Filtering the change history report to view specific account changes

The following examples show you how to filter the change history report by keyword, bid strategy, and sitelinks.

Review keyword bid changes

If your daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly task is to review the impact of keyword bid changes, you can filter the change history list to see the date and time that keywords bids were changed. You can then switch to the account or lower scope to view performance data and even compare to performance before the bid was changed.

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. Select a time range.
  4. On the page menu, click Change history.
  5. Filter the list to include only keywords:
    • Click the Account saved to button and select “This account and all sub accounts”.
    • Click Filter in the toolbar.
    • Click Item changed.
    • Select the check box next to “Keyword”. Click Apply.
  6. Add another filter to include bid changes to keywords:
    • Click Change type.
    • In the list, select the “Bidding” checkbox.
    • Click the arrow next to “Bidding” and check the box next to “Decrease” or “ Increase”.
    • Click Apply.

See when a bid strategy was added to a campaign

  1. Navigate to a campaign.
  2. Select a time range on or after May 21, 2016.
  3. On the page menu, click Change history.
    1. Note: it is recommended that you add the bid strategy membership filter.
  4. In the “Change” column, click the arrow icon to expand and view when the bid strategy was added to a campaign.
    The campaign changed arrow may not always contain when the campaign was changed. Sometimes it contains information such as "campaign name changed to …. ".

Switch to campaign performance report from change history

  1. Navigate to a manager account.
  2. Select a time range on or after May 21, 2016.
  3. On the page menu, click Change history.
  4. (Optional) In the change column, click the arrow icon to display changes for specific campaigns.
  5. In the “Campaign” column, click the name of the campaign to go to that specific campaign performance report and check if changes impacted performance.

Changes made before May 21, 2016 aren't available in the change history report.

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