Navigate Purchase orders

Purchase order numbers can make your invoices more manageable. Save time and keep your billing statements organized with P.O. numbers.

This article shows you how to manage your purchase order numbers. Edit, remove, and download numbers in bulk. This content applies to your invoices.

See your purchase order numbers

Note: The instructions below are part of the new design for the Search Ads 360 user experience. If you're using the previous version of Search Ads 360, review the Navigate the Search Ads 360 interface or use the Search bar in the top navigation panel of Search Ads 360 to find the page you’re searching for.

Use a unique Purchase order number in billing to help link or identify a particular invoice.

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a manager account.
  3. From the page menu, under “Tools and settings”, click Billing.
  4. Click Purchase orders.

Active sub-manager accounts will have a green dotGreen circle icon on the left side of the table.

Find a specific purchase order number

Use filters to see data that meet specific criteria in your table.

  1. Above the table, select +Add a filter.
  2. Start typing, or choose the condition of your filter in the drop-down menu that appears.
    • For example, you might filter by, “Advertiser name”, “Advertiser ID” or “Purchase order”.
    • Enter text or an amount that might help you find the invoice you’re looking for. As long as the text appears on your invoice, it’s searchable.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Optional.To refine your search even further:
    • Use “AND” (in uppercase letters) to find documents with two specific words. For example, typing “video AND game” will search for invoices that contain both “video” and “game.”
    • Use “OR” (in uppercase letters) to find documents with one of two words. For example, searching for “Nov OR Dec” will search for invoices that contain either “Nov” or “Dec.

To get just the data you’re looking for, add and remove conditions:

  • To add more filter conditions, Click Add filter next to an existing condition.
  • To return to the default view of your table, click Clear filters.

Set or edit a purchase order number

Set, add or edit Purchase order numbers by Advertiser. You can only edit a PO number when Search Ads 360 isn't creating invoices. Edit P.O. numbers between the 3-27th of each month. Any edits will apply immediately and appear on that specific month's invoice

  1. Locate the Advertiser you would like to apply a purchase order number.
  2. In the advertiser’s row, under the “Purchase order” column, click Add Purchase order.
  3. Enter or edit your purchase order number.
  4. Click Save.

All contacts of an account can see Purchase order numbers. Only Admins with billing permissions can edit PO numbers. You can only edit PO numbers when Search Ads 360 isn’t creating invoices.

Download purchase order numbers

Download all the P.O. numbers for each Advertiser in an account, on the Purchase orders page.

  1. Above the reporting table, click the Download button.
  2. Choose the download format for your report.
  3. Click Download.

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