View your demographic reports

Applies only to Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising

To provide a comprehensive and consolidated view of your Audiences and make audience management and optimization simpler, you’ll see the following improvements in the new Search Ads 360:

  • New audience reporting: Detailed reporting about audience demographics, segments, and exclusions is now consolidated in one place – the Audiences page on the page menu. You can also easily manage your Audiences from this report page. Learn more about Audience reporting.
  • New terms: Google is using new terms on your audience report and throughout the new Search Ads 360. For example, “audience types” (these include similar, custom, in-market, and affinity) are now referred to as "audience segments", and “remarketing” is now referred to as “your data”. Learn more about the Updates to Audience terms and phrases.

Gain insights about which demographic segments your ads are reaching by viewing your demographics reports. Learning about the segments that bring you conversions can help you:

  • Understand your customer base
  • Understand areas of growth potential
  • Assess your campaigns and ad groups
  • Make informed adjustments to advertising strategy
  • Manage and analyze multiple demographic targeting methods

Before you begin

This article explains how to view your demographics reports and how to use that data to improve your targeting. Learn more about demographics targeting.


Anna, who runs an online shoe store, wants to understand how her ads are doing with the demographic targets she selected. In the demographic chart, she can select "Clicks," "Conversions," or "Impressions" to see how her ads are performing across all targeting segments compared to her advertising goals. Because the chart shows that her ad viewers are mostly male, 25 to 34 years old, and people who aren't parents, Anna could use these insights to tailor her ad campaigns to these specific audience segments.


Depending on the data that's most important to your goals, you can see demographic charts for clicks, conversions, or impressions.

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a Microsoft Advertising client account or a Google Ads client account.
  3. Click Audiences on the page menu.
  4. In the “Demographics” module, click Show table to view conversions, impressions, and cost by demographic segment.
  5. To pull in additional metrics to your reporting, click the columns icon Icon for customizing the columns listed on the Customer page.
  6. Click the 3-dot icon 3 dot menu icon above the table and select View detailed report.
  7. Select the Age, Gender, or Household income tab (Microsoft Advertising supports only Age and Gender metrics).

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