View app statistics

You can view statistics for individual apps using the Play Console web version or app.

Find and review your app's data

Available reports

There are several pages in Play Console where you can review your app's installs, uninstalls, ratings, revenue, and crashes data.

  • Dashboard page: Overview of key metrics, trends, notifications, and insights.
  • Statistics page: Customizable, detailed reports with key metrics and dimensions displayed in two tabs which are as follows:
    • App statistics: Absolute data for your app which you can use to track performance.
    • Compare to peers: Relative performance data which has been normalized for scale, so you can compare with peer groups.


To view your app's dashboard, do the following:

  1. Open Play Console and select an app.
  2. On the left menu, click Dashboard. You'll see different sections with cards that show your app's recent performance data and key insights by set time periods.
    • Near the top right of each section, you can click the expand and collapse icons to see more information about what matters most to you.
    • Many sections have links next to their titles that’ll take you to relevant detailed reports.
    • On most cards, you get more information by clicking a link near the bottom right of the card.

Note: For details on a specific metric, hover over the question mark icon .

Customize the KPIs on your dashboard

You can customize and pin the precise metrics that matter to you in a personalized KPIs section at the top of your dashboard. Customizing your KPIs won't change any settings for other users in your developer account.

To customize the KPIs on your dashboard, do the following:

  1. Open Play Console and select an app.
  2. On the left menu, click Dashboard.
  3. Scroll down to the "Your KPIs" section.
  4. Click Choose KPIs.
  5. Browse the "All available metrics" section to find your KPIs. You can either create your own or choose from the suggested KPIs which include the following:
    • User growth and loss: Unique user acquisitions, audience growth, and churn.
    • Device growth and loss: Individual device installs, uninstalls, and updates; install base growth.
    • Store listing performance: Visitors and conversions from your store listing.
    • Engagement: Active user reports including Daily Active Users, 28-Day Active users, and returning users.
    • Quality: Insights into the quality of your app, including crashes, ANRs, and ratings.
    • Other dashboard cards: Cards you find in other sections of the app dashboard.
  6. Click + Add to KPIs to pin a metric to your dashboard and configure it to suit your needs. Consider the following:
    • KPI name: Enter a card name that helps you to quickly identify and contextualize the KPI (for example, "My most important devices").
    • Dimension: Choose the dimensions you want to view and display. You can display custom selections or totals like "Top 5," which automatically configures the top five from your chosen dimension.
  7. When you’ve finished adding your KPIs, you can order your selections by dragging and dropping them in the "Selected KPIs" section. You can also reorder your KPIs here in the future.
  8. Save your changes.

Tip: In addition to the metrics outlined above, you can also add any other tile on your dashboard to your KPIs. Just click the three dots at the top right of the relevant tile, and click Add to KPIs.

Statistics page

Note: As of July 2019, we made major updates to our metrics to make your stats more comprehensive and useful. To learn more about these updates, go to the Android Developers site.

To better understand your app's performance, you can use the Statistics page to compare metrics, select custom date ranges, and view data by dimensions. You can also compare growth rate metrics with peer groups on Google Play to understand how your app is performing.

Tip: The updated metrics may have affected the way you set up and understand your reports. We recommend you take the time to understand the changes so that you can configure the metrics to generate reports that are compatible with your previous data.

Set up your report

  1. Open Play Console and go to the Statistics page.
  2. To view your app's absolute performance, remain in the App statistics tab (the default tab). To view normalized metrics and benchmarks, select the Compare to Peers tab.
  3. At the top right of your screen, select the date range you want to view.
    • ​To compare data from two date ranges, move the "Compare" switch to the right until it turns blue, and then select a second date range.
  4. In the "Configure report" section, select the metric you want to view using the blue down arrow.
    • Note: Some metrics have tertiary options. For example, you can configure User acquisitions to show new users, returning users, or all users.
  5. Define how the metric is calculated and displayed (your chosen metric will determine what options are available to you). Consider the following:
    • Use Event type to specify what you want to calculate which are as follows:
      • All events: Every instance of an event, such as every time your app is installed.
      • Unique: The number of unique users or devices that experience an event, such as the number of unique devices that install your app.
        • Note: Unique is only available for acquisition and churn metrics when you select weekly or longer intervals.
    • Use Metric calculation to specify how you’d like the following data to be calculated:
      • Per interval: The data collected in each time interval, such as the number of first-time installers each month.
      • 30-day rolling average: The average from the data collected over the preceding 30 days.
    • Use Time intervals to specify the intervals you’d like to aggregate data over the following periods:
      • Hourly (only available for periods of 30 days or fewer)
      • Daily
      • Calendar Weekly
      • Calendar Monthly
      • Quarterly
        • Note: Longer intervals will become available for some metrics as data becomes available over time.
  6. If you want to plot a second metric to compare to the first, click Add a metric. You can configure your second metric as described above.
  7. Select the down arrow to choose the dimensions you want to apply, such as countries or Android versions, to display on the chart displayed below your selections.
  8. If you want to plot a subset of a dimension such as a specific version of Android or country, click Add.

