Convert your RuPay credit card purchases to EMI

If you’re a RuPay credit card holder, you can opt to pay for your purchases in installments rather than pay for the whole amount. You can convert your purchases to Equated Monthly Installments (EMI) in the Google Pay app. You can choose between the available EMI options provided by the issuer bank.

Disclaimer: Google Pay is merely a display-surface, and any EMI options [conversion-to-EMI, full pre-payment or foreclosure] are all services provided by the bank issuing the respective RuPay credit card.

Understand the EMI option

Want to make a purchase with the option of paying it back over a few months? Set up your EMI.

Some merchants allow you to pay for large purchases, like electronics and appliances like fridges, TVs, or washing machines, tickets, and much more through EMI.

You can convert your RuPay credit card purchases to easy monthly installments on the Google Pay app.

When you make a payment with your RuPay credit card on Google Pay, you can:

  • Check EMI options from your bank for your purchases with select merchants.
  • Convert your purchase to EMI-based repayments.
  • Pre-pay the EMI, subject to your bank’s terms and conditions.

Things to know

Interest rates Interest rates

Banks typically charge a small interest fee for converting purchases to EMI. Credit card interest rates vary by bank. It depends on factors, like the repayment time.

Some banks offer EMI at no charge on certain products.

For queries about applicable interest rates displayed on Google Pay, contact the bank or the merchant issuing the EMI.

Tenure Tenure

The tenure for EMIs refers to the amount of time you have to pay in installments. Tenures for EMIs are usually from 3 to 18 months. You can select the tenure and pay the monthly installments at a specified interest rate throughout the tenure.

For queries about the interest rates displayed on Google Pay, contact the bank or the merchant issuing the EMI.

Bank processing fee Bank processing fee

There are processing charges and other fees for EMIs issued by banks. Depending on the bank's decision, the processing fee is either a flat cost or a proportion of the total sum. This fee is a one-time payment, either paid up front or included in the monthly credit card bill. When you confirm the EMI plan, the processing fee is displayed.

For queries about the processing fees, contact the bank or the merchant issuing the EMI.

Changes to your credit card limit with EMI

With EMI:

  • The total purchase amount will be deducted from your credit limit.
  • The equivalent amount will be added back to your limit when repayments are made.

For queries about changes to the credit limit displayed on Google Pay, contact the bank or the merchant issuing the EMI.

How EMI calculations work

  • The EMI is based on various factors, such as:
    • Rate of interest charged by the bank
    • Tenure chosen to repay the amount
  • The monthly credit card bill statement includes your monthly EMI.

Sample EMI calculation if you buy a new phone:

Phone purchase amount



If you select a plan for 10 months with an interest rate of 10%

10,000 x 10% = ₹1,000

One-time processing fee (Inclusive of GST) ₹50
Bank discount ₹200
EMI amount ₹850
Total amount ₹10,000 + ₹850 = ₹10,850

EMI plan over a 10 month period

₹1,085 x 10 = ₹10,850

EMI calculation

For queries about the EMI plans displayed on Google Pay, contact your bank.

EMI conversions on Google Pay

If your bank is supported on Google Pay and you want to be eligible for EMIs, add your RuPay credit card on Google Pay.

To pay for a merchant purchase through EMIs, you can either:

  • Convert a completed purchase to EMI
  • Convert to EMI during a purchase
Convert a completed purchase to EMI
  1. Open the Google Pay app .
  2. Go to the purchase history page.
  3. To filter the purchase history for a specific RuPay credit card, tap Filters Filter and then Payment method.
  4. Select RuPay credit card.
  5. To check the EMI options that are available for a specific purchase, under the purchase, select Check EMI plans.
    • The option only shows purchases eligible for EMI conversion.
  6. On the list of EMI options, you can:
    • Find the following information under each option:
      • Tenure in months
      • Interest rate percent in INR
      • Monthly EMI payment amount in INR
    • Find a “Recommended” option with the lowest interest rate
  7. Select the EMI option you want.
  8. Tap Select plan and then Confirm.
  9. Enter the UPI PIN that corresponds to your RuPay credit card.
    • This is the same PIN that you created when you added your RuPay credit card on Google Pay.
  10. If your purchase is successfully converted to EMI, a message will be displayed to confirm it.
    • If you want to get more info from your bank about your EMI, contact them and provide your order ID number.
      • To get your order ID number:
        1. Go to “Transaction history.”
        2. Under the purchase you converted to EMI, select Converted to EMI.
        3. Under the EMI amount, you can find the order ID.
    • If the conversion isn’t successful, it may be due to one of the following errors:
      • Wrong UPI PIN was entered 3 times.
      • Bank technical issue or refusal by the bank to convert to EMI due to business reasons.
      • Technical issues at the bank
  11. To proceed with the next steps and complete the purchase, follow the onscreen instructions.
Convert to EMI during a purchase

