Sales Partner house and demo accounts

In this article:

As a Sales Partner for Google Marketing Platform analytics products, you have two types of product accounts you can use for your business:

  • House account A product account like Analytics, Tag Manager, or Optimize that you use for your own business assets, for example, the Analytics account that you use to collect data about your company website.
    For Analytics, house accounts are available only for Universal Analytics 360 accounts. House accounts are not currently planned for Google Analytics 4 360 accounts.
  • Demo account A product account like Analytics that you use exclusively to demonstrate product capabilities to existing or prospective clients.
    For Analytics, demo accounts are currently available only for Universal Analytics 360 accounts. Details about Google Analytics 4 360 demo accounts will be available at a later date.

You link a house account to your own Sales Partner organization:

Sales Partner organization > Products > House account

You link a demo account to a demo organization that is a child of your Sales Partner organization:

Sales Partner organization > Sales > Clients > Demo organization > Products > Demo account

House accounts


Your company must have accepted the partner-program terms of service, which is a required step in the partner application process.

Available product accounts

Google provides Sales Partners free accounts for the following products:

  • Analytics 360
  • Tag Manager 360
  • Optimize 360

Attribution and Audience Center are not available as free accounts.

Approved use cases

Using the product account for its intended purposes with regard to your own company’s assets. For example, using Analytics to gather data from your company website.

Demonstrating product capabilities to existing and prospective clients. For these types of demonstrations, you use your own company data.

Training opportunities.

Prohibited use cases

Using the product account for its intended purposes with regard to your clients’ assets. For example, using Analytics to gather data from a client website, whether or not the client is paying for that service.

Google monitors use of house accounts for prohibited activity.

Demo accounts


Your company must be party to a Master Sales Partner Agreement, and have the relevant product Order Form on file.

You must be certified for the type of product for which you request a demo account.

Available product accounts

Google provides Sales Partners free accounts for the following products:

  • Analytics 360
  • Tag Manager 360
  • Optimize 360

Attribution and Audience Center are not available as free accounts.

Approved use cases

Demonstrating product capabilities to existing and prospective clients. For these types of demonstrations, you can use your own company data or data from an asset you create specifically for the purpose of demonstration, e.g., a site on which you implement Ecommerce tracking and artificially generate traffic.

Training opportunities.

Prohibited use cases

Using the product account for its intended purposes with regard to your clients’ assets. For example, using Analytics to gather data from a client website, whether or not the client is paying for that service.

Google monitors use of demo accounts for prohibited activity.


You can link any number of product accounts to an organization, but you can link a product account to only one organization at a time.

Google will upgrade your product accounts from standard to 360 as follows:

  • House accounts
    • Analytics 360: 5 Analytics properties
    • Tag Manager 360: 2 Tag Manager accounts
    • Optimize 360: 2 Analytics properties linked to Optimize
  • Demo accounts
    • Analytics 360: 5 Analytics properties
    • Tag Manager 360: 2 Tag Manager accounts
    • Optimize 360: 2 Analytics properties linked to Optimize

How to get house and demo accounts

  1. Make sure you and your colleagues are familiar with the organization structure. Enabling a product account as a house or demo account associates the product account with your company organization, so it may no longer appear as a personal account to you and your colleagues. Learn more
  2. Ensure that you have signed the Master Reseller Agreement and have an Order Form on file for each product type for which you want a house or demo account.
  3. Decide which product accounts to link to your Partner Organization (house accounts) and which accounts should be linked to the demo organization (demo accounts).
  4. Link your product accounts to your Partner Organization or the demo organization (demo organizations must be configured by your Channel Manager first). Learn more
  5. Upgrade assets:
    • House accounts: Upgrade House Account assets to the 360 service level via the standard upgrade process.
    • Demo accounts: Complete this form to request a product upgrade from standard to 360. Upgrade requests are reviewed on a monthly basis. Once your request is processed, you will be notified by the Google team.
  6. Let your colleagues know about the new configuration of your company product accounts.


For assistance, please consult the following resources:

If you are unable to resolve your issue, please reach out to the Google Marketing Platform support team or your Channel Manager for guidance.

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