About Billing setups

Billing setups are groups of sub-manager accounts with the same invoice settings.  Billing setups contain payment information and details used to generate and deliver invoices.

From the manager account, click the "Tools and settings" icon to find your Billing setups. Find, Payments profile, the status of setups, country and currency from the table on the Billing setups tab.

Before you begin

  • You need admin or Billing permission before viewing and editing billing setups. If you need help with Billing access, contact the account admin or support.
  • Billing setups are always linked to a Payments profile which indicate who is responsible for paying the invoice.
  • If you don’t have permissions to edit the Payment center, you’ll only be able to view Payments profiles.
  • Currency indicates the currency used for both your invoices and payments.

If you need to create a Billing setup with new settings, contact customer support.

In each Billing setup you can:

To better suit your business needs, you have the flexibility to customize your invoice levels. By default, you will receive a separate invoice for each sub-manager account. If you prefer to consolidate all invoices for your sub-manager accounts into a single invoice for your manager account, or group sub-manager accounts within specific billing setups onto one invoice, please contact our support team to discuss your preferences.

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