About Manufacturer Center

Manufacturer Center allows manufacturers to provide better and more accurate information about their products to improve the shopping experience on Google.com, and other Google services.


  • Get comprehensive analytics. Review impressions, clicks, and other performance metrics against category benchmarks and compare the impact of your products and brands on Shopping ads.
  • Improve your presence on Google. Boost the prominence and discoverability of your products and their ability to attract customer interest.
  • Highlight your products on Google Search and the Shopping tab with accurate and rich product content. Add pictures and descriptive information that are generally preferred over those provided by sellers, and consider a "From the Manufacturer" section to enhance your product’s Google Shopping page.


Manufacturer Center accounts are available for brand manufacturers and brand owners of products distributed in the following countries:

Algeria flag Algeria Angola flag Angola Argentina flag Argentina Australia flag Australia
Austria flag Austria Bahrain flag Bahrain Bangladesh flag Bangladesh Belarus flag Belarus
Belgium flag Belgium Brazil Flag Brazil Cambodia flag Cambodia Cameroon flag Cameroon
Canada flag Canada Chile Flag Chile China flag China Columbia flag icon Colombia
Costa Rica flag Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire flag Cote d'Ivoire Czech Republic Flag Czech Republic Denmark
Dominican Republic flag Dominican Republic Ecuador flag Ecuador Egypt flag Egypt Ethiopia flag Ethiopia
Finland flag Finland France France Georgia flag Georgia Germany flag Germany
Ghana flag Ghana Greece flag Greece Guatemala flag Guatemala Hong Kong Hong Kong
Hungary flag Hungary India India Indonesia Indonesia Ireland Ireland
Israel flag icon Israel Italian Flag Italy Japan Flag Japan Jordan flag Jordan
Kazakhstan flag Kazakhstan Kenya flag Kenya Republic of Korea flag Republic
of Korea
Kuwait flag Kuwait
Lebanon flag Lebanon Madagascar flag Madagascar Malaysia Malaysia Mauritius flag Mauritius
Mexico flag icon Mexico Morocco flag Morocco Mozambique flag Mozambique Myanmar flag Myanmar
Nepal flag Nepal Netherlands flag Netherlands New Zealand flag New Zealand Nicaragua flag Nicaragua
Nigeria flag Nigeria Norway flag Norway Oman flag Oman Pakistan flag Pakistan
Panama flag Panama Paraguay flag Paraguay Peru flag Peru The Philippines Philippines
Poland flag Poland Portugal flag Portugal Puerto Rico flag Puerto Rico Romanian flag icon Romania
Russia flag icon Russia Saudi Arabia flag Saudi Arabia Senegal flag Senegal Singapore Singapore
Slovakia flag icon Slovakia South Africa South Africa Spain flag icon Spain Sri Lanka flag Sri Lanka
Sweden Sweden Switzerland flag icon Switzerland Taiwan Taiwan Tanzania flag Tanzania
Thailand flag Thailand Tunisia flag Tunisia Turkey Flag Turkey United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Uganda flag Uganda Ukraine flag Ukraine United Kingdom United Kingdom United States United States
Uruguay flag Uruguay Uzbekistan flag Uzbekistan Venezuela flag Venezuela Vietnam flag Vietnam
    Zambia flag Zambia Zimbabwe flag Zimbabwe    

How it works

Manufacturer Center is a free platform that allows you to upload and manage detailed product information about brands you own or license. Rich product information includes images, titles, descriptions, or YouTube videos. The information you share and manage in Manufacturer Center helps improve the likelihood that someone searching for a product like yours will find your product.

To get started, follow the account creation steps in our beginners guide.

When your account is set up, you can upload and manage your own data or work with a data partner. Learn more about how to work with data partners

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