Government authorities requesting content removal

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If your request is related to YouTube products, please submit a separate notice using this form.
Your own name, even if you are making the request on behalf of someone else who you are authorized to represent. If you are representing someone else, you must have the legal authority to act on their behalf.
For more information about the format types (and how to obtain them) See the following articles: Clickstring, Ad transparency report Visible URL/Display URL, Final URL/Landing Page URL
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This is a request under the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993

This request is made under Article 6-4 of Law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy law (LCEN)

Issue Type

Refer to our help center page to select the most appropriate category in the dropdown list. Using the appropriate category helps us ensure the fastest possible response time.  

If you are reporting multiple pieces of content, please submit a separate notice for each issue type.

It concerns content:

This is a removal request under the Criminal Code Amendment (Sharing of Abhorrent Violent Material) Act 2019 (Cth).

This is a request from the eSafety Commissioner's office.
This is a request under the Online Safety Act of 2021 (Cth).
Is your complaint related to child sexual abuse material?

Please select the type of content for which you are making a request.

Please select the type of request you are making. *
Please select the type of request you are making. *
Please select the type of request you are making. *
Please confirm a complaint has been made to the Commissioner *
Please confirm you have assessed the content and are satisfied the material is  cyber-bullying material targeted at an Australian child or cyber-abuse material targeted at an Australian adult *
Please confirm that a complaint or objection notice has been made to the Commissioner. *
Please confirm you have assessed the content and are satisfied the material is non-consensual intimate imagery.  *
Please confirm you have assessed the content and are satisfied the material is Class 1 Material. *
Please confirm you have assessed the content and are satisfied the material is Class 2 Material *
Is your issue related to non-consensual explicit imagery or child sexual abuse material?

Are you the subject of the image or video (or their legal representative)?

I confirm that the content I am reporting is illegal sexual content under the Telecommunications Business Act Article 22-5(1) and Enforcement Decree of the said Act Article 30-5(2).
This form is only for removing content that is still live on the website. If the content is no longer on the website but still appears in Google search results or as a cached page, please use the Outdated URL removal tool.
Please click here if you're submitting a request under the Online Sexual Abuse or Exploitation of Children (OSAEC) Act.
Please click here if you're submitting a request under the Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons (EATIP) Act.
Please click to confirm if you're submitting a request under the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act (FICA).
Please select the relevant request under the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act (FICA).
Please select the relevant request under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA).
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Note: If you are reporting web page URLs, please also provide specific URLs of the images you find infringing on the page. Learn how to find an image URL here.

If you’ve already provided image URLs or URLs starting with or in the field above, you can proceed to the next step. 

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Please attach information to enable us to locate the abusive behavior, such as:

Important: Child sexual abuse imagery is illegal and should not be shared through this form.  Do not take or include screenshots containing child sexual abuse imagery or any content that presents someone under 18 in a sexual manner. Please only add the relevant URLs you need to report.  Learn how to report child sexual abuse imagery.
Google's autocomplete and our related search features help users save time by attempting to predict their query before they've finished typing. Google does not manually select these terms. Instead, we use algorithms to detect patterns based on data sources including user search queries. If you would like to report a prediction that you think violates the law in your country, please provide the following information.
What did you type?
Important: If the keywords that were used to search for the reported content are being displayed as Autocomplete / Related Search predictions and you wish to also report them, please submit another request after you have completed this form. You can use the same form link and select “Autocomplete and Related Search” as the product in question.  Filling in the above field on this current form will not guarantee that the keywords will be reviewed and removed from Autocomplete / Related Search.
Please enter the predicted word or phrase as it appears on your screen. Do not enter a URL.
If multiple Google products are affected, please submit a separate notice for each affected product.
By typing your full name below, you are providing us with your digital signature, which is as legally binding as your physical signature. Your signature must exactly match the first and last names that you entered at the top of this form in order for your submission to be successful.
Your signature must exactly match the first and last names that you entered at the top of this form
Signed on this date of Sun, 22 Sep 2024

For valid requests submitted through this form resulting in removal action, Google Search may filter explicit results for similar searches in the future.

Note: While Google will do its best to filter explicit results, we cannot guarantee that we'll catch everything.

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