Select your dimensions

After you set up your report, a table and chart are displayed that show your app's data for the time period that you select. To view detailed data by day, select a date on the chart.

The following are the dimensions available on your Statistics page:

  • Android Version: Android OS version reported from the user's device
  • Device: User's device Marketing Name and Device Name (for example, Google Nexus 7/Flo)
  • Country: User's country
  • Language: User's Android OS language setting
  • Carrier: User's wireless carrier (when applicable)
  • Channel: How users launch your instant app
    • Note: When viewing channel data, clicking Try Now will launch your instant app from your store listing.
  • Form factor: The form factor your app is installed on.
  • App version: The version of your app installed on the user's device.

Save and view quick reports

If you set up a report with metrics and dimensions that you want to reuse later, you can save your report settings by selecting Save to quick reports under the report’s date range.

After you add a title and save your quick report, you can view your quick reports by selecting Quick reports > Saved reports near the top of the page.

Export your report

After you set up your report, you can export it as a CSV file by selecting Export report next to the title of the chart.

Evaluate your data

See how your app's growth rate compares to peers

You can use the Compare to peers tab to understand how your selected metrics are performing in relation to groups of peer apps from one period to the next. The relative performance data on this tab is normalized for scale, allowing you to judge your performance against key areas of the ecosystem, so you can tell if your app is performing well or not in comparison to your peer groups.

The following are two selectors available:

  • Peer group: Use the Peer group selector to choose a set of apps to compare your app with.
  • Country: Filter your report to a specific country or region.

Note: Comparisons will be available when there are enough apps with the specified peer group matching your chosen metric.

Easily see the dimensions that have impacted your data the most

The "Change analysis" chart automatically evaluates the first period of your selected time range and the final one with full data. It highlights the dimensions that have changed the most to allow you to understand the biggest contributors to your trends.

Comparison tips

The following are ways you can use metric comparisons to analyze app performance:

  • Compare your app's total users and uninstalls over time.
  • Compare your app's crashes and daily average review score before and after a release that addressed stability.
  • Compare your apps' daily uninstall rate to the 30-day rolling average uninstall rate to evaluate how daily variations contribute to overall trends.
See how events affect your app's metrics

You can see how changes to your app affect specific metrics using the events timeline. By combining your app's data with the dates of key events, you can quickly see things like the following:

  • How a sale affects revenue.
  • How the rollout of a new release affects crashes.
  • How a subscription price change affects the number of buyers.

After you've configured a report on the Statistics or Subscriptions page, the events timeline appears under the dates on your chart. Hover over each dot to see the event description. Larger dots indicate multiple events on the same day.


Some metrics are calculated based on data from users who have agreed to share their data with developers in aggregate. The metrics that we provide in Play Console are adjusted to more closely reflect data from all of your users.

Tip: To view aggregated reports, you can download monthly reports.

Install-related statistics

Installation data is based on Pacific Time (PT).

Metric Definition


An individual Google Play user; a user may have multiple devices.

Active users

The number of users who have your app installed on at least one device and have used the device in the past 30 days.

User acquisitions

The number of users who installed your app and did not have it installed on any other devices at the time. This includes users who activate a device on which your app is preinstalled or reactivate a device.

User loss

The number of users who uninstalled your app from all of their devices or stopped using any devices that your app is installed on for over 30 days (making them inactive).

New users

Users who installed your app for the first time.

Returning users

Users who installed your app having previously uninstalled it from all of their devices. This includes inactive users who become active again.

All users

New and returning users.


An Android device associated with a user. If a device is reset or transferred to a different user, it’s counted as a new device.

Active devices

The number of active devices on which your app is installed. An active device is one that has been turned on at least once in the past 30 days.

Device acquisition

The number of devices that users have installed your app on. This includes devices on which your app is preinstalled.

Device loss

The number of devices from which users uninstalled your app. This includes when a device has not been used in over 30 days (making them inactive).

