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Showcase your app with YouTube videos on Google Play

Note: Promotional content is available for apps that meet our eligibility criteria for premium growth tools.

You can engage your audience on Google Play by featuring YouTube videos on your app's store listing or other prominent areas on the Play Store.


By adding one or more YouTube channels or playlists via Play Console, you can showcase your app's features, gameplay, and updates to re-engage users and attract new ones, which can have a number of benefits:

  • Increased visibility: Your videos will be displayed on your app's store listing and may also appear in high-traffic areas like the Games tab.
  • Enhanced engagement: Showcase your app's unique features and content to captivate users and encourage them to install or re-engage with your app.
  • Improved discoverability: Help new users discover your app through engaging video content.

Note: Google Play Partner Program for Games participants must submit promotional content at least 14 days in advance of the event start date in order to experience the quality feedback benefit.

Featuring YouTube videos on Google Play

You can request to feature YouTube videos on Google Play by following each of the steps below.

Prerequisite: Request necessary permissions

To submit YouTube videos, you'll need the Manage store presence permission in Play Console. If you don't have it, request access from your account owner or admin.

Step 1: Organize your YouTube video content

Create YouTube channels or playlists dedicated to your app. If you want to  cater for specific languages and users in different countries/regions, you can add multiple channels or playlists. We recommend organizing videos by language or theme for optimal user experience.

When your content is organized, it may be helpful to make a note of the URL for each channel or playlist you plan to submit. This will save you time in step 2 below.

Ensure your videos comply with the guidelines below, and avoid common issues, to make sure they are eligible to be shown on Google Play.

Guidelines for YouTube Videos on Google Play


To ensure your videos are eligible to appear on Google Play, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Video visibility: Videos must be public (not private or unlisted). Playlists can be listed or unlisted.
  • Monetization: Disable monetization on all videos.
  • Ownership: Videos must be owned by your app or game.
  • Copyright: Videos must not contain any copyrighted material.
  • Video format: YouTube Shorts and live videos are not supported.
  • Embeddable: Videos must be embeddable. You can check your video settings on YouTube to confirm.
Common issues


We won't approve any videos that violate our guidelines. Here are some common issues to watch out for:

  • Monetized videos
  • YouTube Shorts
  • Live videos
  • Private videos
  • Copyrighted content
  • Videos with takedown claims
  • Videos blocked in specific countries
  • Videos that are not embeddable

Step 2: Submit your content in Play Console

  1. Open Play Console and go to the YouTube Videos page (Grow users > Store Presence > YouTube Videos).
  2. Enter the URL of your YouTube channel or playlist. You can add multiple channels or playlists for different languages and regions. In this case, specify the language of your channel or playlist so that we can show it to users with matching language settings. Each channel or playlist should have videos in a single language.

Important: Ensure your videos comply with the guidelines above.

After submitting your playlists, you can manage them from the YouTube Videos page in Play Console. This page provides a summary of all your submitted content, including:

  • Languages and countries covered by each channel or playlist
  • Status of each submission

You can also filter this list by audience to easily manage your videos.

Optional: Track the performance of your YouTube video content

While we're working on enhancing reporting features within the Play Console, you can track the performance of your videos using YouTube Analytics.

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