksheets to upload data to the previous Search Ads 360, you will need to make some changes to migrate those bulksheets to the new Search Ads 360. Learn how to Migrate bulksheets to the new Search Ads 360.

Benefits of the updated bulksheet schema

  • New fields let you make more granular changes to your data. Learn more about Bulksheet schema changes in the new Search Ads 360.
  • You can now use Google-owned endpoints to upload your data using sFTP, and schedule one-time or repeatable sFTP uploads.
  • You can now use sFTP to make bulk changes at the Manager level, enabling you to update multiple client accounts with a single upload.

Migrate a bulksheet to the new Search Ads 360

If you generate your own bulksheet files, either automatically or manually, and upload to the previous Search Ads 360, there are some changes you will need to make to successfully upload these bulksheets to the new Search Ads 360.

  • If you're using sFTP to upload your bulksheets, you will need to create a new sFTP endpoint. We recommend you to create the new UI before removing the previous connection to avoid downtimes.
  • Edit your generated bulksheet file so that it matches the new Search Ads 360 bulksheet schema:
    • If a column has been renamed, update the column name to match the new Search Ads 360 schema.
    • If a column is no longer supported by the new Search Ads 360 schema, select the most appropriate column name from the new schema. For example, if you have previously used the Keyword landing page column to indicate a URL, rename that column to Final URL or Final mobile URL as appropriate.
    • (Optional) Add any new columns you want.
  • Update the following fields (if applicable) to reflect the new Search Ads 360 IDs for your items:
    • Campaign ID
    • Campaign group ID
    • Customer ID
    • Ad group ID
    • Ad ID
    • Keyword ID
    • Advertiser conversion ID
    • Conversion ID
    • Conversion visit ID
    • Floodlight activity ID
  • After the new connection has been established, you can remove your old endpoint from legacy. Historical data, reporting, and Floodlight data (for example, trackers) will be available for your new connection.
  • Upload your edited bulksheet to the new Search Ads 360.

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