Customize prompt frequency & order

Customize prompt frequency

You can change how often readers see your prompts. If you've set up multiple prompts, the default values are once every 24 hours for individual prompt frequency and 5 minutes for the interval between prompts.

To update frequency:

  1. Select a publication.
  2. Click Reader Revenue Manager.
  3. Under "Menu," click Overview.
    • You can set up:
      • Individual prompt frequency: This determines how often specific prompts appear. For example, you can set up a newsletter signup prompt to appear no more than once every 24 hours. Use the sliding scale or specify custom amounts from 12 hours to 2 weeks.
      • Interval between prompts: This setting is available if you have more than one prompt active in your publication. You can create a time-based interval for your readers between prompts as they visit pages on your site from 0 to 11 hours and 59 minutes.

Tip: To remove the interval between prompts, use zero.

For example, you have these prompts set up in this order, and the interval between prompts is set to 5 mins:

  • Newsletter signup: Once every 24 hours
  • Survey: Once every 24 hours

Here’s what this means for your readers:

  • The first prompt they’ll see is the “Newsletter prompt.” If the reader dismisses the “Newsletter prompt,” they won’t see it again for 24 hours.
  • Due to the “Interval between prompts,” the reader won’t see another prompt for 5 minutes.
  • The next prompt they’ll see is the “Survey prompt.” If the reader dismisses the “Survey prompt,” they won’t see it again for 24 hours.

Customize prompt order

If you've set up multiple prompts, you can customize the order that they appear to readers:

  1. Select a publication.
  2. Click Reader Revenue Manager.
  3. Under "Menu," click Overview.
  4. To drag the prompts into your desired order, use the reordering handle.
    • For example, if you want the “Newsletter prompt” to appear first, make sure it’s at the top.

Tip: It’s not possible to customize the order of some prompts due to their functionality. When you use multiple prompts:

  • The “Paywall” always appears last.
  • “Access for new readers” always appears first.
  • “Access for registered readers” is only available when you use “Reader registration.”

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