New devices

Devices on which users installed your app for the first time.

Returning devices

Devices on which your app is installed and had been installed previously. This includes inactive devices that become active again.

All devices

New and returning devices.

Device updates

The number of devices on which your app has been updated.

Device loss after update

The number of devices from which your app was uninstalled after the app has recently been updated.

Install events

The number of times your app was installed, including devices on which the app had been installed previously. This does not include preinstalls or device reactivations.

Uninstall events

The number of times your app was uninstalled. This does not include inactive devices.

Daily Active Users (DAU)

The number of users who opened your app on a given day.

Monthly Active Users (MAU)

The number of users who opened your app in a rolling 28-day period.

Monthly returning users

The number of users who opened your app on a given day and on at least one other day in the 28-day period.

Store listing acquisitions

The number of users that visited your store listing and installed your app, who did not have your app installed on any device.

Store listing visitors

The number of users that visited your store listing who did not have your app installed on any device.

Loss rate The ratio of User loss (people who have uninstalled your app from all of their devices) to Installed Audience (people who have your app installed on at least one device that has been turned on in the last 30 days).
Monthly returning user rate The ratio of your Monthly returning users (people who opened your app on a given day and at least one other day in the previous 27 days) to your Monthly Active Users (people who opened your app on in a 28-day period).

Ratings data is based on Pacific Time (PT).

Tip: To learn more about your app’s ratings, you can compare and analyze your app’s ratings data.

Metric Definition
Average rating Average star rating your app has received across all ratings submitted.

Ratings volume

Number of ratings submitted.
Cumulative average rating Average star rating your app received across all ratings submitted up to and including the past day. For each user submitting a rating, only their most recent rating of the app is counted.
Google Play rating Your current rating shown to users on Google Play. This is calculated based on your recent ratings.

Financial data is based on the UTC time zone. You can view financial data if you have the View financial data permission.

Tip: To learn more about your app’s revenue, you can view detailed revenue breakdowns.

Metric Definition


Total revenue for the time period selected, including any applicable sales, in-app products, and subscriptions. Revenue data is based on estimated sales (amounts paid by buyers, including tax).

Total revenue

Total revenue your app has generated since launch. This is based on estimated sales and includes any tax or other fees.
Buyers Number of unique users who made a purchase in your app.
New buyers

Unique users who make a purchase in your app for the first time.

Cumulative buyers

Total number of unique users who have ever made a purchase in your app.

Average revenue per Daily Active User

Gross daily revenue divided by Daily Active Users. All currency is USD, time zone is PST8PDT, to enable comparisons with peer apps.

Average revenue per Monthly Active User

Gross total revenue over a 28-day period divided by Monthly Active Users (28-day rolling). All currency is USD, time zone is PST8PDT, to enable comparisons with peer apps.

Purchases per Daily Active User

Daily purchases divided by Daily Active Users.

Purchases per Monthly Active User

Total purchases over a 28-day period divided by Monthly Active Users (28-day rolling).

Purchases per daily buyer

The average number of purchases made each day by daily buyers (users who make at least one purchase in a day).

Purchases per monthly buyer

The average number of purchases made over 28 days by monthly buyers (people who make at least one purchase in a 28-day period).

Daily buyer ratio

The percentage of Daily Active Users who made at least one purchase in that day.

Monthly buyer ratio

The percentage of Monthly Active Users (people who open your app at least once in 28 days) who made at least one purchase in that 28-day period.

Daily average purchase value

Gross daily revenue divided by the number of purchases on that day.

Monthly average purchase value

28-day gross revenue divided by the number of purchases over that period.

Crashes and application not responding errors (ANRs)

Crashes and ANR data are based on Pacific Time (PT).

Tip: To learn more about your app’s crashes and ANRs, you can view data on individual errors and deobfuscate crash stack traces.

Metric Definition
Crashes Crash reports collected from Android devices whose users have opted in to automatically share usage and diagnostics data.
ANRs Application not responding (ANR) reports collected from Android devices whose users have opted in to automatically share usage and diagnostics data.
Android Instant Apps

If you have published an Android Instant App, the following data is available on the Statistics page. Android Instant Apps data is based on Pacific Time (PT). To distribute an instant app, learn how to create and roll out a release.

Note: For privacy reasons, Google doesn't display instant app data when there are a low number of users.

Metric Definition
Launches by device Number of unique devices that launch your instant app at least once each day.
Launch events Number of times your instant app is opened each day.
Conversion events Number of times in a day your full app was installed on a device that previously launched your instant app.

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