Delete your Manufacturer Center account

You can delete your Manufacturer Center account at any time. After deleting your account, you’ll immediately lose all access to the account. You can’t recover a Manufacturer Center account after you delete it.

This article covers how to delete your account, what to know before deleting your account, and what happens when your account has been deleted.

Before you delete your account

After you delete your account, you'll no longer have access to it. Make sure to download any data, reports, assets, or information that you want to keep.

How it works

Only admin users can delete a Manufacturer Center account. After you delete your account:

  • Users on the account will be immediately signed out, lose account access, and receive an email notifying them that the account has been deleted.
  • Any remaining products will be removed from your account.

Account deletion is permanent. After the account is deleted, it can’t be reactivated, and the data can’t be recovered. You can create a new Manufacturer Center account at any time, but your new account won't have any of the data from your deleted account.


To delete a Manufacturer Center account:

  1. Sign in to your Manufacturer Center account.
  2. Click the settings icon Image of settings icon in the navigation menu.
  3. Select Account settings.
  4. Click Account status.
  5. Review the disclaimer and click Delete account.

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