Merchant-funded or bank-funded EMI

  1. To initiate a P2M purchase eligible for merchant-funded or bank-funded EMI, scan a DynamicQR or use UPI Intent.
    • Check for EMI plans during the purchase (merchant dynamic QR or bank funded).
  2. On the list of EMI options, you can:
    • Find the following information under each option:
      • Tenure in months
      • Interest rate percent in INR
      • Monthly EMI payment amount in INR
    • Find a “Recommended” option with the lowest interest rate
  3. Select the EMI option you want.
  4. Tap Select plan and then Confirm.
  5. Enter the UPI PIN that corresponds to your RuPay credit card.
    • If your purchase is successfully converted to EMI, you’ll find the “Converted to EMI” tag under the purchase. To check:
      1. At the top, set the filter to your RuPay credit card.
      2. Go to the purchase history details page.
    • If the purchase succeeds but EMI conversion fails, you can continue to pay the full amount.

Foreclosure or pre-payment of EMIs on Google Pay

You can choose to foreclose or pre-pay your EMI. This means that you can pay the pending loan amount in full before the repayment tenure ends.

To pre-pay your EMI, on the app, use the “Foreclosure” feature. This is subject to a penalty fee or other terms and conditions issued by the bank.

To foreclose or pre-pay EMI:

  1. Open the Google Pay app .
  2. Filter the purchase history by RuPay credit card.
  3. In the purchase history, tap Converted to EMI.
  4. Check the option to foreclose the EMI and the penalty charges to be paid.
  5. To confirm selection, enter the UPI PIN for the specific RuPay credit card.
    • If no foreclosure or pre-payment options are displayed, contact the bank. For more details, go to


  • Only EMIs availed on Google Pay can be pre-paid through Google Pay.
  • You don't have to pay at the time of initiating foreclosure on Google Pay.
  • The total pending amount will be added to the next monthly credit card statement.

Pre-pay and close EMI

Helpful information

EMI plans displayed on Google Pay

To know more about the EMI plans available, contact your bank. Get your bank’s details at

Find the list of EMIs on your RuPay credit card
  1. Open the Google Pay app .
  2. Filter the purchase history by RuPay credit card.
  3. Check for all purchases with a "Converted to EMI" tag.
    • For EMI conversions, Google Pay is merely a display surface for purchases initiated on the platform.
    • Available EMIs on the same RuPay credit card with other platforms, like Paytm or PhonePe, aren’t stored in Google Pay.
Check the current status of all EMI plans

Google Pay is merely a display-surface, and any EMI options [conversion-to-EMI, full pre-payment or foreclosure] are all services provided by the bank issuing the respective RuPay credit card. To check the current status of all EMI plans available, contact your bank. Get your bank’s details at

Calculation of one-time processing fees

To get more info about the one-time processing fee, contact your bank. Get your bank’s details at

Calculation of foreclosure or pre-payment penalty fees

For clarifications about the foreclosure or pre-payment penalty fees, contact your bank. Get your bank’s details at If you can’t initiate or complete foreclosure or pre-payment of EMIs on the platform, contact your bank to resolve it offline.

Wrong PIN entered and card blocked during EMI conversion

This happens due to 3 incorrect tries for PIN entered in the last 24 hours. Wait for 24 hours for the account to be unblocked. Use the PIN you created when you added the RuPay credit card on Google Pay or on other applications.

If the issue still persists, contact your bank. Get your bank’s details at

EMI conversion isn’t successful due to bank technical issues

Try to convert again after 30 minutes of your first attempt. If the issue still persists, contact your bank. Get your bank’s details at

Tip: After the first attempt, you have at most 2 more attempts in intervals of 30 minutes.

"No EMI options available" error message

To check eligible EMI plans for your credit card, contact your bank. Get your bank’s details at

Debit is successful but EMI conversion is in progress

Google Pay is merely a display-surface, and any EMI options are all services provided by the bank issuing the respective RuPay credit card. To confirm if payment was made in full or if the remaining amount, without the EMI, was credited back, check your monthly credit card statement.

If there are discrepancies, contact your bank. Get your bank’s details at

EMI conversion is successful but full amount was debited

Some banks debit the amount in full and later credit back the balance to your account in your monthly statement.

Google Pay is merely a display-surface, and any EMI options [conversion-to-EMI, full pre-payment or foreclosure] are all services provided by the bank issuing the respective RuPay credit card.

If there are discrepancies, contact your bank. Get your bank’s details at

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