Fix issues with credit line activation

You may encounter issues when you activate your credit line. Here’s a list of common issues along with their troubleshooting procedures.

Activated but can’t add on Google Pay

Banks take up to 48 hours to process credit line activation. If you encounter errors like “no credit line found” when you add the credit line, try again after 48 hours.

Credit line activation failed

If you can’t activate your credit line after you enter your PAN, OTP, and other details correctly, there could be issues with your bank. To get more information, contact your bank. To get contact details of your bank, go to the Digisaathi website.

Credit line is already active

If you get a message that shows the credit line is already active, but you don’t remember or you don't know how it got activated, check the issue with your bank. To get contact details of your bank, go to the Digisaathi website.

Credit line offer expired

The bank already revoked the credit line activation feature. To get more information, contact your bank. To get the contact details of your bank, go to the Digisaathi website.

Incorrect OTP

The OTP you entered is incorrect. Try again with the correct OTP.

Incorrect PAN details

You’ve entered incorrect PAN details. Check the 4 numeric digits and try again with the correct PAN.

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